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Plastic is a part of everyday life for most people. It can be found in everything from food

packaging and cosmetics to toys. Plastics inspire innovations that help make life better, healthier

and safer every day. Plastics are used to make bicycle helmets, child safety seats, and airbags in

automobiles. They’re in the cell phones, televisions, computers, and other electronic equipment

that makes modern life possible. They’re in the roofs, walls, flooring, and insulation that make

homes and buildings energy efficient. And plastics in packaging help keep foods safe and fresh.

However, the fact that Plastics are ever rarely recycled or repurposed not only affects our

environment but also the safety of our family.

Plastic began to be mass-produced after the Second World War and then again during the

1960s and 1970s when consumers craved plastics to replace traditional materials because they

are cheap, versatile, sanitary, and easy to manufacture in a variety of forms (Plaine Products).

The word plastic originally meant “pliable and easily shaped.” It now commonly refers to a

category of materials called polymers that consist of long chains of molecules. most of the

plastics that we are familiar with today are derived from fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and

crude oil. It is important to remember that the plastic lifecycle begins at the coal mine, wellhead,

or drill pad. Knowing that plastics originate from the same place that oil and gas come from

shows us an interesting link between plastics, air pollution, and climate change. The global

production of plastic has increased from 2 million metric tons in 1950 to 380 million metric tons
in 2015, according to the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL). The major impact

of plastic bags on the environment is that it takes many years for them to decompose. In addition,

toxic substances are released into the soil when plastic bags perish under sunlight and, if plastic

bags are burned, they release a toxic substance into the air causing ambient air pollution.

Chlorinated plastic can release harmful chemicals into the surrounding soil, which can then seep

into groundwater or other surrounding water sources, and also the ecosystem (Birguy, 2021).

As people become more environmentally aware and more movements about taking care of

the environment take place. One of these movements can be seen in the rapid improvement of

Biodegradable Plastics/Biopolymers Technology expanding its fields and uses compared to

previous years where it has been previously hindered or unsupported. As the biopolymers market

for packaging gets ready to take off, the range of bio-based renewable materials and the

technologies being developed or used commercially continue to expand (Mohan, 2017).

Bioplastics make it possible to develop innovative, alternative solutions compared to

conventional plastics. Even more, biobased plastics reduce dependence on fossil resources whilst

improving a product’s carbon footprint. Biodegradable plastics allow enhanced end-of-life

scenarios for disposal and recycling. This may lessen the burden on our existing waste systems

and also on the environment. The packaging industry is currently the largest user of bioplastics,

but there are many other suitable applications possible, and consumers are increasingly interested

in alternative bio solutions. Bioplastics can also be bio-based in feedstock and biodegradable at

end-of-life. This quadrant is the subsection that most people think of when considering

bioplastics. It is the subsection of bioplastics we would encourage for applications that

necessitate composting at the end of life, like food packaging. Ideally, these bioplastics come
from net-neutral or net-positive feedstocks to grow and process on a large scale, like algae,

mixed food waste, or agricultural residues. Currently, however (as is described at length in future

sections), bioplastics in this quadrant are typically grown in ways that are harmful to the planet

(Quirk, 2022). The main organic polymer that will be used on this paper will be Starch, a

naturally abundant resource processed to produce many of the sugars used in processed foods.

Starchy foods are the primary source of carbohydrates for most people. They play a crucial role

in a nutritious, well-balanced diet, as they provide the body with glucose, which is the main

energy source for every cell. They also provide a range of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other

nutrients. The primary sources of starch are maize(corn), tapioca, wheat, and potatoes. The

extraction of pure starch from food produces a white, tasteless, and odorless powder that does

not dissolve in cold water or alcohol. Starch is a natural polymer, or polysaccharide, meaning

that it is a long chain comprising one type of molecule. Starch consists of glucose molecules. It

can occur in two forms: amylose and amylopectin, thus, it is a suitable material for the

investigation of bioplastics exploring its properties and limits but first let us deep into the

complexities of starch as a biopolymer. There are many advantages to using starch-based

bioplastics such as its versatility, strength, environmental benefits, and the current growing

market. Starch is a flexible material, making it suitable for making packing materials.

