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Ivy Villavicencio BSED English 2A

Week 7 OBTL
Preludes and Nocturnes
Morpheus: Ugh this sucks, why should I be suffering from this? I just had to escape that brat that
wants to be immortal.
Gregory: Hello there Dream, pretty beat up aren't we?
Morpheus: Really man. Haven't you got any delicacy? Anyway I can't really more from here, can
I get some help from you?
Cain: Beg first.
Abel: Hey man, don't be such a tardigrade.
Gregory: To be or not to be that is the question.
Morpheus: Come on, I need to come home now.
Abel: Well sorry for they're quite a bastard, aren't they? Here take my hand.
(They leave the place and nursed Morpheus.)
Morpheus: Well time to go, I need to go home to my realm.
As he went home and sees his ruined realm.
Lucien: Welcome back Dream, let me tell you what happened in the last seven years.
Morpheus: Really, this is what I get for seven years? I guess I have to bring back myself to full
power, I shall find my totems.

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