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Body posture and its relation with neck and lower jaw

Body posture and the neck and lower jaw are closely related because the position of the
neck and lower jaw can affect overall body posture. Good body posture involves
maintaining proper alignment of the head, shoulders, hips, and feet, as well as a balance
of muscle tension throughout the body. The neck and lower jaw play a key role in this
alignment and balance.

Problems with the neck and lower jaw, such as a forward head posture or a misaligned
jaw, can lead to muscle imbalances and contribute to poor body posture. In addition,
these problems can cause pain in the neck, head, and jaw and contribute to other
musculoskeletal problems.

On the other hand, maintaining proper alignment and function of the neck and lower
jaw can help to maintain proper muscle balance and improve overall body posture. This
may involve correcting problems with the position of the neck and lower jaw through
techniques such as neck and shoulder stretches, jaw exercises, and the use of occlusal
splints (also known as bite guards).

Overall, the neck and lower jaw are important factors in overall body posture, and
maintaining proper alignment and function of these structures can help to improve
body posture and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal problems.

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