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Received: 31 May 2022 Revised: 29 August 2022 Accepted: 19 October 2022

DOI: 10.1111/phen.12398


Between-partner concordance of vertically transmitted gut

microbiota diminishes reproductive output in the dung beetle
Onthophagus taurus

Anna L. M. Macagno | Armin P. Moczek

Department of Biology, Indiana University, Abstract

Bloomington, Indiana, USA
In this study, we explored the potential contribution of the gut microbiome to reproduc-
Correspondence tive isolation in tunnelling dung beetles, using Onthophagus taurus (Schreber, 1759) and
Anna L. M. Macagno, Department of Biology,
its sister species O. illyricus (Scopoli, 1763) as a model system (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae:
Indiana University, 915 East Third Street,
102 Myers Hall, Bloomington, IN 47405-7107, Scarabaeinae: Onthophagini). Gut microbiota play critical roles in normative develop-
ment of these beetles, and are vertically inherited via a maternally derived faecal pellet
called the pedestal. We first compared the developmental outcomes of individuals reared
Funding information with pedestals derived from either the same or the sister species (Self and Cross inocula-
John Templeton Foundation, Grant/Award
Number: 61369; National Science Foundation, tion treatments, respectively). We then crossed the resulting adult O. taurus in three
Grant/Award Number: 1901680 combinations (Self female X Self male; Self female X Cross male; Cross female X Self male).
We predicted that if the vertically transmitted gut microbiome plays a role in reproduc-
tive isolation by facilitating species recognition, the Self X Self line would have improved
reproductive outcomes compared to the lines in which partners had mismatched gut
microbiomes. Instead, we found that between-partner concordance of maternally trans-
mitted gut microbiota resulted in fewer offspring, and that this reduction was due to par-
tial pre-copulatory isolation as evidenced by reduced sperm transfer in the Self X Self
line. This pattern is consistent either with microbiome-mediated familiarity/kin recogni-
tion, or with absence of mate choice in crosses with mismatched microbiomes. We dis-
cuss our results in the light of recent research on the influence of extracellular microbial
symbionts over insects’ mating preferences.

kin recognition, mate choice, microbial symbionts, Onthophagus illyricus, prezygotic isolation,
reproductive isolation

I N T R O D U CT I O N ranging from nutrient metabolism, immunological and physiological

homeostasis, detoxification, and cuticle synthesis (Engl & Kaltenpoth,
Microbial symbionts and their hosts are increasingly recognized to 2018; Jang & Kikuchi, 2020; Lee et al., 2017; Ma et al., 2021; Pernice
interact in ways able to shape each other’s evolutionary history (Gilbert et al., 2014). Interestingly, insect gut-inhabiting microbes often exhibit
et al., 2012; Lim & Bordenstein, 2020; McFall-Ngai et al., 2013). Among phylosymbiosis, i.e. “patterns of microbiome composition that can be
insects, the gut microbiome in particular contributes to host fitness by predicted by host phylogeny” (Lim & Bordenstein, 2020; Mallott &
playing diverse roles in several fundamental physiological functions, Amato, 2021). Several mechanisms have been proposed as drivers of

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Physiological Entomology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological Society.

