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Writing healthy habits:

If I had known the benefits of having some healthy habits in my diet, I would have started
years ago. Some of these habits are eating fruits (peach, grapes, melon…) and vegetables
(eggplant, cabbage, cucumber…), a friend of mine told me that his favorite one is pineapple
and is a really good one in my opinion. I was used to not doing any physical activity, but
nowadays I train three days a week, so metabolism works faster and better. A great habit is
having a fixed schedule of eating times, this will help your body to get used to your habits.

Of course you can change your habits depending on the weather. If it is unusually hot, or it is
freezing, you will need different foods.

The most important food on the day is lunch (not the breakfast as is common to hear about)
and you should take proteins, fats (healthy ones, not processed) and hydrates. To finish, I
would recommend a daily intake of 1700-2000 Kcal depending on your weight, age and sex.

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