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1. What is the benefit and the downside of the black death?

The benefit is that the population got less(can be good and bad), people learned a lesson from
the black death, The medicines and hospitals improved, People became more hygienic and
clean, It caused a recession of the European Economy, surviving workers had benefit after the
plague, Higher class citizens began to dress more extravagantly, There were more resources
for the other people who survived it, countries didn't have to handle so much people
The downside of it is that a war began because of it, people died including the young ones,
exporting was hard or maybe illegal when the plague was around, it caused many suffering, It
was hard to make money, it was hard to communicate,people didn't know how to be clean so
the plague was so bad, everything that they ate was probably dirty and they had no idea

Covid’s impact to our society

The Impact of Covid in our society is that millions died, a lot of food prices got higher, It was
hard to know if someone had covid, some outdoor workers had to do online works since they
couldn't go out at the time, people starved, many people didn't have jobs, the homeless had
nowhere to go, online class had to be confirmed so many kids were distracted

200-word essay about the analyze comparison between covid and the black death

The comparison between the two of them is that covid is worse but more people died on
black plague,while covid is airborne, black death is droplet, Covid is made in 2019 and
black plague is 1346, plague is from a rat and covid is from a Bat, when plague was made
people weren’t that clean and didn't care about hygiene, unlike when for the time of covid
people were already hygienic , the plague lasted longer than covid, Black plague can be
cured with drinking antibiotics but for covid it can be treated by getting vaccinated, black
plague was made during the time of war but covid isn't, Plague is easier to cure unlike
Covid it had a lot of process, the reason why it took so long for people back then to get rid
of the plague was because people didn't know antibiotics, unlike now If you were to have
the black plague you can easily cure it with, The plague was originated in Europe, But covid
is originated in Asia, The reason why plague got spread is because of a ship full of rats, But
for covid Its about exotic foods from wyoming China (specifically eating bats), Both diseases
got different symptoms.

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