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Developing leadership skills"

1. 1. Developing Leadership 1

2. 2. You can download this brilliant presentation at: Visit for more presentations on HR management and management 2
3. 3. Contents 1. Six Trait of Effective Leaders 2. Managerial Grid of Leaders 3. Contingency
Model of Leadership 4. Elements of High Performing Leaders • Leader as Vision Creator •
Leader as Team Builder • Leader as Task Allocator • Leader as People Developer •
Leader as Motivation 3
4. 4. Six Key Traits of Effective 4
5. 5. What is Leadership ? A leader articulates and embodies a vision and goals, and
enables others to share and achieve them Leadership is a state of mind….leadership is
about vision, spirit, and character; getting diverse individuals to work together as a 5
6. 6. Six Traits of Leaders Drive Desire to Integrity Lead Self- Intelligence Job-relevant
Confidence 6
7. 7. Six Traits of Leaders Leaders exhibit a high effort level. They Drive have a relatively
high desire for achievement, have a lot of energy, show initiative, and they’re persistent in
their activities Leaders have a strong desire to influence Desire to and lead others, they
demonstrate the Lead willingness to take 7
8. 8. Six Traits of Leaders Leaders build trusting relationship between Integrity themselves
and followers by being truthful and by showing consistency between word and deed
Followers look to leaders for an absence of Self- self-doubt. Leaders, therefore, need to
Confidence show self-confidence in order to convince followers of the rightness of goals
and 8
9. 9. Six Traits of Leaders Leaders need to be intelligent enough to Intelligence gather,
synthesize, and interpret large amounts of information; and to be able create visions,
solve problem, and make correct decisions Effective leaders have a high degree of Job-
knowledge about the company, industry, Relevant and technical matters. In-depth
knowledge Knowledge allows leaders to make well-informed decisions and to understand
the implications of those 9
10. 10. Managerial Grid of Leaders 9 1.9. Country Club 1.9. Country Club 9.9. Team 9.9.
Team Management Management Management Management Concern 5.5. Middle of the
5.5. Middle of the for 5 Road Management Road Management People 1.1. Impoverished
9.1. Task 9.1. Task 1.1. Impoverished Management Management Management
Management 1 1 5 9 Concern for 10
11. 11. Managerial Grid of Leaders 1.9. Country Club The leaders focuses on being
supportive The leaders focuses on being supportive Management and considerate of
employee to the and considerate of employee to the exclusion of concern for task
efficiency exclusion of concern for task efficiency 9.1. Task The leaders concentrates on
task The leaders concentrates on task Management efficiency but shows little concern for
the efficiency but shows little concern for the development and morale of employee
development and morale of 11
12. 12. Managerial Grid of Leaders 9.9. Team The leader facilitates task efficiency and The
leader facilitates task efficiency and Management high morale by coordinating and high
morale by coordinating and integrating work-related activities integrating work-related
activities 1.1. Impoverished The leaders exerts minimum of effort to The leaders exerts
minimum of effort to Management accomplish the work accomplish the 12
13. 13. Contingency Model of Leadership Environmental Contingency Factor Environmental
Contingency Factor •• Task Structure Task Structure •• Formal Authority System Formal
Authority System •• Work Group Work Group Leader Behavior • Directive Outcomes •
Supportive • Performance • Participative • Satisfaction • Achievement Oriented Employee
Contingency Factor Employee Contingency Factor •• Locus of Control Locus of Control ••
Experience Experience •• Perceived Ability Perceived 13
14. 14. Contingency Model of Leadership • Lead to greater satisfaction when tasks are
ambiguous and stressful than when they’re highly structured and well laid out • Will lead
to higher employee satisfaction Directive when there’s substantive conflict within Leaders
work group • Will satisfy employees with an external locus of control • Are likely to be
perceived as redundant among employees with high perceived ability or with considerable 14
15. 15. Contingency Model of Leadership • Creates high employee performance and
Supportive satisfaction when employees are Leaders performing structured tasks • Are
needed when the formal authority relationships are clear and 15
16. 16. Contingency Model of Leadership Participative • Will satisfy employees with internal
locus of Leaders control (those who believe they can control their own destiny)
Achievement • Will increase employees’ expectancies that Oriented effort will lead to high
performance when Leaders tasks are ambiguously 16
17. 17. Elements of High Performing Leadership High Performing Leader as Leadership
Leader as Team Vision Creator Builder Leader as Leader as Leader as Tasks Allocator
People Developer Motivation 17
18. 18. Leader as Vision 18
19. 19. Leader as Vision Creator Monitoring Creating Setting Developing Action Vision Goals
Action Plan Plan 19
20. 20. Leader as Vision Creator "What is our vision for the team/organization Creating —
where should the team be headed, what Vision kind of team/organization do we want to
become?" Analysis of external opportunities and threats Analysis of internal capabilities
and areas for 20
21. 21. Leader as Vision Creator • The purpose of setting goals is to Setting convert
managerial statements of Goals team vision into specific performance targets — results
and outcomes the team wants to achieve. • Setting objectives and then measuring
whether they are achieved or not help managers track an teams 21
