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Stimulus – Response in animals- Human beings

1. Read the following text and answer
The great hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran), reaching up to 6 m
and 170 kg, are all light to dark grey in colour, with white underside.
They enjoy warmer coastal waters, but are usually found in deep
water. The shape of its head allows it to act as detectors. Its eyes
located at the ends of the hammer give it a binocular vision, as well as
the ability to see 360 degrees in the vertical plane. This means that
they can see above and below their body at all times. Its food consists
of squid, fish, but it has a preference for rays that detect them under
the sand with sensory organs located in the head under the skin called
ampullas of Lorenzini that allow it to detect the electric fields created
by its prey. They also have a lateral line that helps them detect the movement and vibrations of the surrounding
water, which helps them, avoid collisions, guide themselves in relation to water currents and locate the prey. They
are also present the sense of taste, hearing and have a great sense of smell, they can detect blood at a distance of a
kilometer and a half
a. How many senses do great hammerhead sharks have?

2. Classification of stimuli according to sensory receptors.

Light Stimulus
Bioluminiscence in animals
It is the process through which living organisms produce light, it is the result of a biochemical reaction in which an
enzyme called luciferase is commonly involved. In this process, chemical energy is converted into light energy. There
are bacteria, worms, insects, fish, jellyfish, squids that produce light. What do animals use bioluminescence for?

Photoreceptors: - Sense organ: The human Eye

The eyes are sensory receptor organs that have photoreceptor cells that detect different wave lengths: ultraviolet,
infrared and visible light (colours). The photoreceptor cells of the human eye are the cones, which are found in the
fovea, and there are three types that capture the colours red, blue and green and produce sharp images. Rods are
other photoreceptor cells that distinguish white, black, and shades of grey and they are in the retina.
1. Label the parts of the eye

2. Complete the following chart

Parts of the eye Characteristics/ Function

1.Conjunctiva It is a thin membrane in front of the cornea
2.Cornea The front part of the sclera that is transparent and allows light to enter the eye and helps to focus it
3. Pupil A hole in the centre of the iris. Lets in light to the rest of the eye.
4. Aqueous humour Clear, watery liquid in front of the lens. Refracts light. Nourish lens and cornea
5. Iris A coloured ring of circular muscle that controls the size of the pupil. We refer to it when we refer to
the colour of the eye.
6. Lens Transparent, convex, flexible structure that refracts light to focus it onto the retina. It is held by the
suspensory ligaments
7. Ciliary body Produce the aqueous humour
8. Sclera It is the hard, white outer layer, that is continuous with the transparent cornea at the front.
9.Choroid This layer contains many blood vessels. It is between the retina and the sclera
10. Retina A light-sensitive layer made up of rods which detect low intensity and cones, which detect different
11. Fovea Place where cones are concentrated in the central part of the retina
12.Optic Nerve Transmits electrical impulses from the retina to the brain
13.Blind spot Part of the retina in front of the optic nerve. It does not contain light-sensitive cells
14. Vitreous Humour Clear, jelly-like liquid behind the lens. Keeps the spherical shape of the eyeball. Refracts light.
15.Eye lashes First line of defense for your eyes, keeping airborne dirt, dust, from reaching the delicate eye
16.Eye lids Spreads tears over the eye surface by blinking.
17.Eye brows Function of eyebrows is to keep our eyes clear of liquid, such as sweat or rain
18.Tear Glands Under the top eyelid produces tear fluid, keeps the surface moist and washes away dust a foreign
particle. It contains the enzyme lisozyme, which attacks bacteria
3. Complete the pathway of the image until it reaches the brain

4. Name causes and consequences about vision disturbances

Causes Consequences
Eye Cataracts
5. Name characteristics of the vision of the animals presented in class.

Binocular vision Vs 360- Compound eye in insects Tapetum lucidans Nictitating membrane
degree field of view and crustaceans

Phonoreceptors: Sound stimulus – Sensory organ: The human ear

1. Label the parts of the ear and complete the chart

1. Flap of skin covered cartilage. Collects as much sound waves as possible and channel it into the auditory canal
2. Conducts sound from the pinna to the tympanic membrane
3. It is a transparent membrane which is sensitive to the vibrations of the ear. It separates outer from inner ear

4. Smallest bones of the body. They increase the pressure of sound waves before they enter the inner ear where
5. there is liquid, twenty times
7. The stirrup bone transmits sound waves to the fluid by vibrating, a flexible membrane
8. When the crest of a sound wave pushes the oval window inward, the fluid moves around the tip of the cochlea
and pushes the ……………….. outward
9. The auditory tube connects the middle ear to the pharynx and equalizes air pressure across the tympanic
membrane, between the middle ear and the outside atmosphere.
10 Helps to maintain our balance
11. A spiral-shaped structure with hair cells that receive sound
12. Connects the inner ear with the brain, transmitting impulses concerned with hearing and balance
2. Describe the pathway of the sound until it reaches the auditory centers in the brain

3. Explain the relationship between the inner ear to balance

4. Echolocation: What is the meaning of echolocation? Why do animals use echolocation for?


1. The Skin

a. State the functions of:

Parts of the skin Function

Krause end bulb
Ruffini ending
Meissner corpuscle
Pacini corpuscle
Oil gland
Sweat gland

2. Mechanoreceptors in animals

Loreal pit in Rattle snake Lateral line in fish In Insects


1. Senses of taste and smell. Complete the diagrams according to the direction of the stimulus.

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