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FOOD GROUPS Read the article. Than complete the chart.

Food Nutrients Benefits Intake Examples


Any type of vegetable counts,

Under current dietary
VEGETABLES whether fresh, frozen, raw or
Helps lower cholesterol and recommendations, half of
cooked. Even 100
Most are fiber-rich reduce the risk of heart your plate should be filled
percent vegetable juice can
disease. with fruits and
contribute to your daily
vegetable requirement.
Some of the more Though 100 percent fruit
FRUITS valuable nutrients fruits Most fruits are naturally low juice counts toward your Fruits are the other food group
contain in fat and calories and a daily fruit total, it should making up one-half of your
include folate, good source of be noted that plate (Orange, banana,
potassium and vitamin fiber. fruit juices lack the fiber strawberries, etc…)
C. whole fruits provide.
The most One-quarter of your plate
critical nutrient provided should be filled with grain
GRAINS Which may assist in weight
by grains is fiber Refined grains lack the foods, foods predominantly
management and reduce
Grains also provide B fiber, iron and B vitamins made up of
the risk of conditions such as
vitamins, folate, whole grains contain. grains such as wheat, rice, oats
heart disease and diabetes.
magnesium, selenium or cornmeal include bread,
and iron. cereal, pasta and tortillas.
Proteins are the building
Though they are a critical Should make up the remaining
blocks of muscles, bones and
component of a quarter of your plate, lean
blood and are essential to
healthy diet, many meat, nuts, seeds and seafood
Provide valuable vitamin every system in
PROTEIN protein foods can also be are all good protein
B, iron, magnesium and the body. Protein-rich foods,
FOODS zinc. which should make up the
high in saturated fat and choices. It is recommended
cholesterol. Fatty cuts of adults consume 8 ounces of
remaining quarter of your
meat should be limited fish per week, as it provides
plate, also
for this reason. beneficial omega-3 fatty acids.
provide valuable vitamin
As with
protein foods, some dairy
Dairy products provide The benefit dairy provides for
options can be high in
nutrients that are critical bones makes
saturated fats and Forms the third part in the food
for bone health, consumption especially
DAIRY including calcium, critical for growing children,
cholesterol, so choose pyramid (Soymilk, or calcium
reduced-fat or fat-free supplements)
potassium whose bone mass is
options, and limit
and vitamin D. developing
consumption of full-fat
Oils held the smallest space at
the top. most of the oils you
Yet be mindful that oils consume should be
They provide antioxidant These do not raise unhealthy contain about 120 polyunsaturated or
vitamin E. cholesterol calories per tablespoon. monounsaturated. Just five
food groups, recommending
fats, oils and sweets be eaten
only rarely.

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