22. 22. Four Characteristics of Goal Setting • Increasing your employees goal difficulty Goal
increases their challenges and enhances the Difficulty amount of effort expended to
achieve them • The more difficult goals lead to increased performance if they seem
feasible • When given specific goals, employees tend to Goal perform higher Specifity •
Telling them to do their best or giving no guidance increases ambiguity about what is 22
23. 23. Four Characteristics of Goal Setting • Providing feedback enhances the effects of
Feedback goal setting • Performance feedback keeps their behavior directed on the right
target and encourages them to work harder to achieve the goal • Employees who
participate in the process, Participation in Goal generally set higher goals than if the goals
Setting were set for them • It also affects their belief that the goals are obtainable and
increases their motivation to achieve 23
24. 24. Leader as Vision Creator • Action plan are the means for accomplishing objectives
Developing Action Plan • Action plan must be concrete, measurable events that must
occur • Plan also establishes a priority for the tasks • Since many tasks must be
accomplished before another can begin, establishing priorities helps your team to
determine the order in which the tasks must be accomplished and by what 24
25. 25. Leader as Vision Creator • The final step is to follow up, measure, and Monitoring
check to see if the team is doing what is Action Plan required. Execution • This kind of
leader involvement validates that the stated priorities are worthy of action. • For the leader
it demonstrates her commitment to see the matter through to a successful 25
26. 26. Leader as Team 26
27. 27. Leader as Team Builder Effective Leaders Great Team develop and nurture…… •
Clear Goals • Team identity and spirit • Clear measures of performance • Sense of fun
and enjoyment • Clear job roles • Open and honest communication Task Task People 27
28. 28. Leader as Team Builder Cultivate a cohesive team Cultivate a cohesive team
Promote team problem solving Promote team problem solving Leader as Be loyal to your
members Be loyal to your members Team Builder Help your members to manage and
Help your members to manage and learn from their challenges learn from their
challenges Care about your members Care about your 28
29. 29. Leader as Team Builder Cultivate a Cultivate a • Know when to step in and when to
cohesive team cohesive team stay out of team conflicts. • Plan occasional team events
that let people get together without the pressures of 29
30. 30. Leader as Team Builder Promote team Promote team • Be accessible for consultation
with problem problem your employees if problems arise, solving solving but dont
micromanage. • Establish a guideline that whenever employees bring you a problem, they
are expected to also bring you at least one possible 30
31. 31. Leader as Team Builder Be loyal to your Be loyal to your • Be the voice of your team
at the team member team member management table. • Share the credit with your team
for its achievements and ensure that those above you know about its successes. • Dont
publicly point a finger when something goes 31
32. 32. Leader as Team Builder Help your Help your • Find out what gets in the way of
members to members to their doing their best. manage and manage and learn from their
learn from their • Delegate, but dont abdicate. challenges
33. 33. Leader as Team Builder Care about your Care about your • Make small talk with your
members members employees when the opportunity presents itself. • Greet employees
by name when you make first contact each day. • Be a positive, encouraging 33
34. 34. Leader as Tasks 34
35. 35. Leader as Tasks Allocator Leaders get things done through people…….. Tasks
Result Leaders People Effective leaders, therefore, need to understand the value of
allocating tasks or delegating and know how to do 35
36. 36. Leader as Tasks Allocator • The assignment of authority to Delegation another person
to carry out specific activities. • It allows a employee to make decisions – that is, it’s a shift
of decision making authority from one organizational level to another lower 36
37. 37. Leader as Tasks Allocator • Recurring and routine tasks What to • Tasks that would
increase or delegate develop an employee’s skills or knowledge • Occasional duties or
tasks • Tasks I do that are in someone’s area of expertise or
38. 38. Leader as Tasks Allocator • A person who is already able and Who to willing to take
on responsibility for delegate doing a task to • A person who wants to learn the task in
order to develop or extend their skills • A person who wants to make their job more
interesting and 38
39. 39. Steps to Delegate Effectively Specify the Clarify the Employee’s Assignment Range of
Discretion Inform Monitor Allow the Others that Results Employee to Delegation
Participate has 39
40. 40. Steps to Delegate Effectively • It’s your responsibility to provide clear Clarify the
Assignment information on what is being delegated, the results you expect, and any time
or performance expectations you 40
41. 41. Steps to Delegate Effectively • Every act of delegation comes with Specify the
employee’s constrains. Range of • You need to specify what those Discretion parameters
are so that employees know, in no uncertain terms, the range of their 41
42. 42. Steps to Delegate Effectively • One of the best way to decide how Allow the employee
to much authority will be necessary to Participate accomplish a task is to allow the
employee to participate in that 42
43. 43. Steps to Delegate Effectively Inform • You need to inform the employee’s Others that
colleagues, other supervisors, or Delegation senior managers, that you have has
Occurred delegated a particular task or duty to someone else. • Let them know, too, that
