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We cannot deny the fact that being a great leader is hard, but what qualities
or skills are needed to be an exceptional leader? Does a person need to be risk taker?
Responsible? Or Open minded?
A leader should be responsible, risk taker, open minded, and most especially a
communicator, leadership requires to communicate their thoughts professionally.
They should be the person who can lead and teach people genuinely in a polite
manner, this way their members can also voice out their thoughts without getting
nervous or anxious. Moreover, listening is one of a vital skill for managing a group of
The former Supreme Students Government President, Mr. Kent B. Taize was
invited in Liceo De Victoria at March 03, 2023 to be their guest speaker discussing
leadership and his experiences as a student and a leader. According to Mr. Taize,
stubborn and careless students may change and lead a group of people with the right
amount of persistence. Perhaps, persistence can beat all of your negative habits.
People could do so much more if they would try harder and make effort. Mr.
Taize is also one of those students who are stubborn and careless, but if you would
look at him now, he graduated as the class valedictorian in year 2019. He was invited
to talk about his experiences and to share his opinions at Liceo De Victoria for their
leadership training.

It takes one realization to change and be the change that others may not
expect. When it comes to achieving goals, leaders should provide guidance,
inspiration, and motivation. They aid in the formation of a vision and mobilization of
people around a common goal.
To be a great leader we should acquire such qualities as risk taker,
responsible, open minded, communicator, and listener. Thus, being an exceptional
leader is not easy. One should be ready to face the results of their resolution, it is
important to be prepared for the potential consequences of one's actions, decisions
or circumstances. This requires a willingness to take responsibility for one's own
deeds and choices, as well as the ability to adapt and respond to unexpected
In order to be truly successful in any aspect of life, it is important to
internalize this philosophy and apply it in all endeavors. This mindset can ensure that
individuals are proactive in their approach to problem-solving, take ownership of
setbacks and learn from them in order to grow both professionally and personally.

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