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 School: E.E.S.

y T N° 1
 Course: 6° M.M.O
 Teacher: Agustina Cortina
 Student:
1) ENGLISH FOR CONSTRUCTION. Look at the picture. Match the descriptions
with the people in the illustration.
2) Two reporters are visiting Martin Karp from Karp Constructions.
Read the conversation and do the activities.

M = Martin S = Sandra A = Ahmed

M: So ... how can I help you?

S: Well, we'd like some background information about the project...

M: OK, I can ask my assistant to send you some details. We sent out a press release a couple of weeks ago.

S: Yes, we have a copy of that, thank you. We're interested in finding out more information about the people
working here. How many workers do you have on site? What do they do? Where are they from? Are they all
local people?

M: Oh, that depends on what's happening. As you can imagine, this is quite a complex business, so we have
different subcontractors and suppliers coming in and out all the time.

S: OK.

M: But, to answer your question, I'd say we usually have about 100 people on site. And they're mostly from this

A: And you're in charge of the site?

M: Well, yes, my company - actually, my father's company - is the general contractor for the project. We co-
ordinate all the subcontractors and make sure things stay on schedule and stay within budget. I report to the
project manager, Sabina Tom.

A: I see. And your father is Kasper Karp?

M: Yes, that's right. Sometimes, on bigger projects, we work in a consortium with other contractors and

S: Could you tell us something about...?

M: Excuse me, I've just seen Mr. Lang. He's walking through the gate. He represents the client, and I have a
meeting with him and Anna Black in a few minutes' time ...

S: Anna Black?

M: Anna works for the cement supplier, DKI Cement. They're supplying all the cement for the project. Just a
moment, please. My assistant, Robert Lane, will answer any further questions you have.

S and A: Thank you.


 What do the reporters want?
 Who is Martin Karp?
 Who is the company’s owner?
 Karp Construction is the _____________________________.
 Sabrina Tom is the _________________________________.
 Mr. Lang represents the _____________________________.
 Anna Black works for the ____________________________.
 Robert Lane is ____________________________________.

C. VOCABULARY. Match the highlighted words from the conversation with the
corresponding definitions.

Example: -someone whose job is to help another person in their work


 A company, organization or country that sells a product or a service.

 A group of companies or people with similar interests or aims who have agreed to work together.

The amount of money a person or organization has to spend on something.

 An official statement or report that an organization gives to journalists, for example about a new
product or an important achievement.

 Someone who has a job doing part of the work that another person or company has agreed to do
for someone else.

D. Martin’s assistant is giving more information about people’s roles on site.

Circle the correct verb forms (present simple or present continuous*) to complete this

'... So, as Martin said, we (1) have / are having around 100 people on site every day. Today,
most people (2) work / are working on the basic structure of the building. The people in green
jackets over there are concrete finishers from DKI Cement, the cement supplier. On this
project, they (3) supervise / are supervising the unskilled labourers, who are all local people.
Of course, there are always a lot of heavy equipment operators. They (4) handle / are
handling the cranes, the cement mixers, the cement pumps, and so on. The drivers (5) bring /
are bringing in fresh loads of cement several times a day. Over there, a couple of painters (6)
paint / are painting the staircase, and the electricians (7) repair / are repairing one of the

3) GRAMMAR. Present simple and present continuous.

A. Look at the photos and complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present

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