you have complete confidence in the employee’s ability to succeed in the 43
44. 44. Steps to Delegate Effectively Monitor • Monitoring allows you to make any Results
necessary adjustments to the way the task is being 44
45. 45. Leader as People 45
46. 46. Leader as People Developer Leadership is about developing leaders, not followers
Leadership is about creating a legacy, one that will propel the organization to new levels
of success even when the leader has moved 46
47. 47. Leader as People Developer Leader Employee Development and Learning Plan 47
48. 48. Leader as People Developer • An Employee Development and Employee
Development Learning Plan is a formal contract and Learning between a leader and an
employee Plan that identifies specific development activities that link the employees
interests and skills to organizational 48
49. 49. Leader as People Developer • The plan is the outcome of one or Employee more
discussion sessions that Development address: and Learning Plan • the employees and
managers perspective on the employees effectiveness in her current role • mutual
suggestions for increasing impact in the current 49
50. 50. Leader as People Developer • Things to consider in designing Employee
Development Plan : Development and Learning • Identify the core competencies for Plan
every level of employee in the organization. • Understands that each person learns
differently and that employees need to have tailored learning plans that suit their learning 50
51. 51. Leader as People Developer Employees benefit because they can : Employee
Development • reflect on and communicate their own and Learning interests, skills, and
achievements to their Plan managers • volunteer for participation in satisfying
assignments, special projects, and learning activities • relate personal goals to the bigger
picture of the organizations long-term business plan • seek feedback about specific
development needs and 51
52. 52. Leader as People Developer Managers benefit because they can: Employee
Development • share the responsibility for developmental and Learning planning with
employees rather than Plan assuming full responsibility • get a clearer picture of
employees interests and goals and relate those interests to new tasks and assignments •
energize and retain employees by providing new challenges in their current roles as well
as preparing them for other 52
53. 53. Leader as Motivation 53
54. 54. Leader as Motivation Stimulator Leaders establish the vision for the future and set the
strategy for getting there; they motivate and inspire others to go in the right direction
Motivation = the willingness to exert high level of effort to reach organizational 54
55. 55. Leader as Motivation Stimulator Collaboration Three C’s of Content Motivation 55
56. 56. Leader as Motivation Stimulator People feel more motivated to work hard
Collaboration when they’re inspired to cooperate, when they have an opportunity to help
one another succeed People feel more motivated to work hard Content when they
understand how their work add value to the organization People feel more motivated to
work hard Choice when they feel empowered to make decisions about their 56
57. 57. Leader as Motivation Stimulator Inspire by Example Leader as Motivation Stimulator
Create and communicate a clear vision of the 57
58. 58. Leader as Motivation Stimulator • Be clear and enthusiastic about your own Inspire by
life purpose and goals. Example • The most inspiring leaders are themselves inspired and
excited about the purpose of their lives or their missions. • Sharing your excitement is
often a catalyst for others to join in the pursuit of that mission or to find their own, equally
inspiring 58
59. 59. Leader as Motivation Stimulator • Share stories from your own experience. Inspire by
• People who capture the hearts of others Example and leave them feeling uplifted often
do so by sharing stories about their own struggles, mistakes, and life lessons. • Be willing
to share the human, fallible side of your life experience rather than trying to maintain the
image of a perfect leader who never has doubts or 59
60. 60. Leader as Motivation Stimulator • Focus on the dreams and goals of Inspire by others.
Example • Get to know your employees and other people with whom you regularly
interact. Find out what they want to 60
61. 61. Leader as Motivation Stimulator Create and • Ensure that you are clear about the
goals communicate that have been assigned to your team by a clear vision management
above you. Communicate of the goals these goals to your people and listen carefully to
their feedback. • Have the team develop plans for achieving these goals. Ensure that
everyone has an opportunity to participate and contribute to the plan, which will
encourage buy-in by all 61
62. 62. Leader as Motivation Stimulator Create and • Help others to bring out the best in
communicate themselves. Identify the unique talents a clear vision and abilities of your
employees and of the goals ensure that they understand how they can contribute to the
overall plan and vision. • Keep the vision front and center. When things seem to be going
off track and people are losing their focus, remind the team of what they are working 62
63. 63. References/Recommended Further Readings: 1. Stephen Robbins and Mary Coultar,
Management, Prentice Hall International. You can obtain this excellent book at this link:
ie=UTF8&s 2. Bryn Hughes, The Leaders Tool Kit: Hundreds of Tips and Techniques for
Developing the Skills You Need, Kingsway Communications. You can obtain this
excellent book at this link:
Developing/dp/0814408478/ref=sr_1_1? 63
64. 64. End of Material If you find this presentation useful, please consider telling others
about our site ( 64

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