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Name:Keiyli Varela


Presenter:Stan Roodman PhD


My zoom Presentation was about the Coronavirus also known as Covid-19.

Covid-10 stands for = Coronavirus Disease Discoverd in 2019. It was discoverd on

January 10, 2019 . After 118,000 cases and 4,291 the covid-19 was declared a

pandemic on March 10, 2019 . They doctors were looking for cures to the covid-19 but

some of the drugs thatt usally work were not working but there were some drugs that

were somewhat effective. The syptoms that were with the covid disease were fever,

chills,cough , sorethroat , loss or smell and taste even nausea and vomitting .

Compared to the flu , the flu last 4-7 days but covid last one or two weeks . Covid was

mostly affecting middle aged adults and older adults . Adding to that covid was not

affecting children under the age of 17 badly and there were not a lot of cases or deaths

like in adults. The vaccine was releashed a year after they discoverd covid-19 and when

they first tried it they tried it in a monkey on (July).


My reflection about this zoom presentation is that it was actually really interesting

to learn because of how i was watching it for like two years after it was discovered.One

fact that i found interesting was that when they were barely trying to find out the covid

vaccine was that they first tried it on a monkey in july . It affected thee economics really

bad because people lost their jobs, couldnt go outside, or attend any events.

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