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The Sky’s the Limit!

Genesis 11

Noah and his sons settled down to farm the land and Noah
planted vines. They had many children and their children had
many children too.
They began to spread out and fill the world as God had
instructed Noah. One group of wanderers decided to settle down
and make themselves famous.
“Let’s stop here in this plain,” they said, “and build a great city.
We shall be famous far and wide, for we shall build the highest
tower that anyone has ever seen. We’ll reach the sky itself!”
They set to work at once, making bricks from mud straw and
baking them hard in the hot sun. They used tar for mortar to fix
the bricks together.
But God was not pleased. It made him sad and angry to see that
once again people wanted to please themselves and try to become
great and self-important. They were too full of pride and
selfishness to follow his wise plans for them.
God knew that there would be no end to the schemes they
would make to go their own foolish way. Soon they would become
as bad as the people who had lived before the Flood. So he
decided to scatter them in all directions before they grew even
more boastful and ambitious.
They could not understand one another anymore, for their
languages were different. This was part of God’s plan to stop
them from plotting together to bring evil and disaster on the
world, as mankind had done in the days of Noah.
The proud Tower of Babel stood unfinished forever, soon to be
nothing but a heap of tumbled bricks.

Taken from: The Children’s Bible in 365 stories by Mary Batchelor

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