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Plant Soil (2008) 302:213–220

DOI 10.1007/s11104-007-9471-6


Clay minerals as a soil potassium reservoir: observation

and quantification through X-ray diffraction
Pierre Barré & Christophe Montagnier &
Claire Chenu & Luc Abbadie & Bruce Velde

Received: 2 August 2007 / Accepted: 30 October 2007 / Published online: 22 November 2007
# Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2007

Abstract Potassium (K) is a major element for plant long term fertilization experiment which allowed one
growth. The K+ ions fixed in soil 2:1 clay mineral to address the following questions: (1) Do fertilization
interlayers contribute to plant K nutrition. Such clay treatments induce some modifications (as seen from
minerals are most often the majority in temperate X-ray diffraction measurements) on soil 2:1 clay
soils. Field and laboratory observations based on X- mineralogy? (2) Are soil 2:1 clay mineral modifica-
ray diffraction techniques suggest that 2:1 clay tions related to soil K budget in the different plots?
minerals behave as a K reservoir. The present work (3) Do fertilizer treatments modify clay Al, Si, Mg, Fe
investigated this idea through data from a replicated or K elemental content? (4) Are clay mineral
modifications related to clay K content modifications?
Responsible Editor: Thomas B. Kinraide (5) Are clay mineral changes related to clay Al, Si,
Mg or Fe content as well as those of K content? Our
P. Barré (*) : L. Abbadie
Laboratoire BioEMCO,UMR 7618,
results showed that K fertilization treatments consid-
INRA-CNRS-UPMC-INAPG-ENS-ENSCP, ered in the context of soil K budget are very
Ecology department, Ecole Normale Supérieure, significantly related to 2:1 soil clay mineralogy and
46 rue d’Ulm, clay K content. The 2:1 clay mineral modifications
75230 Paris cedex 05, France
observed through X-ray measurements were quanti-
tatively correlated with chemically analyzed clay K
P. Barré : B. Velde content. Clay K content modifications are indepen-
UMR 8538, Laboratoire de Géologie, ENS-CNRS, dent from clay Al, Si, Mg or Fe contents. These
Ecole Normale Supérieure,
24 rue Lhomond,
results show that the soil chemical environment can
75231 Paris Cedex 05, France modify interlayer site occupations (illite content)
which suggests that high level accumulation of
C. Montagnier potassium can occur without any modification of the
Centre de Versailles-Grignon, INRA,
Unité expérimentale grandes cultures,
clay sheet structure. This study therefore validates the
route de Saint-Cyr, view of 2:1 clay minerals as a K reservoir easily
78026 Versailles Cedex, France quantifiable through X-ray observations.
C. Chenu
Laboratoire BioEMCO, UMR 7618,
Keywords Abiotic/biotic interactions . Clay minerals .
Bâtiment EGER, Ecosystem functioning . Long term experiment .
78850 Thiverval Grignon, France Potassium cycle . Soil
214 Plant Soil (2008) 302:213–220