14 Physiological Entomology. 2023;48:14–23.

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such patterns, including microbial effects on host viability and early stages of macroevolutionary divergence (Parker et al., 2021), and
selection—instances where microbial symbionts affect host physiology in the effects of the vertically transmitted gut microbiome on host repro-
ways that alter host responses to selective pressures, thereby shaping duction. Recent work has shown that (i) the microbiota contained in
host evolution (Mallott & Amato, 2021). In principle, these associations the pedestal are crucial for the offspring’s normative development and
should be particularly evolutionarily consequential in the context of fitness, especially under stressful conditions (Schwab et al., 2016); that
reproduction, potentially leading to host diversification and ultimately (ii) the benefits conferred to the offspring are at least partially species-
speciation. For example, Morimoto et al. (2017) found both direct and specific, as inoculation with a different species’ pedestal fails to fully
transgenerational effects on mating and reproduction following gut rescue the fitness of developing hosts (Parker et al., 2019, 2021); and
microbiota manipulations in Drosophila melanogaster. Strikingly, the gut that (iii) adult gut microbiota composition is shaped by both the local
microbiome was also found to be responsible for hybrid breakdown in environment as well as the maintenance of a putative core microbiome,
Nasonia parasitoid wasps (Brucker & Bordenstein, 2013). However, no providing partial evidence of phylosymbiosis (Ebert et al., 2021;
clear evidence of a direct, post-zygotic effect of extracellular gut Mallott & Amato, 2021; Parker et al., 2020). Lastly, well-documented
microbes on hybrid viability has been found in other insects so far (Miller occurrences of kleptoparasitism in this tribe (e.g. Cambefort & Hanski,
et al., 2021). At the same time, a growing research body has focused on 1991; Crowe et al., 2013; Davis & Huijbregts, 2000; Emlen et al., 2005;
microbe-induced traits that associate with changes in the hosts’ behav- Martín Piera & Lobo, 1993) implicate that larval development in the
iour, with the potential to create premating or post-mating-prezygotic presence of an alien gut microbiome—and its potential consequences
barriers to interbreeding (reviewed in Shropshire & Bordenstein, 2016; on reproduction—are likely to occur in the wild.
Engl & Kaltenpoth, 2018). In this context, the gut microbiome has been In this study, we leveraged a well-characterized Onthophagus sis-
found to affect mating preference in a few select host systems. For ter species pair—O. taurus and O. illyricus—to start exploring the
example, Lizé et al. (2014) provided evidence for a role of gut bacteria in potential contribution of the vertically transmitted gut microbiome to
kin recognition in Drosophila. Here, the microbiome appears to affect reproductive isolation in tunnelling dung beetles. Although ecologi-
copulation preference as a function of familiarity (D. bifasciata) and diet cally and phenotypically similar, and frequently co-occurring within
(D. melanogaster), potentially via changes in the composition of the hosts’ the same dung pads in areas of sympatry (Macagno et al., 2016), these
cuticular hydrocarbon compounds (García-Roa et al., 2022; Lewis et al., sister species last shared a common ancestor 3–4 Mya, and do not
2014). Intriguingly, Sharon et al. (2010, 2011) also showed that some appear to hybridize in the wild (Pizzo et al., 2006). To explore whether
components of the gut microbiome of two D. melanogaster lines reared the gut microbiota may be contributing to host reproductive isolation
on different food sources were responsible for assortative mating—an in Onthophagus, we performed reciprocal gut microbiome transplants
observation that hints at a potential role for microbial symbionts in between O. taurus and O. illyricus and subsequent controlled crosses.
reproductive isolation and ecological speciation. However, the signifi- First, we compared the developmental outcomes of beetles reared
cance of these findings for host divergence and speciation is debated, with pedestals derived from either the same (self-inoculated, Self ) or
because associations between host and gut microbes in Drosophila are the sister species (cross-inoculated, Cross). We then crossed self- and
rather labile and mainly driven by diet, which varies across an individual’s cross-inoculated O. taurus in three combinations (Self female X Self
lifetime. An evolutionary host/gut microbiota association that has the male; Self female X Cross male; Cross female X Self male). We pre-
potential to initiate reproductive isolation, therefore, appears more likely dicted that if the vertically transmitted gut microbiome plays a role in
in hosts where there is either stable vertical transmission of gut- reproductive isolation by facilitating species recognition (e.g. Fischer
associated microbial symbionts, or recurrent exposure to parental gut et al., 2017), the line in which both partners were provided an
microbes in each subsequent generation (Leftwich et al., 2017, 2018), as O. taurus pedestal would have improved reproductive outcomes com-
has recently been documented for several dung beetle species. pared to those in which partners had mismatched gut microbiomes.
Tunnelling dung beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) mainly uti- Alternatively, reproductive isolation via familiarity/kin recognition
lize mammalian dung for feeding and breeding, relying on their gut (Lizé et al., 2014) may manifest in improved reproductive outcomes of
microbiome to digest their recalcitrant diet (Ebert et al., 2021; Estes the lines pairing self-inoculated with cross-inoculated partners.
et al., 2013; Frank et al., 2017; Schwab et al., 2016; Schwab et al.,
2017; Shukla et al., 2016). In the Onthophagini tribe, which encom-
passes high species diversity including many closely-related species M A T E R I A L S A N D M ET H O D S
complexes (e.g. Breeschoten et al., 2016; Génier & Moretto, 2017;
Joaqui et al., 2019; Macagno et al., 2011; Moctezuma & Halffter, Beetle collection and common garden rearing
2020; Pizzo et al., 2006; Roy et al., 2016), dams provision dung for
developing offspring in the form of buried brood balls. Within each Adult Onthophagus illyricus and O. taurus F0 were field-collected in
brood ball, mothers position a single egg on top of a pedestal—a June 2021 on cattle pastures in central Italy (Pian di Rolla, Scheggia e
maternal faecal secretion which is consumed by newly hatched larvae Pascelupo, Province of Perugia) and North Carolina, USA (Maple View
(Estes et al., 2013; Halffter & Edmonds, 1982). Onthophagini dung Farm, Hillsborough), respectively. Beetles were shipped to Blooming-
beetles thus provide a promising model system to investigate the con- ton, IN, and kept at 24 C and 16:8-h light–dark cycle in monospecific
servation and diversification in host–microbiome interactions at the laboratory colonies provided with standardized soil (one part sifted
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topsoil, two parts sand) and antibiotic-free cow dung ad lib., as