Additionally, the development of starch-based bioplastic materials has many benefits for the

environment such as reducing fossil fuel usage, plastic waste, and carbon dioxide emissions

(Uygan, 2021). Starch, in theory, is completely biodegradable and compostable which is the

general goal of this investigatory project and the overall goal for all bioplastics being produced

all around the globe and the amylose content in starch is an important characteristic for
bioplastics production as it is responsible for gelatinization and retrogradation, which are

required during film formation, which is important for its overall shape and its products.

General Objectives: To determine the feasibility of replicating plastic properties on a

more eco friendly and organic material like starch

Specific Objectives:

1. To be compostable at homes or industrial composts.

2. Plastic properties

2.1 have the sufficient structural integrity to hold items/food

2.2 flexibility

2.3 stregth

3. food safety

In the methodology section, we will figure out the various process in creating a bioplastic

using starch as well as analyze and interpret various data collected from locales.

Research Design

Following an experimental design, we will draw out an solid statement and accurate result

with precise data collected from various instruments and procedures involving multiple

respondents showing that we can truly make a Biodegradable plastic from starch and also

explore various forms of this bioplastic. In where Table 1 shows the various measurements of

the mixture which can affect various properties of the final product from its flexibility to its


Table 1. Represents the various treatments in mixing Cornstarch with Glycerol/Glycerine

Treatment Cornstarch (g) Glycerol/Glycerine (g)

1 1.5g 1.5g

2 2g 1g

3 1g 0.5g
Locale of the Study

The locale of this study will take place in one of Batac City’s most prestigious school:

City of Batac National Highschool Poblacion. CBNHS población is one of the most highly

populated schools in the city of batac having a approximate count of 1,500 students. The school

is located along the highway of Barangay #17 Tabug, City of Batac, here 75 astounding and

talented teaching and non-teaching staff work as one of the Guides of the youth towards a

successful life.

Population and Sample

The respondents of the survey are none other than the Highly Regarded SSC students of

CBNHS Poblacion grades ranging from G7 to G10 taking 10 students from each grade level in a

proportional sampling technique.

Table 2. Represents the participants of the study

Grade Male Female Total

7 5 5 10

8 5 5 10

9 5 5 10

10 5 5 10

Total 20 20 40
Research Instrument

Using a Sensory Evaluation Chart in a checklist form we can summarize and total the

number of response from our population locale which is shown in Table 3.

Appearance Texture Flexibility

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4

\Checklists are used to encourage or verify that a number of specific lines of inquiry, steps, or

actions are being taken, or have been taken, by a researcher. These surface in a variety of forms

throughout data collection and analysis and thereafter as part of either writing or review (Given,


5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Neutral

2 Bad

1 Terrible

These are the steps in making a Bioplastic made of Starch

Gather the necessary materials. To make this type of bioplastic, you will need cornstarch,

distilled water, glycerol, white vinegar, a stove, a saucepan, a silicone spatula, and food coloring

(if desired). The following amounts of each ingredient are needed to make the bioplastic:

• 10ml distilled water

• 0.5-1.5g glycerol

• 1.5g cornstarch

• 1ml of white vinegar

Combine all of the ingredients and stir together. Add all of the ingredients to the saucepan and

stir to combine with the spatula. Stir until you get rid of most of the lumps in the mixture. At this

stage, the mixture will be a milky white color and quite watery.

• If you add the wrong amounts of ingredients, just dispose of the mixture and start again.

Heat on medium-low. Place the saucepan on the stove and set the heat to medium-low. Stir

continuously as the mixture heats. Bring it to a gentle boil. As the mixture heats, it will become

more translucent and begin to thicken.

• Remove the mixture from the heat when it becomes clear and thick.
• Total heating time will be around 10-15 minutes.

• Lumps may begin to form if the mixture gets overheated.

• Add one-two drops of food coloring at this stage, if you would like to color the plastic.

Pour the mixture onto foil or parchment paper. Spread the heated mixture onto a piece of foil or

parchment paper to let it cool. If you would like to mold the plastic into a shape, it must be done

while it is still warm. See the last method for details on molding the plastic.

• Remove any bubbles that you see by poking them with a toothpick

Allow the plastic to dry for at least two days. It will take time for the plastic to dry and harden.

As it cools, it will begin to dry out. Depending on the thickness of the plastic, it can take longer

for it to dry. If you make one small thick piece it will take longer to dry than a thinner larger


• Leave the plastic in a cool, dry place for this process.

• Check the plastic after two days to see if it has fully hardened.

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