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Cultural Identity Crisis by Globalization

National identity is a marker in the form of identity that is owned and fixed on a nation or a

country that can be used as a differentiator from other nations. National identity plays an

important role in the survival and future of the nation because it contains cultural values that

have the same physical characteristics, ideals and goals to be achieved. Therefore, national

identity is very fundamental and must be instilled in the younger generation because it

concerns the nation's future. In the current era of globalization, there have been many

changes in most aspects of life. This certainly has both good and bad impacts that must be

faced by society. Many foreign cultures enter and develop in society. This of course can

threaten the nation's national identity. A national identity crisis can occur especially in the

younger generation, who are very easily influenced by globalization. Awareness about the

importance of maintaining cultural values as a national identity is starting to fade. For this

reason, methods must be taken to revive public awareness of national identity, but with

methods that keep up with current developments in science and technology.

The current era of globalization presents many challenges that must be faced. Since tens of

years ago, the flow of globalization has flowed so quickly into society and has had an impact

on many aspects of life. These changes have had both good and bad impacts on all levels of

society. Rapidly developing science and technology is one example of the good impact of

globalization. Currently, information and knowledge can be easily accessed, which of course

greatly facilitates the interests of the community. However, the bad impact given is no less

big. The sense of nationalism is now increasingly eroded because foreign cultures can easily

enter and influence people's mindsets, especially among the younger generation. External

challenges and threats can also have a big impact. Globalization can trigger a liberal

democratic system to become more widespread which occurs in various parts of life which
can present a multi-dimensional crisis. Threats and challenges will lead to a crisis and an

event of power struggles between local wisdom values and global values.

The development of technology and the flow of digitalization that is developing very rapidly

at this time requires people to master certain abilities so that they can continue to go with the

flow and not be left behind. For example, the use of foreign languages such as English is very

important in the current digitalization era. Many people, especially those from big cities, even

use English as the language of their daily communication. In addition, a westernized lifestyle

began to be applied. Meanwhile, the Indonesian language is part of the national identity of

the Indonesian nation which is very consequential. If anticipatory steps are not taken

immediately, this will of course lead to a crisis of national identity.

The national identity crisis is a condition of social instability where national identity or

national characteristics begin to fade so that the integrity of the nation can be threatened. The

national identity crisis can be seen from the social phenomena that occur in the younger

generation, such as juvenile delinquency, student fights, drugs, promiscuity, crime, and so on.

If this is not handled immediately, of course it will threaten the survival and future of the

Indonesian nation.

As we know, it is very important to maintain and maintain national identity. However, along

with the development of science and technology, this national identity will fade and erode.

This is caused by foreign cultures that currently can easily enter and will indirectly greatly

affect the existence of cultural values that we already have as a national identity.

Developments in the global situation affect the survival of the Indonesian nation. With all the

limitations that exist, we are required to be ready to face all the challenges and threats that try
to break the ideology and identity of Indonesia. The negative impact will be very dangerous if

Indonesia is not ready to face and filter all conditions. We must be able to respond and

anticipate these changes.

The younger generation is a very valuable asset for the nation. It is they who will continue the

struggle and play a major role in the future of the Indonesian Nation. National identity must

continue to be instilled in the younger generation. However, in reality it is the younger

generation who will be dealing with the impact of globalization. The entry of foreign cultures

will have an impact on aspects of life, for example lifestyle. All of these adverse effects can

lead to a tendency to forget the national identity of the Indonesian nation. This can happen if

we as Indonesian citizens are unable to maintain and strengthen our national identity and pass

it on to the younger generation. The younger generation as the nation's successor with an

identity must be prepared early. Instilling national values, culture and a sense of love for the

motherland must be carried out because this is very consequential for the survival of the

Indonesian nation. The younger generation must be able to love their own national identity.

Efforts must be made as effectively as possible which of course must adapt to the current

development of the times.

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