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First of all, I would like to thank the authors of the article and the teacher who advised me

this article about procrastination and ways to solve this problem. I have been suffering from
procrastination for many years and only recently I realized that it happens for various reasons
and most often from fear of doing wrong or fear of the work itself.
In this article I found a lot of useful tips and tricks to make friends with your brain. Our
brain distracts us from frightening difficult jobs and forces us to be distracted by unimportant
things. As a result of procrastination, a person suffers from the amount of accumulated cases,
pays with his healthy sleep, mental health and reputation. I liked the expression from the article:
"Procrastination is the bane of every student's existence."
Kindly provided tips in the article will definitely help to get rid of procrastination, do
things on time and allow us to sleep. In my opinion, the most important point is the planning and
regular use of the calendar.
Tracking individual tasks by day and deadline will allow us to strain ourself ahead of
time. If our brain distracting from important things, then, it considers them as difficult and
stressful. Therefore, the second advice on drawing up achievable goals, a timeline and a deadline
is more suitable than ever to manage with completing things.
The main enemy is a vague, unclear plan of action. Procrastination is a distraction to
extraneous unimportant things, so it will be most effective to remove all distractions, for
example, delete social networks, lock yourself in a room and ask others not to disturb you, or do
business in another quiet place, for example in a library or cafe. Also, one of the important tips is
to spend exact time for yourself, that is, active recreation or doing a completely different thing to
distract from work. But while working, it is important to set a timer, because being constantly in
suspense for an indefinite period is not useful for us.
These tips will help prevent emotional burnout. This means that you need to take care of
your health and take breaks for pleasant music, walking, cleaning, shouting into the pillow.
Something that distracts you from work and allows you to relax. But rest should be not often
and not for long. As soon as you sit down to work, nothing mustn’t distract you for a long time.
It was also a great idea to have an incentive or reward at the end of the job. To finish the
job, it is best to start with a difficult job and finish with the easiest one. Everyone will agree that
it is most pleasant to finish the work with easy tasks.
In addition, if you tell others about your goal, it will push you forward and encourage you
to work faster and make you will feel more responsibility.

1. Get organized 1. Организовать, привести в порядок

2. . Invest in a planner  2. . Инвестируйте в планирование
3. Set simple, achievable goals 3. Ставьте простые, достижимые цели,
4. less intimidating 4. менее пугающие,
5. more attainable 5. более достижимые,
6. breaking them down into smaller and 6. разбивая их на более мелкие и более легко
more easily achievable tasks достижимые задачи,
7. checking off more tasks as you go 7. отмечая больше задач по мере
8. Create a timeline/schedule продвижения
9. mapping out 8. Создайте график/расписание,
10. Breaking 9. отображающее
11. an assignment 10. Разбиение
12. small chunks 11. договоренность
13. more manageable 12. небольшие куски
14. Set a deadline 13. более выполнимые
15. get trapped 14. Установите крайний срок, чтобы
16. Get rid of distractions 15. попасть в ловушку
17. all potential disruptions 16. Избавьтесь от отвлекающих факторов
17. все потенциальные сбои
18. don’t get needlessly 18. не становитесь напрасно
19. side tracked halfway 19. сбился с пути на полпути
20. tend to 20. . склонны
21. constant chatter 21. . постоянная болтовня
22. study distraction-free.  22. . изучайте, не отвлекаясь.
23. Time yourself  23. . Время для себя
24. loaded with 24. . нагруженный
25. take a break 25. . сделайте перерыв
26. take mental breathers 26. . сделайте ментальные вдохи
27. do some laundry 27. . постирайте немного
28. Use incentives 28. . Используйте стимулы
29. being rewarded . 29. . быть вознагражденным.
30. something is at stake. 30. . что-то поставлено на карту.
31. overwork yourself 31. . переутомляйтесь
32. Get the hard stuff done first 32. . Сначала сделайте самое сложное
33. push everything back 33. . отодвиньте все назад
34. the most challenging assignments first. 34. . сначала самые сложные задания.
35. It’s best to buckle down and just do it.  35. . Лучше всего пристегнуться и просто
36. assignments сделать это.
37. put them off 36. . задания
38. holding yourself accountable 37. . отложите их
39. back out 38. . ответственность за себя
40. slough it off 39. . отступить
41. celebrate your victories 40. . сбросьте его
42. to support you. 41. . празднуйте свои победы
42. . чтобы поддержать вас.

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