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"The Lost Key"

Sophie had always been forgetful, misplacing her keys or phone on a regular basis. It was a trait
that her friends and family had come to accept and even joke about. But when she lost the key to
her apartment, it was different. Panic set in as she frantically searched her purse, pockets, and
every inch of her apartment. The key was nowhere to be found.

Sophie's mind raced as she thought about how she would get into her apartment. She didn't have
a spare key and the landlord was out of town for the weekend. She couldn't afford to stay in a
hotel and didn't want to burden her friends by asking to crash with them. She felt stuck and

As she sat on her front steps, trying to come up with a plan, Sophie remembered something. She
had visited her friend, Emma, the day before and thought she might have left the key at her house.
She quickly grabbed her phone and called Emma.

"Hey, Emma, it's Sophie. Did I leave my apartment key at your house yesterday?"

After a brief pause, Emma replied, "Yes, actually you did. I found it on the kitchen counter this
morning. Do you want me to drop it off at your place?"

Sophie let out a sigh of relief. "Yes, please! You're a lifesaver. Thank you so much, Emma."

As Sophie waited for Emma to arrive with the key, she reflected on the experience. She realized
how much she relied on her possessions and how lost she felt without them. She also appreciated
the kindness and understanding of her friend, Emma, who had saved her from a potentially
stressful and frustrating situation.

When Emma arrived with the key, Sophie thanked her again and promised to be more careful in
the future. She made a mental note to be more mindful of her belongings and to express gratitude
for the people in her life who were always there to help her in times of need.

As Sophie opened the door to her apartment, she felt a sense of relief and gratitude wash over her.
She knew that even when she lost her way, there were always people who would help her find her
path again.

Raulston Gillette

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