Introduction K reservoir whose dynamic could be observed through

X-ray diffraction measurements. Based on a compila-
Potassium (K) is a major element for plant nutrition. tion of published data, it was suggested that in a K-rich
Available soil K is a limiting factor in many context some 2:1 layers are able to fix K+ ions forming
agricultural systems (e.g. Evans and Sorger 1966; a 1 nm layer and in a K-poor context some of the
Kilmer et al. 1968; Oosterhuis and Berkowitz 1996) collapsed layers could release K+ ions and in doing so,
and K fertilizers are broadly used in agriculture all reopen as smectite layers. This hypothesis was success-
over the world. Potassium availability can also limit fully tested in laboratory experiments (Barré et al.
primary production in natural ecosystems. Indeed, a 2007b). It was demonstrated that K adsorption or
review by Tripler et al. (2006) showed that K release on a soil clay fraction dominated by 2:1 clay
fertilization increases primary production in forest minerals could be observed and even quantified
ecosystems. Soil potassium availability is also in- through X-ray measurements. The aim of the present
volved in many other ecological processes such as the study is to provide field evidence for this qualitative
outcome of inter-specific competition (Tilman et al. and quantitative relationship between 2:1 clay mineral-
1999). Improving the knowledge about mineral K ogy (illite layer content) and soil K cycle.
resources is therefore needed for a better understand- In the present study we investigated fertilizer
ing of both natural and cultivated ecosystems. effects, based on X-ray observations and chemical
Soil 2:1 clay minerals play an important role for analysis of soil clay fractions from a long term P/K
soil K availability. Indeed, several studies showed that fertilization experiment performed in the INRA
the presence of such clay minerals, even in subsidiary Grignon station (Yvelines, France). The following
quantities, increases effective soil K availability (e.g. questions have been raised: (1) Did fertilization
Arkcoll et al. 1985; Delvaux et al. 1990; Poss et al. treatments induce some modifications of soil 2:1
1991). The particular importance of such clay layers clay mineralogy ? (2) Were soil 2:1 clay mineral
relies on their ability to adsorb and release K+ ions modifications related to soil K budget? (3) Did
from 2:1 clay mineral interlayer sites (e.g. Hinsinger fertilization treatments modify clay Al, Si, Mg, Fe
2002); these adsorption and release phenomenon can or K content? (4) Are the observed, X-ray diffrac-
occur over a short period (e.g. Jungk and Claassen tion clay mineral modifications related to clay K
1986). Although, the contribution of clay mineral content modifications? (5) Are clay K content
interlayer K to plant nutrition was often considered to modifications related to changes in clay Al, Si, Mg
be of minor importance, it is now suspected that it or Fe content?
might contribute to a significant part if not the
majority of the K supply in many soils (Hinsinger
2002; Øgaard and Krogstad 2005; Andrist-Rangel et Methods
al. 2006). Observation and quantification of interlayer
K dynamics is therefore most likely a key-parameter Fertilization treatments
for understanding the soil K cycle.
Potassium ions are usually anhydrous in soil clay Different P and K fertilization treatments were applied
mineral interlayer sites. Soil clay mineral layers which on different plots in cropped fields at the Grignon
contain anhydrous K+ ions have a 1 nm basal spacing experimental station (Yvelines, France) of the French
and are traditionally called illite or “illite-like” in the Institute for Agronomical Research (INRA). No other
present work. One finds discrete illite in soils, i.e. fertilizers were added during this experiment. The soil
structures which are exclusively composed of anhy- is a Luvisol, its ploughed layer having the following
drous potassic interlayers, but generally the greatest part characteristics: sand/silt/clay=9/68/23; pH (H20)=
of 1 nm layers in soil clays is associated with smectite 7.8; pHKCl=7.1; organic C=1.4%; N total=0.14%;
layers in mixed layer crystallites. These clay mineral CaCO3 =3%; CEC=14 cmolc/kg.
populations are called interstratified illite−smectite and In the beginning of the experiment in 1959, the
are widespread especially in temperate soils (Wilson field was divided in 20 plots (7 m×15 m). Fifteen of
1999; Velde 2001). Barré et al. (2007a) have hypoth- these plots received about 70 kg of P and 70 kg of K
esized that 2:1 soil clay minerals can behave as a huge per year during 7 years. The five other plots did not
Plant Soil (2008) 302:213–220 215

