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Name: _______________________ Marks: ____/ 40

Q1. Label each picture with the correct word and match the word to
its meaning: ( 3 marks )

1. dark place made where an

object blocks light

2. shapes you see of the moon


3. brightest object in the daytime

Q2. Write the words that tell more about each columns. each word
may be used more than once: ( 4 marks )

sun clouds stars moon

Daytime Nighttime Gives off Moves or

Sky Sky Its Own Seems to
Light Move

Q3. Complete the phrases using the words below: ( 2 marks )

shadow phases stars clouds

1. You can see the ____________ in the night.

2. The ____________ of the moon change as the moon moves.

3. You can see the moon and the __________ at night.

4. A ________________ is a dark place made where an object blocks

Q4. Fill in the diagram to compare by using the words below: ( 2
marks )

sun stars clouds moon


Q5. Unscramble the letters to complete each sentence: ( 1 mark )

sun star telescope moon

omon 1. The __ __ __ __ is a large ball of rock.

tasr 2. A __ __ __ __ gives off its own light.
eletopsce 3. A __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is a tool for making
things look bigger
usn 4. The __ __ __ is the star we see in the day.
Q6. Write the correct season under each picture: ( 1 mark )

summer fall spring winter


____________________ _________________________

Q7. Use the words below to complete the phrases: ( 3 marks )

season spring weather summer winter fall


1. the season that follows fall ( __ __ __ __ __ __ )

2. the season that follows spring ( __ __ __ __ __ __ )

3. the season that follows summer ( __ __ __ __ )

4. a time of year ( __ __ __ __ __ __ )

5. the season that follows winter ( __ __ __ __ __ __ )

6. a change in the weather pattern that repeats

( __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ )
Q8. Complete the phrases using the words below: ( 1 mark )

warm sunglasses leaves cold

1. In spring, the air becomes ( __ __ __ __ )

2. In winter, the air becomes ( __ __ __ __ )

3. People wear ( __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ) in the summer.

4. The ( __ __ __ __ __ __ ) change color in the fall.

Q9. Write a word from the box to fill in the blanks: ( 1 mark )

cold windy sunny hot

Observation Inference

Children are swimming in the The day is ________________


The trees are moving back and The day is ________________


People are wearing warm coats The day is ________________

People are wearing sunglasses The day is ________________

Q10. Write a word from the box for each clue: ( 2 marks )
wind thermometer temperature weather
a measure of hot or cold something __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
air that is moving __ __ __ __
a tool used to measure temperature __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
I am what the air outside is like. __ __ __ __ __ __ __
What am I?

Q11. Write each word under the correct picture: ( 1 mark )

rainy sunny windy cold

____________________________ __________________________

____________________________ ____________________________
Q12. Write a word from the box to fill in the blanks: ( 3 marks )

reduce reuse recycle

cause effect

I __________ a bottle as a flower I make less trash


I ______________ cans The old cans are used to make

new pots

I turn off the water when I brush I ____________ the amount of

my teeth. water I use.

Q13. Complete the phrases using the words below: ( 1 mark )

pollution reduce reuse recycle

1. _______________ is waste that harms land, water and air.

2. To ______________ is to use old things to make new things.

3. To ______________ is to use less of something.

4. To ______________ is to use something again.

Q14. Fill in the blanks, use these words: ( 5 marks )

ocean lake stream rive fresh water

1. Most lakes have __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.

2. An __ __ __ __ __ has salty water.

3. A __ __ __ __ __ __ is a small body of water.

4. A __ __ __ __ has water that does not flow.

5. Streams can flow together to make a __ __ __ __ __

Q15. Complete the phrases with the words below: ( 1 mark )

fresh water ocean lakes water

1. All living things ( plants, animals and people ) need __ __ __ __

__ .

2. An __ __ __ __ __ is a large body of salty water.

3. Most plants and animals need __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.

4. Fresh water sources can be found in streams, rivers and

__ __ __ __ __.

Q16. Match each word to its meaning: ( 2 marks )

1. texture is one part of what something is like.

2. property is what an object feels like.
Q17. Complete the phrases using the words below: ( 1 mark )
rock soil natural water

1. We use ____________ to clean, travel, drink and grow plants.

2. Plants and animals are _____________________.

3. A _____________ is a hard non living object.

4. ______________ is the top layer of earth.

Q18. Complete the phrases using the words below: ( 3 marks )

environment food chain shelter

1. ___________________ shows how energy moves from plants to


2. All living and non living things in a place make up an


3. A place where an animal can be safe is a ___________________.

Q19. Label the parts of the plant, one is already done: ( 3 marks )
flower roots stem

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