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A perioperative nurse is preparing a patient for surgery for treatment of a ruptured spleen as the
result of an automobile crash. The nurse knows that this type of surgery belongs in what category?

a. Minor, diagnostic

b. Minor, elective

c. Major, emergency

d. Major, palliative

c. This surgery would involve a major body organ, has the potential for postoperative complications,
requires hospitalization, and must be done immediately to save the patient's life. Elective surgery is a
procedure that is preplanned by essentially healthy people. Diagnostic surgery is performed to
confirm a diagnosis. Palliative surgery is not curative, rather it is done to relieve or reduce the
intensity of an illness.

2. A nurse is preparing a patient for a cesarean section and teaches her the effects of the regional
anesthesia she will be receiving. Which effects would the nurse expect? Select all that apply.

a. Loss of consciousness

b. Relaxation of skeletal muscles

c. Reduction or loss of reflex action

d. Localized loss of sensation

e. Prolonged pain relief after other anesthesia wears off

f. Infiltrates the underlying tissues in an operative area

c, d. A localized loss of sensation and possible loss of reflexes occurs with a regional anesthetic. Loss of
consciousness and relaxation of skeletal muscles occurs with general anesthesia. Prolonged pain relief
after other anesthesia wears off and infiltration of the underlying tissues in an operative area occur
with topical anesthesia.

3. A nurse has been asked to witness a patient signature on an informed consent form for surgery.
What information should be included on the form? Select all that apply.

a) The option of nontreatment

b) The underlying disease process and its natural course

c) Notice that once the form is signed, the patient cannot withdraw consent

d) Explanation of the guaranteed outcome of the procedure or treatment

e) Name and qualifications of the provider of the procedure or treatment

a, b, e, f

4. A 72-year-old woman who is scheduled for a hip replacement is taking several medications on a
regular basis. Which drug category might create a surgical risk for this patient?

a. Anticoagulants

b. Antacids

c. Laxatives

d. Sedatives

a. Anticoagulant drug therapy would increase the risk for hemorrhage during surgery.

5. A nurse is caring for an obese patient who has had surgery. The nurse monitors this patient for
what postoperative complication?

a. Anesthetic agent interactions

b. Impaired wound healing

c. Hemorrhage

d. Gas pains

b. Fatty tissue is less vascular and, therefore, less resistant to infection and more prone to delayed
wound healing.

6. A responsibility of the nurse is the administration of preoperative medications to patients. Which

statements describe the action of these medications? Select all that apply.

a. Diazepam is given to alleviate anxiety.

b. Ranitidine is given to facilitate patient sedation.

c. Atropine is given to decrease oral secretions.

d. Morphine is given to depress respiratory function.

e. Cimetidine is given to prevent laryngospasm.

f. Fentanyl citrate-droperidol is given to facilitate a sense of calm.

a, c, f.

Sedatives, such as diazepam (Valium), midazolam (Versed), or lorazepam (Ativan) are given to
alleviate anxiety and decrease recall of events related to surgery. Anticholinergics, such as atropine
and glycopyrrolate (Robinul) are given to decrease pulmonary and oral secretions and to prevent
laryngospasm. Neuroleptanalgesic agents, such as fentanyl citrate-droperidol (Innovar) are given to
cause a general state of calm and sleepiness. Histamine-2 receptor blockers, such as cimetidine
(Tagamet) and ranitidine (Zantac) are given to decrease gastric acidity and volume. Narcotic
analgesics, such as morphine, are given to facilitate patient sedation and relaxation and to decrease
the amount of anesthetic agent needed.

7. A nurse is teaching a man scheduled to have same-day surgery. Which teaching method would be
most effective in preoperative teaching for ambulatory surgery?

a. Lecture

b. Discussion

c. Audiovisuals

d. Written instructions

d. Written instructions are most effective in providing information for same-day surgery

A 70-year-old male is scheduled for surgery. He says to the nurse, "I am so frightened—what if I don't
wake up?" What would be the nurse's best response?

a. "You have a wonderful doctor."

b. "Let's talk about how you are feeling."

c. "Everyone wakes up from surgery!"

d. "Don't worry, you will be just fine."

b. This answer allows the patient to talk about his feelings and fears, and is therapeutic.

