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List five popular tourist destinations from the US:

- New York
- New Orleans
- Miami
- Los Angeles
- San Francisco
2. ‘There are Irish Americans, Italian Americans, African Americans, Chinese
Americans and Latinos, Texan cowboys and Alabama pastors, New England
fishermen, Las Vegas showgirls and Hawaiian surfers.’ What can this tell tourists
about the type of people they may meet when travelling to the US?

That America is a very diverse country.

3. ‘America is above all a land of stunningly diverse and achingly beautiful

landscapes.’ Highlight the adjectives used in this sentence. Why would adjectives
be so prevalent in a tourist brochure?

- Adjectives over exaggerate the features of places and things, making them
more appealing to tourists.

4. ‘Icons as diverse as Mohammed Ali, Louis Armstrong, Sitting Bull, Hillary

Clinton, Michael Jordan, Madonna, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Elvis
Presley, Mark Twain, John Wayne and Walt Disney continue to inspire and
entertain the world.’ Choose one of these well-known people and write a brief
summary of their significant contributions to America.
- Hillary Clinton: Ran for president, was accused of being part of a terrorist
group, lost the election, and now everyone’s scared of her.

5. ‘You can soak up the mesmerizing vistas in Crater Lake, Yellowstone and
Yosemite national parks, stand in awe at the Grand Canyon, hike the Black Hills,
cruise the Great Lakes, paddle in the Mississippi, surf the gnarly breaks of Oahu
and get lost in the vast wilderness of Alaska.’ Do some research on one of the
tourist destinations listed. Write a brief summary of why people should visit the
natural wonder.
- Crater Lake, Yellowstone and Yosemite look nice, the Grand Canyon is
cool, Black Hills has a nice walk, you can swim in Mississippi, surf at
Oahu, and get lost in Alaska.
6. ‘The sheer size of the country prevents any sort of overarching statement
about the typical American experience, just as the diversity of its people
undercuts any notion of the typical American.’ Explain what this quote means.
- That there’s so many people in America that you can’t judge the whole
country from just one person.

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