described in Macagno et al. (2015). All soil utilized in rearing was pre-
viously sterilized in autoclave at 121 C for 60 minutes. Dung from
grass-fed cattle was collected in the spring and summer 2021 from
pastures within Marble Hill Farm (Monroe Co, IN) and preserved at
20 C for at least four weeks. Prior to the experiment, dung was
thawed and thoroughly homogenized using a hand-held cement mixer
to avoid differences in offspring size and fitness that might be due to
uncontrolled differences in food quality (Hunt & Simmons, 2002).

First generation: Developmental outcomes of self- and

cross-inoculated Onthophagus taurus and O. illyricus

After a two-month acclimation period within laboratory colonies, F0

females of both species were transferred to individual 1.4 L polypro-
pylene containers (Stor-All solutions, 27 cm  8 cm  8 cm) filled
with soil to a height of 21 cm and provided with 200 g dung, and
allowed to produce brood balls for five days. Each female was marked
F I G U R E 1 Experimental design. Onthophagus taurus F1
individually as in Macagno et al. (2021) and used in 1–4 weekly exper-
developed in the presence of either the maternally transmitted
imental rounds, until egg depletion, over the span of seven rounds in microbiome of an O. taurus mother different than their own (self-
total. Twenty-one (out of 46) O. illyricus and 23 (out of 39) O. taurus inoculated, self ), or of that of an O. illyricus mother (cross-inoculated,
females produced brood balls containing an egg. Following previously Cross). (a) Three or four mature, virgin F1 females and males were
established protocols (Parker et al., 2019, 2021; Schwab et al., 2016), housed in three replicate mating containers per line (SelfXSelf,
SelfXCross, CrossXSelf ) for at least one week. (b) Over the course of
we sifted brood balls out of the soil, opened them, and extracted F1
two consecutive ovipositing rounds, one or two dams from each
eggs and pedestals with flame-sterilized tweezers and scalpels,
replicate were transferred into individual 1.4 L containers filled with
respectively. We treated eggs with 150 μl of a sterilizing solution of moist soil, provided with unlimited access to dung and allowed to
1% bleach (final concentration 0.06% sodium hypochlorite) and 0.1% construct brood balls for either four (round 1) or seven days (round 2).
Triton-X 100 in deionized water, and rinsed them twice with 1 ml of (c) All brood balls (BBs) produced were harvested and incubated in
deionized water. We then placed surface-sterilized eggs individually individual 30 ml containers filled with moist soil. Upon adult
emergence, brood balls were removed and the F2 offspring left in
at the centre of standardized, artificially constructed brood balls
moist soil without access to food. Number of brood balls generated
within 12-well plates (Shafiei et al., 2001), providing them with either and F2 offspring are reported for each line
a pedestal from a different, conspecific mother (self-inoculation, Self )
or that of a mother of the sister species (cross-inoculation, Cross).
Eggs, pedestal donors, and individual wells within plates were O. taurus that were either self-inoculated with an O. taurus pedestal

