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I am writing this report is to provide suggestions for starting an English-language

film club at our college. The film club will give people a platform to watch and
discuss films in English.
Types of Films
Firstly, the types of films that should be shown are those which have English audio
and subtitles. This will help to improve listening and reading skills amongst the
participants. The genre of films can be varied, ranging from drama, comedy,
thriller, romance, and science fiction. The club can also consider hosting special
screenings of classic English-language films.
Frequency of Meetings
Secondly, the film club should meet at least once a month to maintain the interest
and engagement of its members. The meetings could take place on a weekend or
weekday evening, depending on the availability of members.
Lastly, the film club should be advertised through various channels to attract
members. The advertisement should be done both online and offline. Online
advertisements can be posted on social media platforms and the college website,
while offline advertisements can be placed on posters and flyers that should be put
up in various locations around the campus.
In conclusion, the film club should be a great initiative for students to explore
English-language films and improve their language skills. With these suggestions,
starting an English-language film club could be a valuable and entertaining
addition to the college’s activities.

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