A nurse is explaining pain control methods to a patient undergoing a bowel resection. The patient is
interested in the PCA pump and asks the nurse to explain how it works. What would be the nurse's
correct response?

a. "The pump allows the patient to be completely free of pain during the postoperative period."

b. "The pump allows the patient to take unlimited amounts of medication as needed."

c. "The pump allows the patient to choose the type of medication given postoperatively."

d. "The pump allows the patient to self-administer limited doses of pain medication."

d. PCA infusion pumps allow patients to self-administer doses of pain-relieving medication within
physician-prescribed time and dose limits. Patients activate the delivery of the medication by pressing
a button on a cord connected to the pump or a button directly on the pump.
Which statements best describe the preoperative period when a client is being prepared for surgery?
Select all that apply.

A. It begins when the client makes an appointment with a surgeon to discuss the need for surgery.

B. It ends when the client is transferred to the surgical surgical suite.

C. It is a time during which a client's need for surgery is established. D. During this time, the client
receives testing and education related to the impending surgery.

E. It begins when the client is scheduled for surgery.

F. It is a time when clients and families receive instruction for after discharge.

B, D, E

Which is the most important priority for nurses when caring for a client preoperatively?

A. Client safety

B. Client diagnostic testing

C. Client care documentation

D. Client teaching

What are the advantages for clients whose surgery is accomplished in a same-day surgery center
(outpatient surgery center)? Select all that apply.

A. Cost-effective care

B. Increased postsurgery responsibility for client

C. Decreased need for anesthesia

D. High degree of client satisfaction

E. Service-oriented processes

F. Case manager to coordinate postdischarge care

A, D, E, F
What is the most appropriate category of surgery for a client who can barely ambulate with a walker
at home, who is having a left total knee replacement?

A. Urgent

B. Palliative

C. Reconstructive

D. Simple

What is the best classification for the surgery when a female client has a biopsy of a nodule found in
the right breast?

A. Cosmetic

B. Diagnostic

C. Minor

D. Palliative

A nurse is explaining pain control methods to a patient undergoing a bowel resection. The patient is
interested in the PCA pump and asks the nurse to explain how it works. What would be the nurse's
correct response?

a. "The pump allows the patient to be completely free of pain during the postoperative period."

b. "The pump allows the patient to take unlimited amounts of medication as needed."

c. "The pump allows the patient to choose the type of medication given postoperatively."

d. "The pump allows the patient to self-administer limited doses of pain medication."

d. PCA infusion pumps allow patients to self-administer doses of pain-relieving medication within
physician-prescribed time and dose limits. Patients activate the delivery of the medication by pressing
a button on a cord connected to the pump or a button directly on the pump.

What is the best classification for surgery when a client with Crohn's disease has a colostomy?

A. Preventative

B. Reconstructive

C. Curative
D. Palliative

A client with appendicitis is to have an uncomplicated appendectomy performed. What is the best
classification for this surgery?

A. Elective

B. Curative

C. Diagnostic

D. Minor

An older client is having a cataract removal surgery. What is the best category for this surgery?

A. Urgent

B. Emergent

C. Elective

D. Cosmetic

A hypertensive client with a large abdominal aortic aneurysm is having a surgical repair. What is the
best category for this surgery?

A. Urgent

B. Emergent

C. Radical

D. Curative

Which surgical approach does the nurse expect will be used for a client having an uncomplicated
cholecystectomy at the same-day surgery clinic?

A. Simple

B. Open
C. Minimally invasive

D. Radical

What is the nurse's priority action when interviewing a preoperative client who had a right hip

A. Document this in the client's preoperative chart.

B. Mark the right hip with an indelible pen.

C. Use caution when positioning the client.

D. Communicate this to the operative personnel.

Which manifestations would the nurse expect for a client with a history of malignant hyperthermia
(MH)? Select all that apply.

A. High body temperature

B. Decreased serum calcium level

C. Tachypnea

D. Skin mottling

E. Muscle rigidity of jaw and upper chest

F. Increased serum potassium level

A, C, D, E, F

Which are the most sensitive indicators of malignant hyperthermia that the nurse would monitor for
in a client? Select all that apply.

A. Rise in the end-tidal carbon dioxide level with a decrease in oxygen saturation

B. Extremely high temperature

C. Increased metabolic rate

D. Hypotension
E. Tachycardia

F. Cyanosis

A, E

When the nurse is screening a preoperative client, which factors increase the risk for complications
during the perioperative period? Select all that apply.