receive any fertilizer input from 1959 to the present Sampling procedure
day. These latter plots will be thereafter referred as
0init. In 1966, a new fertilizer treatment was applied. Three soil cores (diameter=5 cm; length=20 cm)
This treatment was stopped in 10 of the 15 plots were sampled near the center of each plot in October
previously treated until 1978. In five other plots P and 2006. Twenty centimeters corresponds approximately
K fertilizer treatments were continued. These plots to the plough depth. The three cores were pooled into
will be thereafter referred as PKinit. The amounts of P one sample which was dried at 60°C, sieved at 2 mm
and K fertilizer treatments were respectively 100 and and thoroughly homogenised.
180 kg ha−1 year−1 during this period. In 1979, the
plots treated from 1959 to 1965 and not treated from Clay fractions recovering procedure
1966 to 1978 were divided in two parts. A new
fertilizer treatment was applied to the 20 smaller plots We used a physical fractionation procedure to recover
(3.5×15 m) from 1979 up to the present day. Among the soil clay fraction (<2 μm). For each sample, 20 g
the 20 smaller plots, five received 100 kg/ha of P and of soil were shaken with 100 ml of deionized water at
200 kg/ha of K each year from 1979, five received 175 rpm on a shaking plate during 16 h. The
only K, five only P and five neither K nor P. These suspension was then ultrasonified at 100 J/ml, sieved
four groups will be thereafter referred respectively as at 200 μm and centrifuged to separate the 0–2 μm
PK, K, P and 0. The treatments were not modified for fraction. For that purpose, the suspension was
the 10 largest plots: the five 0init plots received no centrifuged at 70×g during 9 min allowing sand and
input and the five PKinit received 100 kg/ha of P and silt fractions to sediment. The supernatant containing
200 kg/ha of K per year. Figure 1 presents the the clay fraction was poured in a beaker. This
distribution of the plots in the field and summarizes procedure was repeated until the supernatant was
the quantities of P and K received from the beginning quite clear. All the supernatant collected for a given
of the experiment. Each treatment was therefore soil sample were pooled. A few milliliters of a 0.5 M
replicated fivefold. strontium chloride solution were added to each pooled
supernatant to reach a 0.01 M. About three drops of
Potassium budget in the plots the flocculated clays were poured on a glass slide for
oriented X-ray diffraction. The remaining clay frac-
All plots were cropped with the same plants during tions were dried at 60°C.
the experiment. The crop rotation and the mean yields
per fertilizer treatments were determined. We estimat- Chemical analysis of the clay fractions
ed the K content of the matter exported by the crops
according to the values determined by the French Sub-samples of the 30 clay fractions were compacted
committee for optimized fertilization (COMIFER into 6 mm diameter and 2 mm thick disks using a
2007). For each fertilizer treatment, the mean K hand press and mounted on glass slides and were
budget was calculated by subtracting the K added as subjected to X-ray fluorescence analysis of major
fertilizers and the K exported in the crops (mean elements under SEM (scanning electron microscope,
yields×K content) since 1959. These budgets are EDS-X-ray fluorescence analysis) treatment. For
reported on Table 1. details, see Velde (2006). This technique allowed us

Fig. 1 Experimental design added quantities since 1959

of the long term fertilization K 0 0 parcels
0init PKinit K (kg/ha) P (kg/ha)
experiment in the INRA PK P P
Grignon station (Yvelines, 0 0 K PKinit 8090 4690
0init PKinit
France) P K PK PK 5980 3280
0init PKinit 0init K 5980 580
P 580 3280
P 0
PKinit 0init PKinit
7m PK PK 0 580 580
0init 0 0
15 m
216 Plant Soil (2008) 302:213–220

Table 1 Mean potassium budget for each treatment

Fertilization treatments

0 P K PK 0init PKinit

Total K exported (kg/ha) 4,088.3 4,770.6 4,478.4 5,029.6 3,824 4,597.4

Total K imported (kg/ha) 580 580 5,980 5,980 0 8,090
K budget (kg/ha) −3,508.31 −4,190.6 1,501.6 950.4 −3,824 3,492.6

The K imported corresponds to the K added as fertilizer from 1959 and the K exported corresponds to the K exported in the crops
from 1959

