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Jenny Pearl B.

Villanueva BSN 2F

Discussion Board Activity 4

1.) At what age can an infant start be eating solid food? Give examples of solid food that can

be fed at this age?

The infant can begin eating solid meals by the 4th month. Place a teaspoon between the lips to assess
the child's willingness to try new foods. When a baby is about six months old, they can begin eating solid
meals. They are able to consume solid meals like cereal (cerelac), little bits of fruit and vegetables,
grains, yogurt, cheese, and anything that can be mashed or blended, such potatoes. At this age, they
must also continue consuming formula or breast milk.

2.) What are the possible health teachings you can give to a mother who is starting to feed her infant
with solid food?

One of the health lessons I might give to a mother who is starting to feed her baby solid food is to advise
her to help her child eat more slowly. To only give their children tiny meals and to watch them closely at
all times. In order to help her choose the right foods to feed her baby, I would also provide her a list of
potential solid foods that can be given to her child each month.

3.) Is mixing medication with food or formula allowed? If yes, why? If not, please state your reason.

It may be necessary to mix medicine with food or formula if a newborn refuses to drink it, but doing so
could reduce the medication's effectiveness. It is best to only mix or consume medicine with water. For
instance, if a baby couldn't finish a bottle of medicine-laced formula milk, they wouldn't receive the
whole amount. Some drugs may not be properly absorbed into the body when consumed with milk or
any dairy product.

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