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Solutions to Management Problems




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Solutions to Management Problems

The accomplishment of any organization involves the indispensable component of team

building. The competency to assemble viable teams with their subcontractors is a principal

element in ensuring that Collapsible Workspaces (CW), an enterprise which specializes in

collapsible office installations, succeeds. In order for CW to build effectual teams, it must detect

and comprehend diverse personality types among its workers, promote diversity within each

group assembled, provide constructive feedback sessions while also certifying that the appointed

team leads embody traits exhibited by outstanding leaders who know how to manage groups

efficiently. This composition aims at elucidating three effective strategies aimed towards

achieving favorable results using a framework provided by CW’s partnering organizations;

exemplify four fundamental qualities observed amongst impressive group mentors as well as

explicate ways through which several hurdles encountered during collaboration can be overcome

whilst succeeding simultaneously highlighting two necessary steps required from said

contracting parties so established standards consistent with those needed by successful

managerial heads are attained accordingly via supported details presented herein.

Three ways the Organization could build more effective teams with their Subcontractors

Identify and Understand different Personality Types

CW should identify and understand the different personality types of their team members,

including the senior installer, installers, shipping company contact, and truckers. According to

Alessandra and O'Connor (1998), there are four personality types: Directors, Relaters,

Socializers, and Thinkers. Directors and Socializers prefer open and direct communication,

whereas Relaters and Thinkers are more reserved and indirect. Directors and Thinkers focus on

work tasks, in contrast to Relaters and Socializers, who focus on people. Understanding these

personality types will help CW identify the strengths and weaknesses of their team members and

allocate them roles and responsibilities as per their strengths and competencies.

Encourage Diversity in the Team

It could prove advantageous for CW to promote inclusiveness among its team as a means

of fostering an array of viewpoints and ideas. Embracing diversity offers the potential for

divergent solutions when confronting quandaries. The unit should not recoil from experimenting

with novel techniques, even if such methods may be unconventional given their established

modus operandi during operations. Complementing performance standards through sound

strategies and motivating objectives can engender cohesive individuals who coalesce into a

potent entity capable of achieving extraordinary accomplishments together.

Offer Feedback and allay Apprehensions and Fears

It is imperative for CW to furnish constructive criticism that can enable their team

members to gauge both their strengths and concerns. This will enable them towards becoming

better performers as well as leaders. Moreover, a vital component of this process involves

calming anxiety or trepidation felt by employees in order to elevate morale levels. By repeatedly

infusing optimism into your coworkers' minds about achieving objectives with finesse while

exhibiting innovative thinking techniques will encourage progress. In addition, enlightening

them on how they should perceive detours along the way - perceiving an open door instead of

one closed- serves a key element in promoting resilience within workers; placing more emphasis

on accomplished goals creates stretch targets which unlock previously dormant potentiality

among colleagues thus maximizing organizational profitability. To sum it up succinctly:


effective teams are essential drivers behind any company's success rate because only

synchronizing individual energies and eliminating diversity obstacles ensures collective effort

will be constantly directed towards defined corporate goals whilst simultaneously identifying

unique personal characteristics to foster inclusionary practices through feedback provision .

Identify and give an example of four traits demonstrated by effective team leaders per

Exhibit 12.4 of the article


Leaders of teams that are successful pose a distinct idea of their desired outcome and

articulate it in an effective manner to all members. They elicit passion within those they lead,

spurring them onward towards achieving objectives together as one entity. The senior installer

employed at CW could have a clear understanding on the completion times necessary for

installations alongside budgetary limitations- this is part of his vision which can then be relayed

effectively enough to inspire great effort from team members working collaboratively with him

towards realizing said goal.


Team leaders who succeed are those that work harmoniously alongside their team

members and collaborate with other pertinent stakeholders to ensure the attainment of shared

goals. They encourage open communication, active listening, and respect for diverse opinions.

For example, the senior installer at CW can collaborate with the shipping company contact and

the truckers. This collaboration will ensure that the collapsible offices are delivered to the client

site on time. He can encourage open communication and active listening to resolve any issues

that may arise during the delivery process.



Leaders who are efficient in managing teams show empathy towards their team members

and attain a comprehensive understanding of their necessities and qualms. These leaders extend

assistance, as well as direction to uphold the team’s ability to conquer any hindrances that may

arise during work processes. For instance, at CW Inc., the senior installer can exhibit compassion

for his co-installers confronting challenges while installing mechanisms by offering them

guidance and support in meeting these impediments head-on.