to determine Si, Al, Mg, Fe and K contents in the clay case for our samples. The mixed layered phase
fractions. with the highest spacing was referred as SI
(smectite-rich) and the other as IS (illite-rich).
XRD pattern acquisition and decomposition in the 2:1 Both are disordered mixed layer minerals accord-
clay minerals range ing to the criteria of Moore and Reynolds (1997).
3. Chlorite or HI (hydroxyl interlayer phases) or soil
The oriented preparations were analysed using an X- vermiculite shows 1.42–1.44 nm spacing and has
ray diffractometer using Cu Kα radiation. The XRD a narrow peak (near 0.3–0.5° 2θ at peak half
diffractograms were obtained at 0.05° step intervals height using Cu radiation). These minerals were
for 3 s counting time in the range of 4 to 13° 2θ. found in subsidiary quantities in our samples.
The XRD diffractograms, accumulated as intensity-
position counts, could be treated numerically using
Calculation of X-ray pattern centre of gravity
curve decomposition methods given in Lanson (1997)
using a four-point smoothing routine of a background
The peak position of an interstratified illite−smectite
subtracted spectrum. The 30 diffractograms were
clay mineral depends on the relative abundance of
decomposed into five component curves. Peak posi-
each type of layer. The higher the illite content is, the
tions, intensities and width at half height (WHH) were
smaller the position in nanometers. One can also
determined for each X-ray pattern. The area of each
consider that the relative peak area of a clay mineral
curve is approximated by multiplying the intensity by
population gives an indication on its relative abun-
dance. Therefore, anhydrous K layers in the clay
The following clay mineral identification proce-
assemblage decrease the centre of gravity position of
dure based on the observations of Moore and
the X-ray pattern by increasing the relative area of
Reynolds (1997), Righi et al. (1995) and Velde
illite peaks and by shifting the position of interstra-
(2001) was used to attribute a clay mineral population
tified peaks towards smaller positions in nanometers.
to the peaks:
Based on this, the measurements of the centre of
1. Illite was considered as two components of the gravity position in the 2:1 clay mineral range should
peaks at near 1 nm, poorly crystallized illite (PCI) be related to the anhydrous K layer content of the
and well crystallized illite (WCI). PCI have a whole clay assemblage and may therefore be used as
greater peak width than WCI (about 0.9° vs 0.4° an approximation of relative K content. Further
2θ using Cu radiation). PCI have 1.03–1.05 nm details can be found in Barré et al. (2007b).
spacing whereas WCI have a spacing near 1 nm The centre of gravity (cg) of the X-ray patterns was
(for details, see Meunier and Velde 2004). easily calculated as follows:
2. Smectite–illite mixed layer minerals have posi- X .X 
tions ranging from 1.15 to 1.5 nm depending on cg ¼ ai  posi ai
the proportion of illite and smectite layers. These
phases show peak widths of 1.5 to 2° 2θ using Cu
radiation. There are generally two illite−smectite ai area of the peak i (WHH×intensity)
mixed layer components in soils which was the posi position of the peak i
Plant Soil (2008) 302:213–220 217

Peak WHH, intensity and position were all de- of the clay minerals sampled in the 30 plots (F3,26 =
termined by the Decomp program (Lanson 1997). We 17.61, P=0.0001). We found a significant “fertK”
used the positions measured in nanometers rather than effect (F1,26 =14.25, P<0.001) which indicated that the
in 2θ angle and the cg position will therefore be K fertilization treatment modified soil clay minerals.
thereafter given also in nanometers. Figure 2 shows a There is no effect of the P fertilization (F1,26 =0.32, P=
decomposed X-ray pattern and the measurement of 0.57) nor an effect of the interaction between P and K
the position of its centre of gravity. fertilizations (F1,26 =0.02, P=0.90). Figure 3 presents
cg positions plotted against the added K quantities.
Statistical analysis
Are soil 2:1 clay mineral modifications related to soil
All analyses were performed with SAS software K budget?
(version 8.2). We tested with the GLM procedure if
the fertilization treatments had an effect on the We calculated the mean positions of the centre of
position of the centre of gravity. The effects of the gravity of the X-ray patterns of the clay minerals for
model were “fertK”, “fertP” and the interaction each fertilization treatment as well as the mean K
“fertP×fertK”. We also tested if the K budgets and budget. Figure 4 presents the mean position of the
the position of the centre of gravity are related. Then, centre of gravity plotted against soil K budget. There
we tested if the fertilization treatments had an effect is a strongly significant linear relationship between
on clay Al, Si, Mg, Fe and K content. The effects of the centre of gravity positions and the soil K budget
this model were also “fertK”, “fertP” and the (F1,4 =122.17, P<0.001, R2 =0.97). The higher the K
interaction “fertP × fertK”. We performed linear input the lower the position of the centre of gravity
regressions between cg and clay K content and and conversely, the higher the K output the higher the
between clay K content and clay Al, Si, Mg and Fe position of the centre of gravity indicating a greater
contents with the GLM procedure. presence of non-potassic smectites minerals.

