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What do you see that explains the way businesses function in terms of ownership and stakeholder


Business ownership is dependent on Capitalism, as for any new venture to start we need assets for
the business which is termed Capitalism in Business ethics. Capitalism is derived from ownership and
stakeholder. A business consists of multiple owners and stakeholders like the employees, customers,
producers as well as entrepreneurs. Owners are the shareholders who influence the corporation in
financial terms. However, according to the text ownership is changing for Canadian businesses, they
don’t only impact the financial statements but also have varying influence on the CSR and the moral
behavior of the corporation. The Canadian Business corporation act helps the corporate in decision-
making taking the proposal of the invertors and the stakeholders. A stakeholder can be categorized
as Active and Passive and how they impact the corporation. Thus, the business function partially
depends on the opinions of the owners and stakeholders.

Organization Business:

I believe that one can organize their business by taking the risk factors or the negative aspects into
consideration. This can help any organization evaluate the upcoming threats to the organization. If
we only look at the positive aspect it might feel that we are going on the right path even if we’re not.
Therefore, evaluating both the positive and the negative side would help any organization think
about the future threats and accordingly work o them to support the system.

Do you think geography has anything to do with the framework of the economy?

Geography is related to the economy. It plays a substantial role in the economy. The location and the
climate impact the economy through various factors like transportation costs, health issues,
agriculture issues, and other resources. For example: In Norway, there are 6 months of day and 6
months of the night which does impact the other activities which in turn disturbs the economy and
increases the price values of the products.

what do you see in your culture that influences the way business ownership functions and the way
stakeholders are represented?

India is a developing country, where the Indian companies emphasize the owners and stakeholders
along with the CSR. The top stakeholder and the investors believe that customers are the future of
the organization. They help gain capital. Hence, they look forward to CSR and social problems,
through charity. Indian culture is inclined toward ethics as well, and the hospitality provided by the
Indian companies is commendable. They would make sure that every aspect is taken into
consideration while making a decision, especially the customers. Post COVID-19 the economy of
every country was not stable and so is India’s nevertheless they tried to provide suitable services
possible to the people, which gives an insight into how Indian business functions taking the
ownership and the stakeholders into consideration.

What cultural values do think are affecting business ownership? 

According to my knowledge, India is taking up modern culture into consideration. As India is rich in
diversity and understanding of the culture of the employees and implantation 0.5% of it in the
organization would lead to employee satisfaction. Indian companies are not only restricted to the
stakeholder and the owners but also evaluate the CSR practices and the ethical practices to make
business efficient.

Do you see a history of state intervention? Family values? Religious commitments?

Yes, India takes high on state intervention. They also believe in performance pay, as they are
concerned about welfare and work on ethical practices. Family values are embraced in Indian
companies, along with religious commitments. India is the one country where all the companies
grant leaves for every festival. This shows how the Indian companies embrace their ethical values
without harming the family and religious commitments.

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