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Case study X
A need exists regarding how organizational managers effectively communicate to help
connect with employees, build better relationships, and improve attitudes and behaviors in the
workplace (Dasgupta, Suar & Singh, 2014). In a survey of over 1,100 employees in U.S.
organizations, 86% of managers believed they were good communicators, but only 14% of
employees thought their managers were good communicators (Raina & Roebuck, 2016). The
general business problem was that the lack of communication between managers with
employees negatively affected engagement and productivity. The specific business problem
was that some organization managers in the communications industry lacked effective
communication strategies in increasing employee engagement and productivity.

1) Draft a detailed advisory note that bears effective communication strategies in global
business management. (10 marks)
Due to the fact that in a survey of over 1,100 employees in U.S. organizations, 86% of
managers believed they were good communicators, but only 14% of employees thought
their managers were good communicators as cited by Raina & Roebuck, (2016), this
therefore implies that the managers in actual sense were NOT Good communicators.
Below are some of the strategies that I ADVISE Managers to improvise with in order to
uplift and improve on their communication skills and be able to effectively connect with their
employees, build better relationships, and improve attitudes and behaviors in the workplace
as contended by Dasgupta, Suar & Singh, (2014);-
First of all in order to the managers to improve on their communication skills, I advise
them to meet with their employees regularly this will be helpful in improving on their
communication, create a bond of relationship and a feeling of collaboration which enhances
togetherness and productivity. For example in USA, managers can use video conference
calls which are a suitable mean of creating a face – to- face communication among
workmates and their employees at large.

Secondly, I advise the managers to try as much as possible to recognize the

Achievements that their employees have made, which will create a feeling of appreciated and
applauded for the job well done. This will therefore boost their morale and commitment
towards their work duties and responsibilities. In this way, I advise the managers to use Gifts,
awards and certificates as a form of appreciation to the outstanding employees among the
rest. In otherwords, recognition for achievements or job well done by the employees can have
create a positive impact on performance and boost productivity. 

Another communication method that works is meeting with your team regularly, this helps
improve communication and collaboration. For teams with remote employees, Unlike audio
calls, video conference calls let you actually see facial expressions and body language so
everyone is able to fully understand how something is being communicated. You can
also record your meeting for team members who were not able to attend the conference call
to review later.

2) State the rationale of these communication strategies to contemporary organizations.

(10 marks)

Standardized Communication: A corporate communication plan creates a standardized

way to interact with colleagues, managers and other business contacts. Instead of leaving
the method up to the employees, the plan spells out how they should communicate. For
example, the plan might specify that all information be dispersed via memo or email, with
everyone on the team included in the email. This creates consistency in workplace
communication, helping to reduce confusion or missed information.

Information Dispersal: A communication strategy ensures that all significant information

is dispersed to the correct people, both internally and externally. Having all people on the
same page is essential to a highly efficient workplace. If some staff members are unaware
of key information, they may be unable to complete their duties properly, or do work that
they don't actually need to perform. Without standardized communication strategies to
external business contacts, you may have clients or suppliers who are unaware of policy
changes, upcoming events and other relevant company information.

Company Image: Your communication strategy affects your company image. If you have a
standardized, professional method of communicating with the public and your external
business contacts, you present yourself as a professional company with strong organization.
If communication is sporadic and information comes from different people inconsistently,
you present your company as a disorganized unit. You also risk having conflicting
information released if you don't have a specific communication plan in place.

Staff Morale: Lack of communication or inconsistent information dispersal leaves

employees feeling frustrated. Staff members may feel left out, particularly if management
fails to communicate key information. By sharing information consistently with employees,
the company creates a sense of transparency that allows staff members to feel they know
what is going on. If there is a lack of communication, employees may be left wondering
what is going on with the company and may start feeling that the management team is
intentionally withholding information

3) Why is bottom-up information sharing important for managers and employees?

(10 marks)

Increased Collaboration: According to a study conducted at Queen’s University, 39% of

employees believe there is a lack of collaboration in their workplace. A bottom-up approach
helps improve employee collaboration as everyone will be involved in the decision-making
process and have input into how things are done. Communication will be two-way, and
employees will feel empowered to share new ideas with their managers. There is now a wide
range of collaboration tools available to teams to facilitate easy collaboration, so adjusting to
a bottom-up approach can be a smooth process. This results in people being more closely
involved with their work and being more committed to the projects that they’re working on.

Improved Employee Motivation: Statistics reveal that 89% of companies assume that their

staff leave due to reasons such as a higher salary, but only 12% of people end up earning
more from their next company. Having more responsibility and opportunities to contribute, as
advocated in a bottom-up approach, will help your team stay motivated and identify the best
way to work on their projects.