Do fertilization treatments modify Al, Si, Mg, Fe or K

content of soil clay fraction?
There is no significant effect of the fertilization
Do fertilization treatments modify soil clay minerals? treatments on clay Al, Si, Mg of Fe contents. The
calculated F and P-values were respectively for Al,
The fertilizer treatments very significantly influenced SI, Mg and Fe: F3,26 =0.10, P=0.96; F3,26 =0.10, P=
the position of the centre of gravity of the X-ray patterns 0.96; F3,26 =1.03, P=0.39; F3,26 =0.65, P=0.59). At

Fig. 2 Decomposed X-ray HI

pattern of a clay fraction Position: 1.42 nm
from a K parcel. The bold Relative area: 0.02
line represents the measured SI PCI
diffractogram. Each curve Position: 1.46 nm Position: 1.02 nm
Relative area: 0.57 Relative area: 0.14
corresponds to an identified IS
clay mineral population. Position: 1.16 nm WCI
The cg position was calcu- Relative area: 0.22 Position: 1 nm
lated as follow: cg=0.57× Relative area: 0.05

1.31 nm
* = centre of gravity position
cg = 1.31 nm

4 5 6
* 7 8 9 10

º2θ Cu Kα
218 Plant Soil (2008) 302:213–220



cg position (nm)



2,5 2,7 2,9 3,1 3,3 3,5
clay K content (%)

Fig. 3 Relationship between cg position of X-ray patterns and Fig. 5 Relationship between cg position of X-ray patterns and
K fertilization. The equation of the linear regression is: Y= clay K content

position of a bi-hydrated (K free) smectite. Moreover,

the opposite, there is a significant effect of the if we consider the cg position of a mica or a pure illite
fertilizer treatment on the clay K content (F3,26 = peak (1 nm), the K content of this clay mineral would
6.37, P=0.002). In particular, there is a significant be 7.21% according to the equation. A 7.21% K
effect of the K fertilizer on clay K content (F1,26 = content is in the range of the K content for illite
8.54, P=0.007) and neither an effect of the P fertilizer minerals (e.g. Newman 1987).
treatment (F1,26 =0.16, P=0.69) nor effect of an
interaction (F1,26 =0.1, P=0.74). Are clay mineral changes related to clay Al, Si, Mg or
Fe content as well as those of K content?
Are soil clay mineral modifications related to K
content of the soil clay fraction? There is no relationship between Al and K contents
(F1,28 =2.11, P=0.16). There is also no relationship
Figure 5 presents the cg position of the X-ray patterns between Si, Mg, Fe and K content (F1,28 =1.81, P=
plotted against the measured K content of the clay 0.19; F1,28 =0.35, P=0.56; F1,28 =0.01, P=0.90). Clay
fraction. There is a strongly significant negative linear K content modifications are independent from Al, Si,
relationship between cg positions and K content Mg or Fe contents.
(F1,28 =59.43, P<0.0001, R2 =0.68). Clay mineral
modifications are therefore strongly correlated with
the total K content of the clay fraction. It is also Discussion
interesting to consider the equation of the regression:
Y=−0.072 (±0.009) X+1.52 (±0.03). The abscissa position of the cg of X-ray patterns
This means that if the clay assemblage is K free the decreased significantly with K fertilizer addition.
cg position would be 1.52 nm which is exactly the There is also a very significant relationship between
the soil K budget and the abscissa position of the cg
1,34 of X-ray patterns. Our K budgets have been simpli-
fied because we did not take into account the aerial K
cg position (nm)

