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Biodiversity and The Healthy Society

a. How would you reconcile the emerging needs of human beings

regarding their health and the need to protect the growth of


-Procuring each need of people have great and awful effects in our environmental
factors and to support the things what we have right presently is to make it balance.
The manners in which we should make ought to be valuable for everybody and to
the biodiversity itself. As we noticed the happenings in Earth, it is genuinely hurtful.
A few people are being egotistical and too indiscreet about our current circumstance.
It is never past the point where it is possible to roll out an improvement and spare
the biodiversity. We can figure out how to make items in a natural manner, less
artificial materials will result into less mischief.

b. Do you think that Earth can exist without human beings taking

care of it? Or biodiversity also needs human beings for it to be in a

continuous growing process? Explain your answer.

-Earth and biodiversity can exist without people. Truly, we as a humanbeings are as
a rule excessively covetous for the good of our own and we are not considering the
outcomes that will influence our environmental factors, as such people are the
destroyer. On the off chance that the destroyers are at long last gone, earth and
biodiversity can in any case deal with its reality.

c. What are small ways that you think would promote safekeeping

our biodiversity? What do you think are the common human

activities that can harm biodiversity? What would be the

consequences if these human activities might be stopped and


-We should start to improve the system of 3 R's and figure out how to segregate the
waste appropriately. Take an interest in programs that would advance the
development of biodiversity like planting trees. Stroll as you can keep away from
contamination. The basic human exercises that can hurt biodiversity are unlawful
logging, tossing trash in all over, commercializing backwoods. The outcomes would
have a decent effect in our environmental factors, there will be more trees to forestall
avalanche and floods, the waterways will be spotless and not polluted and there will
be a greater number of assets than shortage.

2. The Aspects of Gene Therapy

a. Would you subject yourself for gene therapy without its 100% Assurance of
effectiveness or future negative side effects? Why?

- Without its 100% assurance, I wouldn’t risk myself for a gene therapy because it
may also harm the other people not just me or worse it may risk our lives as well

b. Should gene therapy be limited to medical concerns only or could it be used

for aesthetic purposes?

-It could be used also for other purposes as long as, we as humans would not over
use it.

3. Climate Change

a. What significant contribution can individuals make in response to climate


-The significant contribution that individuals can make in response to climate change
, is to plant some trees, plants and vegetables to relieve some stress and to help our
environment , less use of vehicles instead do some biking or walking and less
utilization of electricity.

b. Is climate change preventable?

-Yes, through reducing the human activities and increasing the programs and
activities that will help our environment.

c. What should be the significant contribution of the society as well as the

government in mitigating the hazards caused by climate change?

- The significant contribution of the society as well as the government in mitigating

the hazards caused by climate change, for the government, is to provide a fund that
will help the organization and programs about climate change and for the whole
society itself is to have discipline to follow the rules and policies for prevention and
awareness of climate change.

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