Better Alignment: If you’re continually receiving new projects from your boss, but they
never discuss it with you, you’re never going to be on the same page as them. Results will
never quite match your boss’s expectations, as they never discussed the project with you to
ensure you fully understood it or had a chance to provide constructive feedback. A bottom-up
approach can help change that. Projects or ideas are collaboratively decided on, and
employees will feel more closely aligned with the company strategy and their supervisors’
expectations. This means they can go ahead and execute, confident that their work provides
value to their team and company.

Faster Innovation: Innovation rarely comes from one person’s ideas. Instead, it happens
through talking, idea-sharing, and executing on those ideas. When employees are empowered
to make decisions thanks to a bottom-up approach, internal changes and innovation can
happen faster than ever. Rather than wait for top-level management to come up with new
ideas, employees will feel involved in the innovation process and actively contribute to
improving products, services, and procedures.

Increased Trust Between Higher and Lower Level Employees: A bottom-up approach
requires upper management to realize that their employees have unique knowledge, and they
should be allowed to leverage it.As employees realize that their bosses value and trust their
decision-making abilities, the levels of trust will be higher. With trust in place, ideas can be
quickly shared between upper management and lower-level employees, and feedback can be
provided in honest ways, without fear of judgment

Leverage Cross-Company Knowledge; Another key benefit of a bottom-up approach in a

company is that there won’t be a reliance on one person being the only source of knowledge.
If that person takes a day off, suddenly there’s no one there to answer questions. With a
bottom-up approach, everyone in the company becomes an essential source of knowledge, in
the areas where they specialize
Case study Y
Restaurant chain Cafe Javas has cleared air on a viral video purporting to show that one of its
Kampala branches served a customer with milkshake that contained a dead rat. In the video,
the female customer is heard complaining and wondering how a classy eatery of Javas
standard would serve her a milkshake containing a dead rat. “This a rat I found in my
milkshake from Café Javas, yeah the people we feel so proud of…and they tell me to have
this worked upon, I need to get a lawyer.” the customer said. The customer posted the video
of the alleged discovery she claimed was disgusting. The video had since gone viral on social
media sparking a debate on whether it was faked or real. At first Cafe Javas remained tight-
lipped about the incident that occurred on Tuesday. However, in a statement released Friday,
the management of Cafe Javas dismissed the claims it termed ‘malicious’ and aimed at
tarnishing its image. According to the restaurant, the Oreo and Caramel milkshakes served to
the customer met its ‘high’ standard protocols of food safety and hygiene and therefore
denied the possibility of adulteration. Javas instead accuse the customer of trying to
blackmail the restaurant with the intent of making money out of the situation.

“A quick investigation including a review of our CCTV footage of the preparation and
service of the milkshake confirmed that there was no adulteration of the milkshake. The
customer was duly informed of the findings to which by threatening to circulate a video of
her version of events if she was not paid a certain sum of money” reads in part Javas’
statement. The restaurant says the claims are in bad faith, untrue, and intended to bring its
business into disrepute. Javas add that the video has led to a distortion of its logo. “ this
particular incident, there was no error on our part, either in preparation, presentation or
serving of the milkshakes. It is therefore unacceptable for one to tarnish our otherwise good
image and undermine the hard work and dedication of our staff.” Source: Social media
platforms, 27th August, 2021, Uganda
1) Assuming you are the marketing manager of Café Javas, Uganda, draft a business
report you would share with the board of directors and the general public in response to
the above allegations. (10 marks)
On 27th August, 2021, a video was circulating on social media platforms where a female
customer was complaining and wondering how a classy eatery of Javas standard would serve
her a milkshake containing a dead rat. The customer posted the video of the alleged discovery
she claimed was disgusting where she claimed that she found a rat in her milkshake that was
served by one of our staff. However, on 26 th August 2021, a customer ordered for orea and
caramel milkshake to take away. The two orders were prepared and served following our
‘high’ standard protocols of food safety and hygiene which is duly overseen by our keen
supervisors and before delivery to the customers, we always have an all view of our closely
monitoring CCTV cameras which are operated by a dedicated and committed IT team.
A day later we of 27th we were surprised to learn from the customers that one of the
milkshakes contained a rat, whereas the management conveyed the impossibility of
adulteration since the process of milkshake making involves, such that no vermin or other
solid object could remain in the cup unblended, they nonetheless informed the customer that
her allegations had to be verified. A quick investigation including a review of our CCTV
footage and service of the preparation confirms that there was no adulteration of the
milkshake. The customer was duly informed of the findings to which se reacted by
threatening to circulate a video of her version of the events if she was not paid a certain sum
of money where she went forward to threaten of calling her lawyers to sue our restaurant.
Café javas has painfully built good will and reputation over the years and where errors
genuinely happen, we own up and take full responsibility. However in this particular
incident, there was no error on our part, either in the preparation, presentation or serving of
the milkshakes. It is therefore unacceptable for one to tarnish our otherwise good image and
undermine the had work and dedication of our staff.
We take this opportunity to reassure our esteemed customers and the public that we observe
the highest standards in food preparation and service. Café javas remains committed to
providing you with great food, great coffer, great service.
2) Critically analyze the communication from Café Javas, identifying gaps that require
redress. (10 marks)

Lack of motivation to communicate. Managers need to model—and instill in others—the

desire to communicate effectively.