1,32 deposition and K leaching by water soil interaction

from the plots. However, the order of magnitude of K
leaching and K deposition generally considered in
1,28 temperate agrosystems (about 5–20 kg ha−1 year−1)
are significantly smaller than the quantities of K
brought as fertilizers or exported in the crops in our
-6000 -3000 0 3000
study. Moreover, as deposition and leaching have
K budget (kg/ha)
antagonistic effects on the K budget, ignoring both
Fig. 4 Relationship between cg position and soil K budget. The
equation of the linear regression is: Y=−4.20.10−6(±5.5.10−7)×X+ phenomenon reduces the error on K budgets. Though
1.30(±1.83.10−3) less informative than a complete K budget, we
Plant Soil (2008) 302:213–220 219

therefore consider that our simplified budget is to a difference of about 1 t of K per hectare in the clay
relevant to support our conclusions: the K budgets fraction of the 0–20 cm zone. This is much more than
in the plots are quantitatively related to clay mineral the K quantity needed yearly by plants (50 to 80 kg
modifications. This observation supports those gener- ha−1 year−1 on average (Schlesinger 1991, p159;
al conclusions by Tributh et al. (1987) and Velde and Hinsinger 2002)). The reservoir could therefore largely
Peck (2002) for similar studies. supply the whole K plant needs during the growing
The modifications observed through X-ray meas- season and take back the K yearly released as through-
urements are linked to the modifications of total clay fall or during the litter decomposition. It means that the
K content. This confirms the quantitative relationship net K flux could be nearly zero for the reservoir at the
under field condition, for a given clay assemblage, yearly scale. Moreover, each year, the values of positive
between the position of the centre of gravity of X-ray or negative K fluxes are small compared to the K
patterns and the measured clay K content observed in quantity in the reservoir. These arguments may explain
a laboratory experiment performed on “simplified” why such an important mechanism for the K cycle in
soils (Barré et al. 2007b). Taken together, all these terrestrial ecosystems has not been documented until
results show that if the K budget was positive the soil now. Indeed, the differences between soil clay miner-
clay minerals of the plot became more potassic with alogy before and after the growing seasons should be
anhydrous (1 nm) layers whereas the quantity of subtle and localized in the vicinity of roots. It means
anhydrous K layers decreased if the K budget was that even if clay mineral modification occurs after the
negative. Indeed, a clay mineral assemblage with a growing season, the difference is not too diluted to be
higher anhydrous K interlayer quantity has a higher observed in the bulk soil. Moreover, if the annual net
total K content and at the same time its X-ray pattern flux of K between soil 2:1 clay minerals and the
has a lower cg position (more layers collapsed to vegetation is nearly zero, even long term experiments
1 nm). Consequently, the present study provides the would not allow one to observe clay modifications.
first direct demonstration at the field scale, supported That is why, drastic K fertilization treatments coupled
by appropriate statistical analysis, that soil 2:1 clay with the use of numerical X-ray pattern decomposition
minerals behave as a K reservoir with a capacity to program were needed to demonstrate that soil 2:1 clay
respond to potassium availability. minerals behave as a K reservoir. The kinetics of the
Contrary to the clay K content, the fertilization filling and emptying of the reservoir in field condition
treatments did not modify Al, Si, Mg or Fe content of remains nonetheless an open question which needs
the clay fraction. Moreover, clay K content variations further investigations.
are not correlated with the variation of any of these Clay minerals are also involved in the major soil
elements. As Al, Si, Mg and Fe are the most abundant processes such as aggregate formation, soil organic
cations in the clay mineral sheets, these results suggest matter adsorption and soil cation exchange capacity
that interlayer K fixation or release does not imply that all considered to be properties vital to healthy plant
modifications of the major ions inside clay sheets growth. Our study showed that clay minerals could be
occurred. However, we did not test if the oxydation modified within 46 years, i.e. rapidly compared to
degree of the Fe cations was modified by the fertiliza- assumed pedogenetic time scales. In particular, K
tion treatments. If suggested by our study, we therefore uptake in the vicinity of roots should strongly modify
cannot claim that interlayer site occupation modifica- clay minerals. We must therefore wonder if these
tions are independent from layer charge modifications modifications have an influence on soil properties
and such a demonstration needs further research. influenced by clay minerals. If so, clay mineral
Our data allow an estimation of the order of modifications should have some consequences for
magnitude of the size of the K reservoir. The mean the functioning of the rhizosphere. Such an idea is
difference between total K content of the clay fractions supported by the study by Li et al. (2004) which
of the plots which received the higher quantity of K showed that the presence of K ions in interlayer sites
fertilizer (“PKinit”) and those which did not receive any modifies pesticide sorption on smectite clays. Given
input (“0init”) is 2,4 g of K per kilogram of clays. If we that clay minerals can react at the plant life time scale
consider a soil with a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and a 20% and that they are involved in major soil processes, we
clay content, this means that the fertilizer treatments led suggest that clay mineral analysis should be an
220 Plant Soil (2008) 302:213–220

