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 Improve Speed

 Remove Trees

 Planted Trees (which is same as Distribution list) and exportable to Excel

Famer Number (#) of Trees GPS location

Alex 200 X,Y

 Live Trees exportable to Excel

Famer Number (#) of Trees GPS location

Alex 200 X,Y

 Reports

1. Distribution list and exportable to Excel

Famer Number (#) of Trees GPS location
Alex 200 X,Y

2. Species
Species Number (#) of Trees
Terminalia 200

3. Establishment survey report

Famer Number (#) of Trees GPS location
Alex 200 X,Y

4. Annual Establishment survey report

Famer Number (#) of Trees GPS location
Alex 200 X,Y


1. Fill in Distribution list

2. Fill in Establishment survey
3. Fill in Annual survival survey

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