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I want you to pay attention to this date. April 8, 2024.

On this specific
date, we
are going to experience a solar eclipse and this is going to be a very
very transformational solar eclipse. Now, if you've been watching me for
a while,
I've been mentioning that the year 2024 was going to change humanity
that there will be a shift in energies and during this timeframe, there
will be a
split in realities. This split will be able to separate us between the 3D
the 5D planes. Now, what's interesting is that earlier, I was speaking to
astrologer who was in the process of reading my chart and he looked at
April 8 timeline and said to me specifically that he knows that this is
going to be a very powerful solar eclipse. And he specifically told me he
didn't know what was going to happen after that eclipse. He just knew it
going to be something massive, something that was going to shift humanity
So I told him I felt that April 2024 was also going to be a major shift,
but I
didn't know that there was going to be an eclipse on that date. Now, I've
getting this message for a long time now. My spirit guys have been
telling me
April 2024. That's when it all changes. Interestingly enough, he actually
up a dream that he had several years ago about the solar eclipse and how
he in
this dream, everything shifted. Like a wave of energy just came over the
and just shifted everyone into a whole new dimension. Now, I want you to
every death brings a new beginning. We are in a tower moment right now,
everything is collapsing and changing. But we're not going to have to put
with this for too much longer. The new world order is not going to win.
is meant to win this war. So stay in that high vibration and positive
thinking and
know that things are going to change and they will change soon. You
belong in
this 5D Earth with everyone else, so make sure that you know that you
deserve this.
It's all going to change. Watch for April 2024.

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