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The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.

The table shows data about the underground rail networks in six major cities. (13)

According to the table, it can be clearly seen that The London subway is the oldest subway with the
longest railway road (394 km of route) among the other six. At the same time, it is readily apparent
that the latest railway station was builded in Los Angeles in 2001 with 28 km (53)

Although London underground system is the oldest and longest one , the passengers were accounted
just 775 millions in a year and this situation placed London in the 3rd place in passenger transport.
On the other hand, Even though Tokyo railway was started after 64 years later , the system is highest
number in carrying ( 1927 millions passengers per year). Moreover , Paris underground railway
system was started in 1900 and it has almost 200 km route with more than 1190 millions of
passengers. Paris took the 2nd place in all points. (93)

As per of the table, Washington DC , Kyoto and Los Angeles underground railroad were opened the
newest ones in 1976, 1981 and 2001 respectively. In total, The these three lines beared 239 million
voyager per year. The minimum passengers were carried line is Kyoto with 45 million people per year
had 11 km railway length. In addtion, Washtion DC had 126 km route and trasported 144 million
people a year. (71)

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