assigned at random. Plates were stored at 24 C throughout beetle (Self ) or cross-inoculated with an O. illyricus pedestal (Cross) following
development and shuffled at least twice a week within the incubator the design outlined in Figure 1. We had originally planned to also exe-
to also randomize any potential microclimatic variation. Individuals cute the reciprocal approach in O. illyricus after a period of artificially-
were checked daily until egg hatching or failure, and then weekly on induced diapause (obligate in this species but not in North Carolinian
days 1, 3, and 5, starting seven days before adult emergence was O. taurus; pers. obs.; Parker et al., 2021). However, higher-than-
expected. We measured body size of all newly emerged F1 adults as anticipated mortality reduced individual availability to a degree that
the width of the prothorax to the nearest 0.01 cm, using a digital calli- prevented us from carrying out this portion of the original study
per. We then marked O. taurus by treatment, by clipping the inner dis- design. Instead, three or four mature, virgin F1 female and male
tal corner of either the left (Self ) or right elytron (Cross). We pooled O. taurus were housed in three replicate 1 L mating containers per line
marked adults in 8.5 L single-sex maturation containers with moist soil (SelfXSelf: 12 females in total; SelfXCross: 10 females; CrossXSelf:
and unlimited access to dung for a minimum of 10 days. 12 females) for at least one week. Mating containers were one-third
filled with moist soil and provided with 200 g dung that was replaced
once a week. Over the course of two consecutive ovipositing rounds,
Second generation: Reproductive outcomes of crosses one or two dams from each replicate were transferred into individual
among self- and cross-inoculated Onthophagus taurus containers set up as described above, and allowed to construct brood
balls for either four (round 1) or seven days (round 2). We measured
To explore whether between-partner concordance of vertically trans- dam’s body size to the nearest 0.01 cm with a digital calliper, as the
mitted microbiome may influence reproductive outcomes, we crossed width of the prothorax. Each dam was used either in the first or in the
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second ovipositing round—never in both—and frozen at 20 C there- First generation

after. All brood balls produced were harvested, cleaned of soil, and
weighed to the closest 0.001 g using a Mettler Toledo (AL 54) scale. Survival to adult eclosion, development time (time elapsed between

We incubated each brood ball at 24 C, in a 30 ml container (SOLO egg transfer and adult eclosion), body size (measured as prothoracic
cup) filled with moist soil, and checked them weekly on days 1, 3, and width), and sex ratio of the F1 were modelled as a function of species,
5 for emergence. Upon adult emergence, F2 offspring were weighed inoculation treatment (Self vs Cross), and their interaction. We entered
to the closest 0.0001 g and measured with a calliper as above. Brood maternal identity and twelve-well plate nested within experimental
balls were removed and adult beetles left without access to food in round as random factors.
moist soil, to prevent dehydration. We checked adults weekly on days
1, 3, and 5 until death. Dams that did not produce offspring were sub-
sequently thawed and dissected in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) to Second generation
check for the presence of sperm in their reproductive tract. To do so,
their spermatheca and bursa copulatrix were ruptured in 10 μl PBS on We modelled sperm transfer (as evidenced by presence of spermato-
a microscope slide, covered with a cover slip, and observed under a zoa in the female F1 reproductive tract, or successful reproduction) as
Nikon Labophot-2 microscope at x200 (Appendix S1). a function of line (SelfXSelf; SelfXCross; CrossXSelf ). Brood ball
(BB) mass, BB count, and F2 count were modelled as a function of line
and maternal body size. Mass at emergence, development time (time
Data analysis between F1 setup in ovipositing container and adult F2 emergence),
time survived as adult, and body size of the F2 were modelled as a
We used the lme4 package (Bates et al., 2015) in R 3.5.2 (R Core function of line, F2 sex, and their interaction, with BB mass as a covar-
Team, 2018) to fit general/generalized linear mixed models to our iate. Ovipositing round was included as a random factor in all models.
data, specifying the appropriate link function (identity for continuous For traits with only one measure per dam (BB and F2 count, sperm
variables, that is, size, mass, time; binomial for binary variables, that is, transfer), we entered mating container replicate as a random factor. In
survival, sperm transfer, sex ratio; Poisson for count variables; the analysis of all traits including multiple measures from each dam,
Crawley, 2007). We obtained type II ANOVA tables with the Anova() we grouped observations by dam nested within mating container
function in the car package (Fox & Weisberg, 2019), and summary replicate.
tables for model fits with the lmerTest package (Kuznetsova To avoid overfitting, random factors explaining 0 variance were
et al., 2017). removed starting from the higher order (Barr et al., 2013; Pasch et al.,

