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Student Progress Checks –

For my students in Algebra 1A, I print out progress reports every three weeks from PowerSchool. These
progress reports show students what assignments they have completed, and which ones still need to be
done. I know most students have access to PowerSchool on their mobile devices, but printing it out and
giving them the tangible piece of paper seems to have a larger impact on them. It lets them see how well
they are doing or makes them confront their current progress and assess what changes they may need to
make in order to further their progress. In between units, I also will sometimes schedule a make up day, to
give students the time to make up assignments in class with my guidance. Below is a screenshot of a
recent progress report with the student name removed. As the student reviewed this, I would emphasize
focus on the assignments that are 0’s or missing. Then I would emphasize focus on the bigger point
assignments first.

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