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university of Baghdad

College of engineering
Civil engineering department

Prepared By: Mohammed Ali Sael

Name of Test : Perception – Reaction Time

3 RD Stage/D1/ Group 4
Group Names:
1- ‫) كاتب التقرير) محمد علي صايل‬
2- ‫مصطفى أحمد صبيح‬
3- ‫دينا عبداللة‬
4- ‫فاطمة ستار كاظم‬
5- ‫حيدر حسن حميد‬
6- ‫جعفر سلمان عليوي‬

Perception-reaction time (PRT) is the total time it

takes a driver to begin an appropriate response to
an impending hazard. This article explains that
detection, identification, decision, and response
execution comprise PRT. Two types of PRT--design
and actual--are discussed as well as how the PRT
value can change, depending on the
circumstances. Calculating PRT based on available
data can be simple or complex. The significance of
PRT is evident when accident avoidance is the
primary driving goal.

Perception time is how long it takes to recognize a

situation and understand that you need to stop. This
can take about three-quarters of a second.

Reaction times can be measured by a variety of

techniques in the lab. The simplest test is to present
a stimulus to a test subject and instruct the subject
to press a button as fast as possible after the
stimulus is perceived. Responses can be measured
by using a response box.
X TIME (SEC) XI (XI – X’) (XI – X’)2
1 0.21 -0.36 0.1296
2 0.31 -0.26 0.0676
3 0.31 -0.26 0.0676
4 0.42 -0.15 0.0225
5 0.42 -0.15 0.0225
6 0.32 -0.25 0.0625
7 1.79 1.22 1.4884
8 0.32 -0.25 0.0625
9 0.21 -0.36 0.1296
10 0.42 -0.15 0.0225
11 0.42 -0.15 0.0225
12 0.52 -0.05 0.0025
13 0.32 -0.25 0.0625
14 1.79 1.22 1.4884
15 0.32 -0.25 0.0625
16 0.42 -0.15 0.0225
17 2.11 1.54 2.3716
18 0.74 0.17 0.0289
19 0.53 -0.04 0.0016
20 0.31 -0.26 0.0676
21 0.42 -0.15 0.0225
22 0.36 -0.21 0.1296
23 0.42 -0.15 0.0225
24 0.32 -0.25 0.0625
Sum of (Xi – X’)2 = 7.0055
7.0055 / 23 = 0.3046
S = Root of 0.3046 = 0.552

Based on the results of many studies, 2.5 seconds
has been chosen for a perception-reaction time.
This time will accommodate approximately 90
percent of all drivers when confronted with simple
to moderately complex highway situations.
so we tested our (PRT) to see what we get, so some
of the old student made a device that can help with
the (PRT) test , after some time we tested 24 student
and the fastest was (0.21sec) the slowest reaction
was (2.11sec) and the most (PRT) result was around(
0.5 sec ). Drivers who are faced with a hazard often
times are not anticipating a hazard to be present at
all, and reaction time is prolonged. ... The time it
takes a driver to perceive a hazard and then apply
an evasive manoeuvre, such as steering or braking,
is known as perception-reaction time.
These are some of the Factors Can Influence
Reaction Time,
 Stimulus complexity. The complexity of the
stimulus is one of the main factors that
influence reaction time. ...
 Stimulus familiarity. Familiarity with a stimulus
is another factor that influences its reaction
time. ...
 Physical and mental state of the subject.

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