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I ~ UJ2 11,, tJ~l f'< '-1'< n:n !Sn (rJ1"<1=,
~ l,Ni1 \,t!t}l<'i

I ahlr t, I 1<..1111 1 •\l~h (•1t l'n\1n,nroen1tl l\ 1~11 ," ' "'' Jh- _ _____
h,a.,,~ I 'llil'.'' ,,
I" Z"" l"'" ,t"'A ?'
[ A-(_ l tJT l· u flJr J:11c fttr J llt' brr 'Ii' ...,..,,'i r

l Sim'1' en, imnmc•111 l'\"\:lc,lfl ~ 1t.,df. ,~~•-r~ J n nol t ou~r a f11Jl

11":lhlcin i1t. t ~ of ,·n\ iromon,lal pvllulwo ( ho~ 1)
: . N1iUlr.lJ d 1Mslt'T'<, \,,l11cl1 on.m in am pl:u:.c on the cnr1 h 6 17
d._, not haw_a!'Y etlecl oo cn v1rnmneul. (ltt"m S) . .
J . Sf"'ndm g l"'n Cfb')' ~o u~ of o ur i: ounlrv Ul"sC';n'!thl y 111nk~ IM
ruc M X.\OllS. ( Item IJ)
-1. \\ h~k- som~- f:Kto~ work w11h da n~>t,--rt1u.-.; cocr11y fol 747
c-n,,1ronincn1 makes nw an"1ous ( I tcm I 11)
5. Bes-ides dcgencn1t1on- of l'C05}"item. hrnu: downs in 627
environo'l<.'nllll balru.lCe J o not nutlt.· mll amo o~ . ( Item 23)
tCI tu:m-otf unn-cce~· lis hts ~, h~tn~ schoo l ( ll~m -27) _1()5

- . l tum off the taps \\ hm I see that tbe) . ruruung m 770

UI_!~~~}'._!_n born<:_ or ~c!t~bJltcm ]_!!)__ __ _ ____ . __ ___ .
S. l do not pay allc.ntion whe ther it is plugged or unplugged 72 1
aftcr I charge my phon~__or computer. Qi~m 29)___ _ __ ____ __ _ _______ _ _ __ _ .. _ _ . .
9. l pay attention not to waste too much water while I um .6J0
-~~ ing my hands in home or school. (Item 35) ___ _ _________ __ __ _______ ___ __
10. Waste products like paper, metal. glass and plastic
should be left into recycle bins by dividing into groups. .8-t2
Qtem 9) _____ ____ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _
11. Buying drinking in glass bottles instead or plas tic bottles .652
does not provide benefit fo.r envirorunenL Qtem 11) - - - - - - - - - -- ·- -- ----- ...
12 . I rake care or leaving trashes by dividing them into .
~ ups appropri~ely in sch
or.:_.:... o l.,...:(._l-t=e-m-,--l9_ ),___ -:--:--=--------- - -- _ _ _ __ _ _
13. Be fore buy a product, I pay anention to its recyclable .735
= =~(.::
_::: e:m
lt:·::: :.:..:":.:0:..!.)_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ ____
14 . I join env ironme nllll foundations. (Item 25) .690
15. l follow television programs and documentaries
curiously , which are about environme nt on TV, radio or the
= tem
...:ln ltc
==·=e=-=t~(::..: =-=2:..:6)-'--- - -- -- - -- - - -. , - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - --
16 . .I take care about not to harm any living creatures since
..:::th::..:e:.£y...:h=..: du.::.n=-·
.c.c..=...::. _,·_ run
,.....,...e_n_VlrO ) _ _ _ _ _ _________ ___ __ - - ~ ~-- ____ _
_ e_n=-t=-(,_l_te_m::-,:-:-3_3"-
17. r support environmema l foundations. (Item 30)
- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- ·--- - - -- - - ~- ~

18. I give imp<>r1llnce environmental projects. (Item JI) ~N'I

Factor I: Environmental Problems: First sub-dime nsion of the sc.a.k d
in· uJ es. five it,~ms. F ~ ~ud-s ,,,
lhese items differ between 0.617 and 0. 74 7. FLrSt sub-dimension items ,vere N lated t., subjtX'tS abom '-'llH1\lillmC1lt1.l
Factor 2: Energy Saving : Second sub-dimension or the scak invnh,es four item,._, Fa...·:tor k ~ ,,t •--s.:
items d1ffi:r between 0.630 and 0.835 . Second sub-dimension items were relntN t'O subJe...-t:s that ~'1".' s.boout ~ --
saving m order 1.0 resolve environmental problems .
Factor 3: W j!ilC Pmduci.s: Third sub-dimension o f the scale in.:-lu1.ks fom item.s. Factor t,~ ~,r t~..,_,,
items differ bclwee110.652 and 0.842. T hird sub-dimension itoms were '\t
rdalt.. t\l t\ppt\)\lfl3l\'t~SS .-r,,~,h· l-~~ ·r;..
for recycle.
Faclor 4 : Environmenta l Responsibility; Fourth sub-dime nsion ,1f th,' s":n.k ,'\'llU:\in,~ t h..<X'I..' l!\':l~ F~'t:N
loads of thi..~ 1lcn is we·re"bl:twcen ct.MIii wwlf.'799. foourth sub-<lm1,'1\..,11m 1h.'ms W\'IY l\~.,t.'\i ~' ,lUl Jl.n~ a.....
ind1vidua lrJ for rcsolvrng cn v1rn11me ntal pro blems .
Facto r 5· l~11 vu o nmc ntal Support· Flllh sub~d i111c11s1011 o t ll\\' s,·l\ k h.\s \\\~' 11,•111~ l--s-.>t,,i l,~l, ,,1 .~ ,_.
1Lem11 were{) 76{; arid 0- ~~ , ·ncilc"l'Wn ilctl15 wcro re h1 h.'d "' 111,II\ 1dn11I ~upp,,o ,,i 1}1\\\ ,~k l\ t, ·m.'t \"'-'~{h\ft 11., ,
ln w l t-11111,1/ih, ncy t:•ll!l ll<J1l:nls of Crn11b11rh Alpha. w\11,·h l•~h111~ ,,, s11t•-,h,1wu;-.r,w,,, ,,1 hi\ .,, ,,mKN 11
Actlludc '<:ale, w 1;1t: 1.alL,ulattxl mul rhe I tNuh.s were 11hlai111"1l u~ foHl\\\l'. fo1 ll" ' tlr-1 , h11h:t\" ''''· ,, ~ \ I (\,, tit,·


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