A. Age 72

B. 35 pounds overweight

C. Walks half a mile every day

D. History of hernia repair surgery

E. Smokes half a pack of cigarettes per day

F. Type 2 diabetes

A, B, E, F

Which classification will a client having surgery, who also had a myocardial infarction (MI) 6 weeks
ago, fit best based on the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) system?

A. ASA class I

B. ASA class II

C. ASA class III

D. ASA class IV

What is the nurse's best response when a preoperative client speaks about fear of a reaction if blood
is given during his or her surgery?

A. "The likelihood that you will need a blood transfusion during your surgery is minimal, so do not
worry about it."
B. "You could donate some of your own blood, which is an autologous donation, a few weeks before
your surgery."

C. "With today's technology and procedures, it is very unlikely that you would have a reaction to
donated blood."

D. "The nursing staff follows very strict rules and procedures to prevent such an event from ever

Which common laboratory tests does the nurse expect will be completed on a client prior to surgery?
Select all that apply.

A. Lipid profile

B. Urinalysis

C. Metabolic panel

D. Clotting studies

E. Complete blood count

F. Fasting blood glucose

B, C, D, E

Informed consent implies to the nurse that a client understands which of the following? Select all that

A. The nature and reason for the surgery

B. The length of stay in the hospital

C. Who will be performing the surgery

D. Information about the surgeon's experience

E. The risks associated with the surgical procedure and its potential outcomes

F. The risks associated with the use of anesthesia

A, C, E, F
Which statement best describes the interprofessional collaborative roles of the nurse and surgeon
when obtaining informed consent?

A. The nurse is responsible for having the informed consent form on the chart for the surgeon to

B. The nurse may serve as a witness that the client has been informed by the surgeon before surgery
is performed.

C. The nurse may serve as witness to the client's signature after the surgeon has the consent form
signed, but before preoperative sedation is given and surgery is performed.

D. The nurse has no duties regarding the consent form if the client has signed the informed consent
form for the surgeon, even if the client then asks additional questions about the surgery.

After a client is prepared for surgery and before preoperative drugs are given and the client is
transferred to surgery, which intervention can the nurse delegate to the assistive personnel (AP)?

A. Assist the client to the bathroom to empty his or her bladder.

B. Help the client to remove the hospital gown.

C. Recheck the client's identity with another AP.

D. Teach the client to use incentive spirometry.

Which postoperative interventions would the preoperative nurse typically teach a client to prevent
complications following surgery? Select all that apply.

A. Range-of-motion exercises

B. Massaging of lower extremities

C. Incision splinting

D. Deep breathing exercises

E. Use of incentive spirometry

F. Taking pain drugs when experiencing severe pain

A, C, D, E

A blind client is to have a surgical procedure. What is the nurse's best response when the client asks if
he or she will be permitted to sign the consent form?

A. "Yes, but you will need to make an X instead of signing your name." B. "No, but you can give
instructions for a responsible adult to sign for you."

C. "Yes, but your signature will need to be witnessed by two people." D. "No, but your next of kin can
sign the informed consent for you."

Which drugs usually taken daily by a client would the surgeon instruct the nurse to be sure to
administer prior to surgery? Select all that apply.

A. Daily multivitamin

B. Anticonvulsant

C. Stool softener

D. Beta blocker

E. Daily chewable aspirin

F. Anticoagulant

B, D

What would the nurse suspect when assessing an older preoperative client and finding brittle nails;
dry, flaky skin; muscle wasting; and dry, sparse hair?

A. Poor fluid and nutrition status

B. Improper client care by the home care giver

C. Expected physiological changes that occur with aging

D. Depression of the client related to the aging process

A preoperative client's vital signs before transport to the surgery holding area are: (BP 90/60 mm Hg,
HR 110/minute, RR 24/minute, T 100.9oF [38.3oC]). What is the nurse's priority action?

A. Administer acetaminophen with just a sip of water.

B. Recheck the vital signs in 15 minutes.

C. Call and notify the surgeon immediately.

D. Instruct the client to cough and take deep breaths.

Which phase of client care in a postanesthesia care unit (PACU) requires the nurse to perform the
most intensive observations and assessments?