Lack of feedback. People communicate, or believe that they do, and sit back, assuming all is
well. More attention to feedback must occur if you are to create an environment where
communication flourishes.

Lack of feedforward. We all must take responsibility of sending clear and concise messages.
Make sure your message is being understood.

Personality differences. When people work together, they bring with them their own unique
personalities and attitudes. Rejoice in this diversity and take the time to identify difficult
situations. What works for some, may not work for all.

Low self-esteem: Make your employees feel that you value their work and their suggestions.
Your employees need to feel that they are a value to the organization, but more importantly
that you recognize their value.

Lack of a supportive climate. Do you motivate through fear? Or have you created a
supportive climate that encourages upward communication. Do you welcome the bearer of
bad news? Trust is an important element of a supportive climate. Do your employees trust

Failure to understand or tap the grapevine. A lively grapevine reflects a healthy

organization, one in which people are comfortable talking about their jobs and the
organization that they work for. The grapevine should be listened to intently by every
3) Suggest five ways in which Café Javas can do damage control to protect its name.
(10 marks)
Café Javas in order to do damage control to protect its name should develop a crisis
management team. For a large multiunit company, the team may include the entire
executive team, as well as people overseeing operations, risk management, marketing, human
resources and public relations. For an independent operation, the team might include the
owner, a general manager and the head chef.

Café Javas should also Identify potential crises; Since recovering from a crisis requires the
help of outsiders, Café Javas should use it as a way to gain the community's support. "Its
the right thing to do and it establishes trust in the community. Therefore it should establish a
relationship with the regulatory body I will need to call if this happens.

Café Javas should also Work on safety by Protecting tis employees by conducting regular
training sessions on proper lifting and carrying techniques for heavy items. The chef and line
cooks of Café Javas will need appropriate equipment to store sharp knives and tools, as well
as heat-protection gear, such as potholders. Also, Café Javas may consider mandating
footwear and attire that minimizes risks of injuries. If an employee is injured, workers'
compensation insurance can help pay for medical expenses, as well as partial wages if time
off work is needed to recover.

Safety procedures. Café Javas should also Walk its employees through its food business's
safety protocol, such as how to properly handle, store, and prepare food, and what to do in
case of a fire, robbery, or other catastrophe.

Customer service. Employees who interact with customers should understand how to resolve
problems. For example, if a customer is dissatisfied with a meal, and hence Café Javas
employee should know what to offer the customer to make up for the inconvenience, and
when to get the manager involved.
In Uganda, employers and employees need to work together to slow the spread of COVID-
19, protect and keep each other safe. This means that usual obligations to keep in regular
contact and to act in good faith are more important than ever. Beginning a new job can be
worrying enough, but some have been forced to do it during lockdown. While many
companies including Government Agencies, have overcome the challenges with working
from home, it can be a whole new ball game for people fresh into their roles.

1.Write a reflective essay on how to start a new job remotely during lockdown in
Uganda. (20 marks)

2. Explain possible challenges of starting a new job remotely in Uganda. (20 marks)

Working from home has gone from a dream to a reality for many people in the wake of the
COVID-19 pandemic. The challenges of working from home have also presented themselves.

Collaboration and communication: starting a new job remotely in Uganda can be

challenges limited collaboration and communication since Communication between humans
is already hard enough face-to-face, but it’s much harder when working from home. People
normally rely on nonverbal communication. This is why communicating effectively is one of
the most common challenges you will face when working from home.

Loneliness: A lack of social interaction causes all of us to feel more isolated and lonely
especially those working from home. Loneliness is bad for your mental and physical well-
being and can affect your performance.
Not being able to unplug: Working and living in one space can blur the lines between your
work and personal life. This can make it difficult to relax and switch off once the day is over,
and maintaining a healthy work-life balance becomes a challenge. 

Distractions at home: Even the most disciplined and organized remote team members get
distracted at home. A pile of dirty dishes or a dusty bookshelf might start calling your name.
Then, a 20-minute break turns into two hours. Those who live with family or roommates also
face regular, concentration-busting interruptions.

Being in a different time zone than teammates: An increasing number of companies are
working across multiple time zones. This can make coordinating with intercontinental
colleagues a challenge.

How to overcome this challenge: Leverage project manager, instant messaging, and file-
sharing services to collaborate with international teams. Leaders should encourage teammates
to set regular working hours and communicate them to the rest of the team.

Motivation: It’s easy to lose motivation when working from home, whether you’re a remote
employee or self-employed.  The lack of external inputs and interaction with coworkers can
make you lose sight of your long-term career goals. Ultimately, losing motivation.  Then add
the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it’s no surprise that remote teams are losing

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