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Astigmatism 1.

What vision problem that has blurry or distorted

sclera 2. is the white part of the eye. Maintains the form of the
optic nerve 3. sends the images from the retina to the brain.
Cornea 4. is a tough, transparent layer of tissues that covers and
protects the pupil and the iris.
iris 5. is colored part of the eye. It is made of muscle tissue that
can contract or expand to control the light that enters the eyes.
hyperopia 6. What vision problem when near objects are blurry?
myopia 7. What vision problem when far-away objects are blurry?
pupil 8. is the circular opening at the center of the iris. It allows light
to pass through the retina.

lens 9. is a transparent, flexible tissue behind the iris and the pupil.
It changes shape as it focuses on near and far objects.
eyelids 10. are thin layers of movable skin and muscles that cover
and protect the eye.
eyebrows11. and eyelashes are both made of thick hairs that trap
dust, sweat, and other foreign debris, preventing them from
entering and damaging the eyes.
Snellen Chart 12. is an eye chart that can be used to measure
visual acuity.
retina 13. is a lining of light-sensitive cells (receptors) at the back of
the eye.
Ophthalmolgist 14. is a medical doctor who specializes in eye and
vision care.
Receptors 15. are cells or groups of cells respond to information in
the surroundings, such as color, sound, smell, touch or taste of
16. Stimuli are things or events that cause certain reactions or
effects in organisms or in one of their parts.
17. Muscles are soft tissues that can contract and relax to produce
18. A pesticide is a chemical that is used to kill pest that damage
19. Hazardous means “unsafe” or “dangerous.
20. Tissue is a group of similar cells that work together to perform
a certain function.
21. Vision refers to the ability of an individual to see.

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