important perspective for a better understanding of clays. 1. Existence of interlayer K+ specific sites. Clay
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Conclusion Hinsinger P (2002) Potassium. In: Lal R (ed) Encyclopedia of
soil science. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New-York, USA
Jungk A, Claassen N (1986) Availability of Phosphate and
Our data show that soil 2:1 clay minerals behave as a Potassium as the result of interaction between root and soil
K reservoir. The filling or emptying of this reservoir in the rhizosphere. J Plant Nutr Soil Sci 149:411–427
could be followed efficiently through X-ray measure- Kilmer VJ, Younts SE, Brady NC (eds) (1968) The role of
potassium in agriculture. American Society of Agronon-
ments of materials formed under field conditions.
omy/Crop Science Society of America/Soil Science
This reservoir is likely to have a key role for K cycle Society of America, Madison, WI, USA
in soils. The most evident implications are that it Lanson B (1997) Decomposition of experimental X-ray
could obviously supply short term K plant needs and diffraction patterns (profile fitting): A convenient way to
study clays. Clays Clay Miner 45:132–146
preserve long term ecosystem productivity by reduc-
Li H, Teppen BJ, Laird D, Johnston CT, Boyd SA (2004)
ing K leaching. Our work also validates the use of the Geochemical modulation of pesticide sorption on smectite
centre of gravity position to qualitatively and quanti- clay. Environ Sci Technol 38:5393–5399
tatively study clay mineral modifications in soil Meunier A, Velde B (2004) Illite. Springer, Berlin, Germany
Moore DM, Reynolds RC (1997) X-ray diffraction and the
dominated by illite and mixed layer illite−smectite identification of clay minerals, 2nd edn. Oxford University
clay minerals which open many perspectives for soil Press, New-York, USA
K cycle understanding from roots to ecosystem scale. Newman ACD (1987) Chemistry of Clays. Wiley, New-York,
Øgaard AF, Krogstad T (2005) Release of interlayer K in
Acknowledgments We deeply thank the technical team of the
Norwegian grassland soils. J Plant Nutr Soil Sci 168:80–88
Grignon experimental station which has performed precisely
Oosterhuis DM, Berkowitz GA (eds) (1996) Frontiers in
the fertilization protocol since 1959. We also acknowledge
potassium nutrition: New Perspectives on the Effects of
Pascal Denoroy from the INRA Bordeaux who contributed to
K on Physiology of Plants. Potash and Phosphorus
develop the standard mineral contents of cultivated crops and
Institute of Canada (Publ), Norcross, GA, USA
indicated us these values. We also thank François Rassineux of
Poss R, Fardeau JC, Saragoni H, Quantin P (1991) Potassium
the ERM society for his help for the clay elemental analyses
release and fixation in ferralsols (oxisols) from southern
and the Hydrasa laboratory (Université de Poitiers, France) for
Togo. J Soil Sci 42:649–660
the use of their X-ray diffractometers. The help of Jacques
Mériguet for the field work was also much appreciated. We Righi D, Velde B, Meunier A (1995) Clay stability in clay
acknowledge Gérard Lacroix, Elisa Thébault and Céline Hauzy dominated soil systems. Clay Miner 30:353–364
for their helpful comments on the manuscript. Schlesinger WH (1991) Biogeochemistry, an analysis of global
change. Academic, San Diego, California, USA
Tilman EA, Tilman D, Crawley MJ, Johnston AE (1999)
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