T A B L E 1 Coefficients of statistical models testing for the significance of species (O. taurus, O. illyricus) and inoculation treatment (inoculated
with a pedestal from a mother of the same species—Self—or from a mother of the sister species—Cross) on developmental outcomes of F1 reared
on standardized food quality/quantity. Rows show chi-square (χ 2) test statistics, resulting test probabilities (P), and estimated effect sizes (β) plus
or minus standard error (SE) for each response variable

F1 developmental outcome Species Inoculation

Survival to adulthood all individuals (Y/N) χ2 10.849 0.392

P <0.001 0.531
β  SE 0.929  0.285 (taurus) 0.190  0.305 (Self )
Survival to adulthood excluding unhatched eggs (Y/N) χ2 0.61164 0.19625
P 0.4342 0.6578
β  SE 0.313  0.398 (taurus) 0.188  0.428 (Self )
Development time (days) χ2 21.383 17.078
P <0.0001 <0.0001
β  SE 2.205  0.477 (taurus) 1.639  0.3965 (Self )
Body size (mm) χ2 109.339 0.001
P <0.0001 0.972
β  SE 0.333  0.032 (taurus) 0.001  0.032 (Self )
Sex ratio (F/M) χ 2
1.091 0.006
P 0.296 0.939
β  SE 0.307  0.294 (taurus) 0.023  0.300 (Self )

Note: Notations in parentheses following β  SE estimates reflect the change in value from one category to another (e.g. –2.205  0.477 (taurus) means
that “development time” decreases by 2.205  0.477 days in O. taurus, when compared to O. illyricus). Significant results are reported in bold type.
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2013). We simplified the resulting models by removing nonsignificant treatment (Table 1). The lower survival of O. illyricus was mainly due
interactions as determined by χ 2 tests (Bolker et al., 2009). Final to lower egg hatching rate, because we detected no between-species
models are included in Appendix S1. difference in survival once unhatched eggs were removed from the
analysis (Table 1). Final sex ratio was approximately 50–50 in both
species (Table 1). In keeping with previous results (Parker et al., 2019,
RESULTS 2021), cross-inoculation significantly lengthened development in both
species (Table 1).
First generation: Developmental outcomes of self- and
cross-inoculated Onthophagus taurus and O. illyricus
Second generation: Reproductive outcomes of crosses
When reared in artificial brood balls made of dung obtained from among self- and cross-inoculated Onthophagus taurus
exclusively grass-fed cattle, Onthophagus taurus survived overall at a
higher rate, attained larger adult body size, and had shorter develop- In line with earlier studies (Hunt & Simmons, 2002), maternal body
ment time than its sister species O. illyricus, regardless of inoculation size positively influenced brood ball mass (Table 2). Higher brood ball

T A B L E 2 Coefficients of statistical models testing for the significance of line (SelfXSelf; SelfXCross; CrossXSelf) and other predictors (dam’s
body size, F2 sex, brood ball mass) on reproductive outcomes. Rows show chi-square (χ 2) test statistics, resulting test probabilities (P), and
estimated effect sizes (β) plus or minus standard error (SE) for each response variable

Reproductive Maternal
outcome Line body size F2 sex BB mass

Sperm transfer, χ2 16.886 NA NA NA

F1 (Y/N) P <0.001 NA NA NA
β  SE 39.08  12.34 (SelfXSelf ), 13.94  14.49 (SelfXCross) NA NA NA
BB mass (g) χ2 0.241 4.387 NA NA
P 0.887 0.036 NA NA
β  SE 0.138  0.389 (SelfXSelf ), 0.052  0.362 (SelfXCross) 1.329  0.635 NA NA
BB count χ2 8.331 3.531 NA NA
P 0.015 0.06 NA NA
β  SE 0.704  0.346 (SelfXSelf ), 0.308  0.320 (SelfXCross) 1.178  0.627 NA NA
F2 mass at χ2 4.9106 NA 0.197 15.062
emergence (g) P 0.086 NA 0.657 <0.001
β  SE 0.002  0.003 (SelfXSelf ), 0.003  0.002 (SelfXCross) NA 0.001  0.001 0.004  0.001
F2 count χ2 10.493 3.261 NA NA
P 0.005 0.071 NA NA
β  SE 0.859  0.329 (SelfXSelf ), 0.207  0.294 (SelfXCross) 1.138  0.630 NA NA
F2 development χ2 0.746 NA 11.633 3.826
time (days) P 0.689 NA <0.001 0.05
β  SE 0.234  0.497 (SelfXSelf ), 0.200  0.414 (SelfXCross) NA 1.031  0.302 0.419  0.214
F2 body size (mm) χ2 4.394 NA 0.007 16.723
P 0.111 NA 0.934 <0.001
β  SE 0.078  0.077 (SelfXSelf ), 0.084  0.064 (SelfXCross) NA 0.002  0.032 0.101  0.025
F2 adult survival to χ2 3.178 NA 2.49 1.383
starvation (days) P 0.204 NA 0.115 0.24
β  SE 0.756  0.662 (SelfXSelf ), 0.954  0.558 (SelfXCross) NA 0.575  0.365 0.313  0.266

