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Natural & Artificial Method of Contraceptives

Natural Method

- The natural family planning methods do not involve any chemical or foreign body introduction
inti the human body.

 Calendar Method

- This method is also called rhythm method.

- It entails with holding from coitus during the days that the woman is fertile.

 Basal Body Temperature

- The basal body temperature (bbt) indicates the woman’s temperature at rest.
- Before the day of ovulation and during ovulation, BBT falls at 0.5°F; it increases to a full
degree because of progesterone and maintains its level throughout the menstrual cycle.
 Cervical Mucus Method

- The change in the cervical mucus during ovulation is the basis for this method.
- During ovulation, the cervical mucus is copious, thin, and watery.
 Symptothermal Method

- A combination of the BBT method and the cervical mucus method.

- The woman records her temperature every morning and also takes note of changes in her
cervical mucus

 Ovulation Detection

- The ovulation detection method uses an over-the-counter kit that requires the urine sample
of the woman.
- The kit can predict ovulation through the surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) that happens 12 to
24 hours before ovulation.

 Coitus Interruptus

- One of the oldest methods that prevents conception.

- A disadvantage of this method is the ejaculation fluid that contains a few spermatozoa that
may cause fertilization.

Artificial Method

- The deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a

consequence of sexual intercourse.

 Oral Contraceptives

- Known the pill, oral contraceptives contain synthetic estrogen and progesterone.
- Estrogen suppresses the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FST) and LH to prevent ovulation.
- Progesterone decreases the permeability of the cervical mucus to limit the sperm’s accesses
to ova.

 Transdermal Patch

- The transdermal patch contains both estrogen and progesterone.

- The woman should apply one patch every week on the following areas: upper outer arm,
upper torso, abdomen, or buttocks.

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