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Jenny Pearl B.

Villanueva BSN 2F

Aurora, a preschooler, has been noticed by her nanny to have imaginary playmates. Aurora

believes that at night a huge unicorn can appear in her room and bring her to Magic Land.

1. Is Aurora's behavior normal? Elaborate your answer.

Because the majority of children her age also has imaginary playmates or friends, Aurora's conduct is
entirely normal. In other words, they enjoy creating stories that are mostly made up. By this age,
pretending is still what they mostly do. When they become older, they eventually grow out of it and
realize that their imaginary friends are not real.

2. What will be your health teachings to Aurora's nanny?

Toddler Aurora will soon learn gross motor skills like riding a bike and swimming, so her nanny needs to
emphasize the value of using safety equipment like a helmet. According to study, most kids between the
ages of 3 and 5 have imaginary playmates, which is a normal component of early play. The nanny would
learn from me to let Aurora play because that is when she will learn the most and to allow her the
freedom to try new things.

3. What toys will you recommend Aurora to have?

I suggest giving her dolls or teddy bears so she may further imagine what her imaginary friend would
look like. For toys for kids like Aurora, choose dolls, stuffed animals, or anything that is somewhat
realistic while also being educational and entertaining.

4. Aurora borrowed her classmate's toy gun and pointed it to her seatmate. How will you


Even though playing with toy guns won't necessarily cause children to become violent when they get
older, I would still educate Aurora the good and bad things about owning a gun, even if it's just a toy. I
would make sure Aurora is aware of the differences between the use of toy firearms and actual guns,
and I would do so in a straightforward manner. I would ask Aurora to return the toy gun and explain why
they aren't allowed to do it even though she didn't hurt her classmate by pointing it.

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