Note: Notations in parentheses following β  SE estimates reflect the change in value from one category to another (e.g. when compared to the CrossXSelf
line, F2 count of the SelfXSelf line decreases by 0.859  0.329 individuals, whereas the SelfXCross line does not differ significantly). Significant results are
in bold type.
Abbreviation: NA, not available (predictor not included in model).
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to our initial prediction, sperm transfer occurred less often in self-

inoculated females paired with self-inoculated males (SelfXSelf line)
than in the two lines in which partners had a mismatched microbiome
(SelfXCross and CrossXSelf ) (Figure 2, Table 2). This resulted in fewer
brood balls and fewer offspring produced by the SelfXSelf line
(Figure 3, Table 2). By contrast, adult survival to starvation did not
appear to be influenced by any of the predictors included in the model
(Table 2).


In this study, we aimed to investigate whether the vertically transmit-

F I G U R E 2 Presence (dark grey, Y) or absence (light grey, N) of
ted gut microbiome may be involved in reproductive isolation in
sperm transfer in females of each line, expressed as percentage.
Successful sperm transfer was detected either by the presence of Onthophagus beetles (Scarabaeinae). To do so, we reared O. taurus in
sperm in the F1 dam’s genital tract, or by successful reproduction. the presence of either the pedestal-derived, maternally transmitted
Sperm transfer occurred less often in the SelfXSelf line (*p < 0.001, gut microbiota of the same species (self-inoculated), or that of its sis-
Table 2). Twelve females were included in both the SelfXSelf and the ter species, O. illyricus (cross-inoculated). We then crossed these indi-
CrossXSelf lines, whereas the SelfXCross line included 10 females
viduals in three combinations (self-inoculated female X self-inoculated
male; self-inoculated female X cross-inoculated male; cross-inoculated
female X self-inoculated male). We predicted that if the microbiome
plays a role in reproductive isolation via species recognition, the line
in which both partners were provided with an O. taurus microbiome
would have improved reproductive outcomes compared to those in
which partners had mismatched microbiomes. Instead, we found the
opposite outcome. Between-partner concordance of the maternally
transmitted gut microbiome resulted in fewer offspring due to partial
pre-copulatory isolation. We discuss our results, the limitations of our
study, and the future directions they indicate in the light of the grow-
ing body of work on the influence of extracellular microbes on mating
preferences in insects.