A. Phase I

B. Phase II

C. Phase III

D. Phase IV

Which action does the nurse perform first for a postoperative client arriving on the medical-surgical
unit after discharge from the postanesthesia care unit (PACU)?

A. Calculate the client-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump maximum dose per hour to avoid an overdose.

B. Compare the client's core body temperature with bilateral peripheral temperatures.

C. Determine the client's level of consciousness and cognition.

D. Assess respiratory status for adequate gas exchange.

Which client signs and symptoms does the nurse consider postoperative complications rather than
expected responses to the experience? Select all that apply.

A. Core body temperature of 95.2oF (35.1°C)

B. Pain at the surgical site

C. Pulmonary embolism

D. Paralytic ileus

E. Sore throat

F. Sedation

A, C, D

Which information will the nurse on a medical-surgical unit expect to be included in a client "handoff"
report from a postanesthesia care unit (PACU) nurse? Select all that apply.

A. Is Jewish

B. Is drowsy but coherent

C. Is allergic to strawberries

D. Can have a progressive diet

E. Had a left total hip replacement

F. Was given 3 mg morphine IV 45 minutes ago

G. Received 2 units of packed red blood cells in the PACU

H. Weighs 280 lb (122.2 kg) and is 5 feet 11 inches (180 cm) tall

B, E, F, G

What is the nurse's best first action for a client who is 6 hours postoperative from abdominal surgery
and now has profuse bleeding from the incision?

A. Notify the surgeon.

B. Apply pressure to the wound dressing.

C. Assess the client's heart rate and blood pressure.

D. Instruct the assistive personnel (AP) to get additional dressing supplies.


With which clients will the nurse remain especially vigilant for respiratory complications during the
first 24 hours after surgery? Select all that apply.

A. 21-year-old with opioid use syndrome

B. 39-year-old with a 55-pack-year smoking history

C. 55-year-old with type 2 diabetes mellitus

D. 62-year-old with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

E. 70-year-old with early stage Alzheimer disease

F. 80-year-old whose last influenza vaccination was 2 years ago

B, D, F

What is the nurse's first action when a client develops an abdominal wound evisceration after a hard

A. Call for help and stay with the client.

B. Immediately take the client's vital signs.

C. Leave the client to immediately call the surgeon.

D. Attempt to reduce the evisceration by gently moving the contents back into the abdomen.

What is the nurse's best action to prevent harm for a client who arrives at the postanesthesia care
unit (PACU) with a respiratory rate of 10 breaths/min and an SpO2 an SpO2 of 94% after receiving
fentanyl during surgery?

A. Monitor the client for the effects of anesthetic for at least 1 hour.

B. Administer oxygen, maintain an open airway, and monitor pulse oximetry.

C. Perform deep suction and stimulate the client by pinching the skin on the sternum.

D. Closely monitor vital signs and pulse oximetry readings until the client is responsive.

Which action for care of a client after major abdominal surgery will the nurse perform to prevent

A. Use the knee gatch of the bed to bend the knees and relieve pressure.

B. Gently massage the lower legs and calves to promote venous blood return to the heart.

C. Encourage the client to request pain medication before the pain becomes too severe.

D. Teach the client to splint the wound for support and comfort when getting out of bed.

Which assessment criteria indicate to the nurse that the client who had surgery 12 hours ago is
experiencing respiratory difficulty? Select all that apply.

A. Oxygen saturation drops from 98% to 96%.

B. Use of accessory muscles during respiratory effort.

C. Presence of a high-pitched crowing sound on exhalation.

D. Blood pressure decreases from 120/80 to 110/78 mm Hg.

E. Respiratory rate is 29/min.

F. Hourly urine output decreases from 50 mL to 30 mL.

B, C, E

What is the nurse's best action/response when the family of an 89-year-old who had surgery
yesterday states that they are concerned because although the client knew who everyone was, he
was unable to tell them what day it is or the name of the vice president?

A. Ask the family how long the client has had memory problems and whether any close relatives have
been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer disease.

B. Reassure the family that the drugs and anesthetics used in surgery often make the older adult need
a little longer to return to his presurgical baseline.

C. Go to the client's bedside and perform a mental status examination.

D. Notify the surgeon and request a consultation with a geriatrician.

When assessing the hydration status of an older postoperative client, where will the nurse assess for
skin dryness and tenting?

