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WORKSHEET 26 Unit 5 – Around town

Comparative and superlative

1. Circle the right option in the sentences below.
1. The new hotel is ____________________ than the old one.
a) more modern b) the most modern
2. We bought ____________________ mobile phone to give
mum on her birthday.
a) better b) the best
3. Your diet is ____________________ since you stopped
ordering take away all the time.
a) healthier b) the healthiest
4. This is ____________________ restaurant in town.
a) more expensive b) the most expensive
5. I think that series we started watching is than the previous one.
a) more exciting b) the most exciting
6. Jamie’s house is ____________________ to the fire station than mine.
a) closer b) the closest

2. Comparative or superlative? Read the sentences and complete them with the right form of the
adjective in brackets.
a) Travelling by public transport is ____________________ (easy) than by car in big cities.
b) This is the ____________________ (busy) place in town.
c) For me, going shopping is ____________________ (boring) than going to the cinema.
d) I loved the new vegetarian restaurant! I probably ate one of the ____________________ (delicious)
meals ever.
e) The trainers I tried on at the shoe shop were ____________________ (comfortable) than the boots.

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