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UNIT 5 (7-9PM)

Complete each sentence with the correct word or phrase from the list. Not all words or phrases will be

aluminum foil cardboard electronics jars metal plastic

1. Stores usually sell jam and sauces in glass _____jars______.

2. A ___plastic_____ bottle is not as heavy as a glass bottle.

3. You can cover or wrap _aluminum foil_ around your food in the oven so it doesn’t burn.

4. Cereal boxes are usually made of _cardboard_.

5. These _metal__ knives are very sharp, so be careful you don’t cut yourself.

Match the figure or phrase to the correct meaning.

a. exactly half
b. about 150
c. just over a quarter
d. nearly two weeks
e. one and a half years
_c__ 6. 27%
_e__ 7. 18 months
_b__ 8. 149
_d__ 9. March 2nd–March 14th
_a__ 10. 50%

Complete each sentence with a phrase from the list. Not all phrases will be used.

take a break take a taxi take a walk take around take care take your time

11. We need some exercise. Why don’t we __take a walk___ into town?

12. Let’s ____take a taxi___ because we don’t know where the bus leaves from.

13. The train trip will ____take around____ three hours.

14. There’s no rush. Please, __take your time_____!

15. You need to ___take care___ in the desert. Make sure you have plenty of water with you.

Choose the correct answer.

_b__ 16. We keep three ________ in our garden for their milk.
a. satellite dishes b. goats c. solar panels
_a__ 17. We use ________ to heat the water in our house.
a. solar panels b. satellite dishes c. engines
_b__ 18. Our ________ is collected once a week.
a. water tank b. garbage c. rooftop
_a__ 19. We have a ________ so we get lots of TV channels.
a. satellite dish b. solar panel c. water tank
_b__ 20. All the ________ in our village are painted red! It looks very traditional.
a. garbage b. rooftops c. goats

Complete each sentence with the correct option.

21. We need to get ___some_____ (a few / some) more milk for breakfast tomorrow morning.

22. Is there _____any____ (some / any) bread in the cupboard? I want to make a sandwich.

23. We don’t have ___any______ (some / any) eggs. Will you go to the store, please?

24. Were there ____many____ (much / many) people at the beach yesterday?

25. There was so ___much_____ (much / many) trash in the ocean that we didn’t go swimming.

Choose the correct option.

_c__ 26. I’m just going to invite ________ friends to the party.
a. a little b. any c. a few
_a__ 27. Luckily, the island has ________ water because it always snows in winter.
a. a lot of b. much c. many
_c__ 28. How ________ time do you have? I need to talk to you about something important.
a. few b. many c. much
_b__ 29. Can I have ________ milk in my coffee, please?
a. a few b. a little c. much
_b__ 30. Do you have ________ glass bottles for recycling?
a. a little b. any c. much

Is the use of quantifiers in the following sentences correct? Write Y (Yes) or N (No). Correct the
incorrect sentences.

31. There weren’t any happy stories on the news today. Just one or two.


32. There were some problems on the trip, but nothing too serious.

33. Could I have a little eggs and some sugar, please?

____N___Could I have a few eggs and some sugar, please?_____________________

34. There weren’t some students in the library when I was there.

___N___There weren’t any students in the library when I was there.______________

35. Did you spend a lot of time at the beach when you were on vacation?


Choose the correct option ( – means no article).

__a_ 36. I prefer to have ________ shower at night before I go to bed.

a. the b. a c. –
_ b_ 37. Fortunately, ________ people are slowly becoming aware of environmental problems.
a. a b. – c. an
__c_ 38. My favorite animals are ________ elephants.
a. the b. an c. –
_a__ 39. Have you been to ________ new park? It’s really nice.
a. the b. a c. –

Complete each sentence with a, an, the, or – (no article).

40. Is your house finished yet? Yes, __the_______ builders finally left two days ago.

41. When did you go to ___-________ Russia?

42. We’re going to spend our vacation on ___an_______ island in the Caribbean this year.

43. Which is ____the______ best way to get to your house?

44. I really don’t like ____-_______ people who complain all the time.


45. Write an email to a video game store. Explain that a game you bought recently does not work correctly, and
request a refund.

Dear Customer Service Department, ____________________________________________

I would like to let you know that I bought a game yesterday, and I was hoping to play all __

night long, however, when I inserted the CD on the console, I realized the CD had a huge__
scratch on the back, therefore, the main menu screen of the game was not loading at all. __

I spent all my savings on this game and now I don’t have any money, reason why I would_

like to ask you for a refund of the item, moreover, I would like to suggest that you should _

always check the condition of the items before selling them, I hope you understand. _____

Thank you very much. _______________________________________________________

Are the following sentences formal? Write F (Formal) or I (Informal).

46. I want you to tell me about a problem. __I______

47. When will you give back my money? ___I_____

48. We would be delighted to send you the game immediately. ___F_____

49. However, we require the correct order number. _F_______

Choose the correct function.

_a__ 50. Can I put you on hold for a minute?

a. telephone expressions b. talking about an order c. checking and clarifying
_c__ 51. Is that T as in tango?
a. telephone expressions b. talking about an order c. checking and clarifying
_b__ 52. Would you like a refund?
a. telephone expressions b. talking about an order c. checking and clarifying
_b__ 53. Good morning. Can I help you?
a. telephone expressions b. talking about an order c. checking and clarifying
_c__ 54. Would you like confirmation by email?
a. telephone expressions b. talking about an order c. checking and clarifying

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