Inoculation with a species-specific, maternally

transmitted gut microbiome promotes normative

Previous studies showed that (i) Onthophagini reared in the presence

of a vertically transmitted gut microbiota of a different host species
had worse developmental and fitness outcomes than those reared
with their own, that (ii) these detrimental effects appeared of greater
magnitude when the microbiome was exchanged between distantly
related species (Parker et al., 2019, 2021), and that (iii) the contribu-
tion of the gut microbiome to the maintenance of normative develop-
ment appears especially important under stressful rearing conditions
F I G U R E 3 Number of brood balls (top panel) and offspring
(Schwab et al., 2016). Specifically, Parker et al. (2021) showed that
(bottom panel) produced by each line. Dams in the SelfXSelf line
constructed fewer brood balls (*p < 0.05, Table 2) and produced inoculation with the gut microbiome of a different host species slows
fewer offspring (*p < 0.01, Table 2) growth in the third larval instar—a period critical for mass gain
(Moczek & Nijhout, 2002)—leading to subsequent developmental
delays as cross-inoculated larvae likely spend more time feeding to
mass resulted in higher mass at emergence, larger body size, and lon- become competent to initiate pupation (Shafiei et al., 2001). Despite
ger development time in the offspring—with males taking longer than the relatively benign rearing conditions used in our study (constant
females to develop to adulthood (Table 2). Intriguingly, and contrary optimal temperature, individuals left undisturbed during development,
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high quality nutrition: Rohner & Moczek, 2021), the phylogenetic male–male competition (Moczek & Emlen, 2000), but also by female
closeness between hosts, and the randomization of pedestal donors choice based on both a male’s courtship behaviour (Kotiaho et al.,
resulting in all individuals developing with a gut microbiota other than 2001) and cuticular hydrocarbon profile (Berson et al., 2019;
their own mother’s, both Onthophagus taurus and O. illyricus showed Berson & Simmons, 2018). If females are able to choose whether or
significantly slowed development following cross-inoculation. Our not to mate only in cases where there is concordance of vertically
results, therefore, further support the role of vertically transmitted transmitted microbiota between partners, female choice may manifest
dung beetle microbiota as host species-specific nutritional symbionts as the observed decreased mating rate in the Self X Self line, where
(Estes et al., 2013; Parker et al., 2021; Schwab et al., 2016; Shukla both partners developed in the presence of the gut microbiota derived
et al., 2016). from O. taurus. The absence of female choice would instead translate
into higher mating frequency in the mismatched (Self X Cross and
Cross X Self ) lines, even though these matings may yield poorer repro-
Between-partner microbiome concordance causes ductive outcomes. Intriguingly, even though the Self X Self line did
partial pre-copulatory isolation in Onthophagus taurus produce fewer offspring, those offspring possessed higher mass at
emergence—a trait linked to higher fitness (Macagno et al., 2015). This
The insect gut microbiome has been shown to facilitate the mainte- trend was however only close to significance (Table 2) and should,
nance of sister species within the same ecological niche in phytopha- therefore, be confirmed in future studies.
gous beetles (Zhang et al., 2020). Here, we explored the possibility
that the vertically transmitted gut microbiome may also be involved in
host mating preference, predicting elevated mating success in Limitations of the study and future directions
instances in which hosts possessed matching microbiota. Contrary to
our predictions, we found that both Onthophagus taurus lines in which The scope of our study was limited by low fecundity of field-collected
dams and sires had developed in the presence of mismatched beetles and high mortality throughout development and sexual matu-
pedestal-derived gut microbiomes (Self X Cross, Cross X Self ) produced ration of experimental animals, especially in Onthophagus illyricus. Our
more offspring than the line in which both partners had developed in egg sterilization treatment followed by re-inoculation with a different
the presence of O. taurus gut microbiota (Self X Self ), and that this dam’s pedestal may not have replenished symbiont microbial presence
effect was due to reduced mating frequency in the Self X Self cross. to the extent observed in natural vertical transmission, with detrimen-
Specifically, between-partner microbial concordance resulted in partial tal effects throughout the experimental individuals’ life cycle. Because
pre-copulatory isolation, as evidenced by lack of sperm transfer in of these constraints, we were unable to execute a reciprocal design in
approximatively 30% of Self females paired with Self males. These O. illyricus, and had to forgo establishing a Cross X Cross line, which
observations thus reject the hypothesis that the gut microbiome would have allowed us to corroborate our results on the reproductive
transmitted via the pedestal may facilitate mating preference via spe- outcomes of microbiome-matched vs mismatched partners. Specifi-
cies recognition in this system. Because O. taurus is known to faculta- cally, observing lower fecundity in a Cross X Cross line would have fur-
tively parasitize the brood balls of other dung beetle species in the ther supported a contribution of the microbiome to familiarity/kin
wild (e.g. Martín Piera & Lobo, 1993), an evolved role for pedestal- recognition. By contrast, observing elevated fecundity in a Cross X
transmitted microbes in species recognition may indeed be unlikely in Cross line would have provided additional support for the hypothesis
this species. of microbiome-mediated mate choice ability that becomes disrupted
Instead, our results are consistent with the possibility that the gut when either one or both partners receive a mismatched microbiota.
microbiome may mediate familiarity/kin recognition (Lizé et al., 2013, We were also prevented from exploring the possibility that the verti-
2014), to the extent that mating avoidance between individuals with cally transmitted microbiome may affect hybridization between these
similar microbial profiles may promote outcrossing. Interestingly, in Onthophagus sister species (Brucker & Bordenstein, 2013). These
Drosophila, the gut microbiota appears to influence kin recognition via directions thus remain to be probed in future studies, including addi-
modifications of cuticular hydrocarbons, thereby shaping the scent tional species and using larger sample sizes. Further, although we did
profiles used in mate choice (García-Roa et al., 2022; Lewis et al., not find evidence for a contribution of pedestal-derived microbes in
2014). Bacterial symbionts support cuticle synthesis and have the host species recognition in the present study, this result was obtained
potential to interfere with the host’s cuticular hydrocarbon profile in by exchanging pedestals between O. taurus and O. illyricus collected in
several insects, including beetles (Engl & Kaltenpoth, 2018). Further disparate geographical regions (North Carolina, USA and Italy, respec-
studies are needed to confirm this possibility in dung beetles tively). Because these populations never come into contact in nature,
specifically. the implications for reproductive isolation in sympatry clearly warrant
Importantly, if the gut microbiome is found to influence assorta- further investigation. Finally, reciprocal microbial transplants would
tive mating via modifications of the host’s cuticular hydrocarbon pro- only allow to experimentally validate narrow-sense symbiont-induced
file as shown in Drosophila (Sharon et al., 2010, 2011), a second reproductive isolation, that is, host-microbe or microbe-microbe asso-
mechanism may also contribute to explain the patterns found in our ciations resulting in immediate reproductive barriers that can be
study. In O. taurus, sexual selection is characterized not only by ameliorated by eliminating or replacing symbionts. Host genetic
13653032, 2023, 1, Downloaded from by The Librarian, Wiley Online Library on [09/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