A. Back of the hand

B. Forearm

C. Sternum

D. Shin

With which client is the nurse most alert for postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV)?

A. 36-year old with a nasogastric tube

B. 42-year-old with a history of motion sickness

C. 50-year-old with a recent 50 lb (kg) weight loss

D. 65-year-old who had cataract surgery under local anesthesia

Which assessment finding indicates to the nurse that a client's peristaltic activity has resumed after

A. Presence of bowel sounds

B. Client states he is hungry

C. Passing of flatus or stool

D. Presence of abdominal cramping

Which parameter is most important for the nurse to assess for the client admitted to the
postanesthesia care unit (PACU) after surgery under epidural anesthesia?

A. Determining the client's level of consciousness

B. Checking for pain on dorsi and plantar flexion of the foot.

C. Assessing the response to pinprick stimulation from the feet to mid-chest level

D. Comparing blood pressure taken in the right arm to blood pressure taken in the left arm

What is the nurse's best action when assessment of a client's nasogastric tube drainage shows the
presence of 140 mL of greenish-yellow drainage?

A. Instruct the client to drink water until the drainage is clear.

B. Reposition the tube to increase the drainage.

C. Call and report this finding to the surgeon.

D. Document the finding as the only action.

Which nonverbal manifestations in an older adult client indicate to the nurse that the client is likely
having acute pain? Select all that apply.

A. Restlessness

B. Profuse sweating

C. Difficult to arouse

D. Confusion

E. Increased blood pressure

F. Decreased heart rate

A, B, D, E
What is the nurse's interpretation of a postoperative client's laboratory results that show an increase
in band cells (immature neutrophils)?

A. The client is developing an infection.

B. The results reflect a normal laboratory value.

C. The client is anemic and may need a transfusion.

D. The clotting factors have been consumed, increasing the risk for bleeding.

Which drug does the nurse prepare to administer to a postoperative client who has received an
overdose of a benzodiazepine?

A. Hydromorphone

B. Flumazenil

C. Midazolam

D. Naloxone

Which actions will the nurse take to prevent hypoxemia in the postoperative client? Select all that

A. Place the client in a supine position.

B. Monitor the client's oxygen saturation.

C. Encourage the client to cough and breathe deeply.

D. Ambulate the client as early as the surgeon permits.

E. Instruct the client to rest as much as possible.

F. Remind the client to use incentive spirometry every hour while awake.

B, C, D, F
Which action does the nurse take to prevent harm from skin irritation, wound contamination, and
infection for a postoperative client who has a Penrose drain?

A. Keeps a sterile safety pin in place at the end of the drain

B. Places absorbent pads under and around the exposed drain

C. Offers pain medication 30 to 45 minutes before advancing (shortening) the drain

D. Shortens the drain by pulling it out a short distance and trimming off the excess external portion

The nurse is about to give the prescribed pain medication to a client 30 minutes before a scheduled
dressing change. The client states that the drug makes him feel sick and he would rather "tough it
out." What is the nurse's best first response?

A. "Tell me more about the sick feeling."

B. "That's fine. You have the right to refuse any drug."

C. "Your surgeon would not have prescribed the drug if it wasn't needed."

D. "Remember that the pain of the dressing change would be worse than feeling sick."

What is the nurse's best action when crusting on about half of the suture line and oozing of a small
amount of serosanguinous drainage is present during the dressing change of client's abdominal
dressing on the second postoperative day?

A. Loosen the sutures or staples in the area where crusts have formed.

B. Clean the suture line with sterile saline and apply new dressings.

C. Gently remove the crusts and culture the material beneath.

D. Apply pressure over the incision and notify the surgeon.

Which precaution or issue will the nurse reinforce to the postoperative client about correct use of the
patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) device?
A. "Push the button when you feel the pain beginning rather than waiting until the pain is at its

B. "Push the button every 15 minutes whether you feel pain at that time or not."

C. "Instruct your family or visitors to press the button for you when you are sleeping."

D. "Try to go as long as you possibly can before you press the button."

Which action will the nurse take next after emptying 80 mL of sanguineous drainage from the Jackson-
Pratt drain in the client's hip after hip surgery?

