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Yanett Favela Anguiano

NASA Langley Research center

May 11,2023

I learned that there's many places in the Langley research center. For every job there's a

building for it. To test how to work things in space they use this flat floor to test things that need

zero-gravity.The floor is like an air hockey table.To test like equipment that need fast speed or

strong air there is a thing for it called vacuum spheres which creates air that strong.It goes 5x

speed faster.In the System Analysis concepts Directorate like analyzing and developing.This

helps the future of aeronautics and exploration .

Something interesting I learned is one of the builds is named after Katherine G Johnson who

was like a human computer because she did everything in her mind and every answer she got

was right. They have many subjects that help them succeed to get to the moon and get a trip

around it.There's also many jobs and it needs people that know math.I learned that the Variable

Density Tunnel display helped during World War II on aircraft designs.It also helped engineers to

use pressurized air to get readings on airplanes flight data.


Lucie Aubourg

May 11, 2023

Why NASA wants to go back to the moon

11.10.22, 2 pages
Before going to the red planet we need to go to the moon.They want to go to the moon

first because they want to create a sustainable human presence on the moon.More further in

space the radiations are dangerous to our health.NASA wants to take technologies to space for

Mars that will continue to evolve .NASA is already for sustainable access to an energy source.

One of the reasons that NASA wants to get to mars first is because of China who planned to send

taikonauts around the year 2030.

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