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malocclusion and body posture

Malocclusion refers to problems with the way in which the teeth in the upper and lower
jaws fit together when the jaw is closed. It can have an influence on body posture
because it can cause muscle imbalances in the face, neck, and shoulders, which can
affect overall body alignment and posture.

Problems with malocclusion can lead to muscle tension and fatigue in the face and neck,
which can cause problems with neck and shoulder posture. In addition, malocclusion
can cause pain in the jaw (temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ disorder) and other
areas of the head and neck, which can affect overall body posture.

On the other hand, maintaining proper occlusion (also known as a healthy bite) can help
to maintain proper muscle balance in the face, neck, and shoulders, which can
contribute to good body posture. It is important to maintain proper occlusion through
proper dental care and treatment of any bite problems. In some cases, orthodontic
treatment or jaw surgery may be necessary to correct problems with malocclusion and
improve overall body posture.

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