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In recent years, open-space offices replacing working areas with separate rooms

has become a hot topic of debate. In my opinion, the positives of this trend
overshadow the negatives.
It is undeniable that there will be an escalation in the manner in which employees
perform their tasks. It is inevitable to comprehend that the interaction with
colleagues will be considerably far better, thus enhancing their mood and creating a
stronger bond among them. As a result, the company's growth leads to surging in
turnover, which would certainly not be possible when living in confined areas. For
instance, a recent survey reveals that when individuals communicate with each
other and share ideas, their cortisol levels drop and further elevate the potential of
collaboration projects.
Besides this, because keeping an eye on co-workers becomes effortless, monitoring
gets facile. Indeed, preventing personnel from slackening off work and going off-
track during working hours will be less prone as they are constantly kept under the
radar. Hence, due to a greater focus on work, achieving targets becomes quicker,
which could not have been feasible when adapting the traditional approach. An
analysis has mentioned the similarity between working in separate rooms and at
home by stating that such environments have depicted a 30% reduction in task
completion as opposed to a 20% hike when working under supervision.
To sum up, working in open areas is proven to aid not only the organization but
also the workers. I believe that greater productivity and higher profits are far more

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