A. Flush the tubing with urokinase to assure patency.

B. Compress and close the drain to assure suction.

C. Advance the tubing one-half inch from the insertion site.

D. Clamp the drain for 2 hours and release the clamp for 2 hours.

During the immediate postoperative period, the nurse should give highest priority to:

A. Observing for signs of infection

B. Maintaining a patent airway

C. recording the intake/output

D. Checking vital signs every hours

-Answer: B (maintaining airway)

True of False

The role of the circulating nurse in the OR is to handle the sterile equipment during surgery?

True or False

The preoperative phase ends when the patient is safely transported to the OR and care is assumed by
the OR nurse?


What is the Nursing Diagnosis for the operative phase




-Anxiety r/t surgery and anesthesia

-Risk for injury r/t positioning

-Ineffective airway clearance r/t anesthesia.

A nurse who helped found the field of perioperative nursing during the Crimean War was:

a. Clara Barton

b. Florence Nightingale

c. Lillian Wald

d. Mary Breckinridge

e. Mary Ezra Mahoney

Answer: B

In 1920, an organization that developed a standard curriculum of OR techniques was:

a. AMA

c. Bellevue Hospital

d. The National League of Nursing

e. The Nightingale Society

Answer: D

In an environment of care, perioperative RNs should:

a. Always follow the instructions of surgeons

b. Maintain the patient as the focus of all team activities

c. Minimize communication in order to work efficiently

d. Never deviate from protocol, even if an error may result

e. Strive

Answer: B

Perioperative RNs primarily use checklists to ensure that:

a. Lawsuits from the patient and their family are avoided

b. New nurses perform their work as expected

c. Surgical supplies are not wasted before or after surgery

d. Staff begin shifts on schedule and relieve one another as needed

e. The plan of care is implemented correctly before, during, and after surgery

Answer: E

The pre-incision TIME OUT should be performed by which member(s) of the perioperative team?

a. All perioperative team members

b. All perioperative team members except anesthesia professionals

c. Perioperative RNs

d. Scrub nurses only

e. Surgeons only

Answer: A

This perioperative RN prepares the OR, helps with anesthesia induction if requested, and works
outside the sterile field to ensure the perioperative team has everything it needs.

a. PACU nurse

b. Pre-admission nurse

c. RN circulator

d. Registered nurse first assistant (RNFA)

e. Scrub person

Answer: C

Which of the following best describes the semirestricted

surgical practice area?

a. Has work areas for processing and storing instruments

b. Includes the OR

c. Permits wearing of street clothes

d. Requires that all patients wear masks

e. Used for communication of information between the surgical suite and the rest of the health care

Answer: E

When updating the patient's support person during surgery, a nurse should:

a. Call the surgeon away from the operation, but only if the support person demands it.

b. Discuss a projected time frame for completion of the surgery

c. Discuss the patient's expected prognosis

d. Provide details of the surgery and describe any problems

e. Tell the patient that she is not allowed to talk to the support person

Answer: B

Advanced practice nurses in the perioperative setting may do all of the following except which one?

a. Direct patient care

b. Help implement improvements in healthcare systems

c. Perform surgery in an emergency without a surgeon being present

d. Serve as first assistant during surgery

e. Teach self-care to patients and their support team

Answer: C

Wrong-site surgical errors:

a. Almost never happen

b. Are the sole responsibility of the surgeon to prevent

c. Are usually due to incorrect information provided by the patient

d. Can result from failure to perform the TIME OUT before surgery

e. Should be concealed from the patient as much as possible

Answer: D

Approximately what percentage of serious medical errors are thought to associated with
miscommunication during patient hand-offs?

a. < 1%

b. 10%

c. 50%

d. 80%
e. 100%

Answer: D

Which of these activities is NOT performed in the preoperative area?

a. Information is confirmed from the patient's history

b. The circulating RN and scrub nurse count instruments, sponges, needles, and other sharps

c. The patient's name, date of birth, procedure, and procedure site are confirmed

d. The anesthesia plan is confirmed, and consent for anesthesia is obtained

e. The surgical site is confirmed and marked

Answer: B

The postoperative period is defined as which of the


a. Admission to the PACU to transfer to a patient

care unit

b. Admission to the PACU to patient's death

c. Closure of the incision to admission to the PACU

d. Discharge from hospital to patient's return home

e. Leaving the OR to admission to the PACU

Answer: A

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