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DATE: 3rd of February

SCHOOL: Liceul Teoretic Genesis College
TIME: 45min
TEACHER: Adriana Manea
UNIT: Food around the world
TYPE OF LESSON: Grammar “I like/ I don’t like..”
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Whiteboard, flashcards, markers, worksheet
SPECIFIC COMPETENCES: Identifying the information required from a recorded/ written material; participating in conversations;
showing a positive attitude towards participating in the lesson


● To revise previously taught vocabulary;

● To use previously taught grammar in context;
● Developing speaking skills: consolidating recently taught language;
● To identify and practice the vocabulary related to food and structures “I like/ I don’t like..”; “Would you ever eat this?”

● Weaker students might face problems recognizing food and might require the use of L1 when the Teacher gives instructions;
● Weaker students might need more assistance in producing English language;


● Lead-in
● Elicitation
● Conversation; discussion
● Frontal, individual, pair work
● Total Physical Response

By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
O1 Revise food;
O2 Express their likes and dislikes regarding food

Stages of the Timing Interaction Teacher does Students do Obs
Warm up 3 min T- Ss T says Hello, how are you? and starts with their routine Answer the T’s
Ss - T song: questions;
Sing the song and do
the actions
Lead-in 5 min T-Ss T shows Ss a few pictures with food and asks them what Ss listen and try to
Ss-T vegetables/ fruit/ meat were used. guess the food.

Presentation 10 min T-Ss Activity 1: T takes out the flashcards that contain the food Ss listen to the T and
Ss-T words. T draws a smiley face on the board next to a do the task.
flashcard of food that she likes and says “I like chocolate”;
T draws a sad face next to a flashcard of food that she does
not like and says “I don’t like chocolate”. T elicits the rest of
the answers from the Ss for the rest of the flashcards, drilling
the structure “I like/I don’t like.”

Guided ~12 T-Ss Activity 2: T pairs up the Ss. T models the activity with a Ss listen to the T and
practice Ss-T student; T chooses an item from the board and says do the tasks
Ss-Ss “chocolate” the S has to make a sentence (e.g. I like
chocolate.) In pairs, Ss take turns in choosing a food item for
their partner to make a sentence. T monitors and asks each S
to say 2 things their partner likes and 2 things their partner
does not like.

After this, the T hands out an activity sheet in which the Ss
have to circle true or false. T discusses the picture with the
Ss, Ss work together in pairs. – Whole class feedback

Production ~ 12 Ss-Ss Activity 3: T shows pictures of different uncommon food; T Ss follow the T’s
min T-S asks “Would you ever eat this?” and shows the Ss pictures instructions.
of weirdest food around the world (snails, spiders, worms
etc.). Ss have to invent and draw a combination of food they
consider delicious and one they consider disgusting .
following the T’s example. On a piece of paper, they have
two columns named Yummy and Yucky. They share opinions
with their partner. T monitors the whole activity.

If there’s time left, they present it to the class.

Ending the 1 min T-Ss T thanks the Ss for participating and sets the assignment. Ss listen and write
lesson (Daily menu – What I eat in a day) down their

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