divergence and reproductive isolation evolved instead in response to Whitney and Kip Schlegel, for granting us access to their farm and cat-
selection to accommodate microbial symbionts (broad-sense symbiont- tle dung therein; to Erik Parker (Indiana University Biostatistics Con-
induced R.I.) could still be present and go undetected with such sulting Center) for helpful discussions over the experimental design
transplant experiments, because in this case, microbial alterations are and data analysis; and to two reviewers and the associate editor for
not expected to affect mating preference (Shropshire & Bordenstein, constructive feedback on a previous draft. This work was funded in
2016). Despite its limitations, however, our study provides the first part by the National Science Foundation (grant 1901680) and the
evidence for an effect of microbial concordance between partners on John Templeton Foundation (grant 61369). The opinions, interpreta-
reproductive success in the Onthophagini. Molecular-based investiga- tions, conclusions, and recommendations are the authors’ own and
tions into the composition and vertical transmission of pedestal- are not necessarily endorsed by the National Science Foundation nor
inoculated microbiota are currently underway and are poised to shed the John Templeton Foundation.
more light on which microbial symbionts may be causally involved in
such patterns. Further studies are also clearly needed to elucidate any ET HIC STATEMENT
potential relationship between gut microbiome, cuticular hydrocarbon Onthophagus beetles were obtained for research use in accordance
profile, and mate choice in these beetles. with USDA-APHIS guidelines.

C O N CL U S I O N S The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Progressing towards a holistic understanding of how organisms and DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
associated microbes are able to influence each other’s evolutionary The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
history is at the forefront of integrative biology (Miller et al., 2021). corresponding author upon request.
However, experimental microbiome manipulations to assess the con-
tribution of symbionts on hosts’ reproductive isolation and ultimately ORCID
speciation have been limited to select few study systems so far Anna L. M. Macagno
(reviewed in Shropshire & Bordenstein, 2016; Miller et al., 2021). Armin P. Moczek
Additionally, studies performed in highly artificial germ-free conditions
(e.g. Brucker & Bordenstein, 2013) may provide only limited insight RE FE RE NCE S
into how microbial symbionts come to influence reproductive isola- Barr, D.J., Levy, R., Scheepers, C. & Tily, H.J. (2013) Random effects struc-
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rus. Journal of Insect Behavior, 26, 253–259.
We would like to extend our gratitude to Maura Bocci and Tracy
Davis, A.J. & Huijbregts, H. (2000) Apparent kleptoparasitic behaviour
 n-Rettig for collecting the beetles used in this study; to Levi Bur-
Ledo among Bornean rainforest dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae).
dine, Mikayla Higgins, and Jackson Norman for beetle husbandry; to The Coleopterists Bulletin, 54, 88–89.
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Schwab, D.B., Riggs, H.E., Newton, I.L.G. & Moczek, A.P. (2016)
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