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Use Case Name Login

Goal in Context Teacher have to login their account to access the

Primary Actor Teacher
Secondary Actor Admin
Pre-condition Teacher must have to register their account
Trigger When the teacher must use our application
Scenario  Teacher must register their account to access
this application.
 Teacher log into the system with their email
and password
 The system will verify the teacher email and
password. If valid, the teacher can access the
 If the account is not verified the system will
prompt message that account doesn’t exist.
Exception  System can be down if it’s on maintenance
 System can be slowed down if there is too
much traffic on the server
Post- condition When students logins they can get access to the portal

Use Case Narrative of Teacher

Use case Name Mark Attendance

Goal in Context Teacher will mark attendance
Primary Actor Teacher
Secondary Actor Student
Pre-condition Teacher must have to login their account and their account must
be verified
Trigger When teacher click to mark attendance
Scenario  Teacher account is login, and it is verified.
 Teacher want to mark attendance
Exception  Cannot mark attendance if the account is not created.
 If credentials are wrong
Post- condition Teacher will have to mark attendance

Use case Name Grant Leave

Goal in Context Teacher will be able to accept or reject the
Primary Actor Teacher
Secondary Actor Student
Pre-condition After the teacher account is verified.
Trigger When teacher click on grant leave option
Scenario  Teacher account must be registered
and login.
 Teacher want to grant leave or not.
Exception Teacher cannot grant leave until their account is
Post- condition Teacher will have to grant leave or reject it

Use case Name Send data to admin

Goal in Context Teacher will send data to admin
Primary Actor Teacher
Secondary Actor Admin
Pre-condition When the teacher account is verified and login
Trigger When the teacher will click to submit data to admin
Scenario All the data of student is forwarded to admin
Exception Teacher cannot contact admin until his/her account is
Post- condition The data should be forwarded to admin

Use case Name View Transactions

Goal in Context To provide the transaction record to teacher
Primary Actor Teacher
Secondary Actor Manager
Pre-condition  Teacher account exists
 Teacher has viewed the menu
 Teacher decided what to order
 Teacher order has been delivered
Trigger After the teacher order has been delivered
Scenario  Teacher order has been delivered
 To provide transaction record to
Exception  Transactions will not be shown to those
Teacher whose account doesn’t exist.

Post- condition The transaction of teacher must be recorded.

Use case Name View Order

Goal in Context To provide the teacher list of food items they
have selected.
Primary Actor Teacher
Secondary Actor Manager
Pre-condition  Teacher has viewed the order
 Teacher has decided what to order
Trigger When teacher wants to see order list before
confirming it.
Scenario  Teacher must view menu to decide
what to order.
 Teacher want to finalize the order they
have selected before confirming it.
Exception  Order cannot be viewed unless the
item from the menu is not selected.
Post- condition The transaction of teacher must be recorded.

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