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Definition of terms

This section presents the different words and significant term used in the study.
Both operational and conceptual definitions are provided.
Interactive play. Conceptually, this term describes the way in which children play
together and engage with one another, or how they engage with and use toys during
play. It is through this type of play that from a very early age, children begin to interact
with the world around them and learn social skills such as sharing, turn taking, and
communication (Le Toy Van, 2020).
In this study, it refers to use by teacher to enhance the social skills of students with
special needs.

Puzzle. Conceptually, this term is a toy, problem, or other contrivance designed

to amuse by presenting difficulties to be solved by ingenuity or patient effort.
In this study, it is used as material by the teachers in enhancing the social
skills of students with special needs.
Instructional methods. Conceptually, this term are kinds of instructional ways or
activities used to guide the facilitation of learning in each phase of
the instructional process. There are hundreds of variations. Examples are lectures, case
studies, journals, blogs, storytelling, peer feedback, quizzes, performances,
brainstorming, videotaping and review, etc. (Encyclopedia).
In this study, it is used as method by the teachers in enhancing the social skills of
students with special needs.
Age. Conceptually, this term refers to the length of time that a person has lived or a
thing has existed (Campbell, 2016).
In this study, it is an independent variable referring to the number of years a
respondent has lived.
Sex. Conceptually, this term refers to the state of being male or female (Shiek, 2019)
In this study, the term refer to independent variable relating to two categories: male or

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