Successful leaders of groups not only assume full responsibility for their actions but also

oblige themselves and members in teams to be responsible for overall performance. They give

distinct guidelines while providing feedback, which plays a crucial role in enabling better

performances from respective team players. For instance, at CW Company's senior installation

department, accountability can be employed by its head technician so that he may ensure timely

project completions within budget constraints. He can also offer constructive critiques to his

subordinates with the aim of optimizing outcomes on future projects moving forward.

Explain how the team can get out of the storming stage. (See Exhibit 12.2) • Based on the

reading, describe how this team could become more cohesive with high-performance norms

(See Exhibit 12.6)

To get out of the storming stage, the CW team needs to focus on resolving conflicts and

building trust among team members. According to Exhibit 12.2, there are several strategies that

can help the team get out of the storming stage:


Encourage open communication

The team should encourage open communication among team members to resolve

conflicts and build trust. It is crucial that they both listen to each other`s worries and viewpoints,

and subsequently strive towards reaching mutual agreement.

Clarify roles and responsibilities

The team should clarify roles and responsibilities to avoid confusion and conflicts. It is vital that

every member of the team understand their respective responsibilities and how these particular

assignments ultimately serve to advance the overall success of the entire team.

Establish ground rules

It is importance that the team create fundamental regulations governing communication,

determination and resolution of disputes. These ground rules should be agreed upon by all team

members and followed consistently.

Focus on common goals

The team should focus on common goals and work towards achieving them. They should avoid

personal agendas and work towards the team's success.

Becoming more cohesive with high-performance norms:

To become more cohesive with high-performance norms, the CW team needs to focus on

building trust, collaboration, and accountability. According to Exhibit 12.6, there are several

strategies that can help the team become more cohesive with high-performance norms:

Build trust: The team should build trust among team members by being honest, transparent, and

reliable. They should keep their commitments and follow through on their promises.

Foster collaboration: The team should foster collaboration among team members by encouraging

open communication, active listening, and respect for diverse opinions. They should work

towards finding common ground and building consensus.

Establish accountability: The team should establish accountability by setting clear expectations,

providing feedback, and holding team members responsible for their performance. They should

celebrate successes and learn from failures.

Explain two ways this organization could ensure team leads are exhibiting the traits of an

effective team leader with supporting details.

An effective approach to ascertaining that team leads embody the qualities of an

outstanding leader involves equipping them with adequate leadership training. The program

should concentrate on honing the skills and proficiencies essential for constructing and

supervising triumphant teams. To expound, it may encompass aspects like communication

techniques, means of conflict resolution, approaches towards fostering teamwork among

members while prioritizing performance management measures in tandem . Additionally ,the

course ought to be personalized based on peculiar requirements specific to each respective lead

whilst ensuring its delivery is both involving and interactive.

Another way to ensure team leads are manifesting the qualities of an impressive team

leader is by carrying out routine performance appraisals. The assessments must depend on well-

defined and measurable measures for their day-to-day operation, which should be performed

consistently. These evaluations ought to give feedback concerning strengths and inadequacies in

areas that require improvement to said leaders effectively—in tests like evaluating

communication skills effectiveness, trustworthiness building ability as well as competency at


holding teammates responsible for their performances—while being carried out with justice or

impartiality so that actionable advice can furnish them regarding enhancing competencies

actively displayed previously mentioned. Furthermore, CW could deliberate offering coaching

plus mentoring help towards further developing leadership abilities if they also want more ways

other than regular evaluation methods listed earlier discussed within this passage alone from

external consultants: a means certainly tailored explicitly toward deserving pupils' specific needs

while conducted confidentially without any judgmental attitudes coming through either program

administrator's latter two options under consideration whenever applicable here all present

themselves alongside employing different processes simultaneously rather than exclusively

relying upon only one or another approach entirely therein collectively allowing operators

sufficient tools needed when managing world-class teams successfully supported via appropriate

bureaucratic channels desired accordingly with precision timing intact throughout entire process.

Ultimately, the formation of proficient groups is imperative to propel an organization

towards triumph. CW should identify and understand different personality types, encourage

diversity in the team, offer feedback, and allay any apprehensions and fears among their team

members. Additionally, they should provide their team leads with leadership training, regular

performance evaluations, and coaching and mentoring support. This will ensure they are

exhibiting the traits of an effective team leader. These strategies can help the team get out of the

storming stage and become more cohesive with high-performance norms. By taking these steps,

CW can ensure that their teams are successful and can help the organization achieve its goals.


Rao, M. S. (2016). Collaborate to build effective teams to achieve organizational excellence and

effectiveness. Industrial and Commercial Training, 48(1), 24–28.

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