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Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 925–933

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Original Research Paper

Heat transfer by nanofluids in wavy microchannels

Javad Rostami a,⇑, Abbas Abbassi b, Jens Harting c,d
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Hafez Ave. P.O. Box 15916-34311 Tehran, Iran
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy (IEK-11), Fürther Straße 248, 90249 Nürnberg, Germany
Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Pumping coolants through microchannels with well-defined structures along micro-electronic devices is
Received 6 October 2017 a typical approach to remove the heat. It has been found recently that so-called nanofluids, i.e. dilute
Received in revised form 13 December 2017 water-Cu or water-Al2O3 suspensions with a particle diameter of 100–150 nm, are highly efficient cool-
Accepted 13 January 2018
ants. Numerical simulations can help to optimize the microchannel structures and typically homogenous
Available online 1 February 2018
single-phase models are applied. However, these underestimate the experimental results. An alternative
approach is two-phase models based on an Eulerian approach for the base fluid and a Lagrangian descrip-
tion of the suspended particles. In this paper we follow that route and solve the three-dimensional gov-
Wavy wall
erning equations including continuity, Navier-Stokes and energy equations with the well-known SIMPLE
Two phase model method. The governing equations for particles are solved by a 4th order Runge-Kutta algorithm. We focus
Eulerian-Lagrangian on a wavy microchannel structure and demonstrate that the disagreement between the two simulation
approaches is due to the non-homogeneous particle distribution in the domain. We also find that the
Nusselt number increases with the increase in volume fraction and the decrease in particle diameter
and that it. is about three times higher for a nanofluid in a wavy microchannels as compared to water
in a straight microchannels.
Ó 2018 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder
Technology Japan. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction is a strong advantage as compared to single phase models which

assume that the particles are homogenously distributed and that
Adding metal nanoparticles to a fluid improves the thermal the particle velocity and temperature are identical to the fluid
conductivity coefficient of the working fluid. However, the exact velocity and temperature. These advantages come at the price of
relation between fluid and particle properties, as well as parame- increased computing costs making an efficient parallelization and
ters like particle volume concentration, the exact flow field, or the use of parallel computers mandatory.
the impact of geometrical constrains is still not fully understood The current paper focuses on nanofluids in wavy microchan-
[1,2]. Numerous approximate relations are available in the litera- nels. General flow and heat transfer characteristics in microchan-
ture to predict the properties of a nanofluid such as its thermal nels with wavy walls were numerically studied by Gong et al.
conductivity and viscosity [1,2]. To date, none of them allows a [4]. They showed that the performance of microchannels increases
precise prediction of the behavior of nanofluids for a wide range with increasing Reynolds number and that channel with symmet-
of parameters and flowing in arbitrarily shaped microchannel ric wavy walls perform better than asymmetric ones. They further
geometries. In particular, the theoretical results underestimate expressed that wavy microchannels can be attractive candidates
the experimentally found heat transfer characteristics of nanoflu- for cooling high heat flux micro-electronic devices in the future.
ids [3]. Sui and Teo [5] studied fluid mixing and heat transfer enhance-
We use a two-phase Eulerian-Lagrangian model to study. By ment in three-dimensional wavy microchannels. They used water
treating the nanoparticles and the fluid separately, they can be as a coolant and concluded that the increase in mass flow rate
described using their own governing equations and no assump- increases the Nusselt number. Mohammed et al. [6] simulated heat
tions about the combined system, the nanofluid, are needed. This transfer enhancement in heat sinks consisting of wavy microchan-
nels. They demonstrated that wavy microchannels allow to
⇑ Corresponding author. enhance the heat transfer with only a small pressure drop and
E-mail address: (J. Rostami). reported the optimum amplitude of the wavy structureto obtain
0921-8831/Ó 2018 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder Technology Japan. All rights reserved.
926 J. Rostami et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 925–933


a wall amplitude (m) t wall thickness (m)

Ac cross sectional area T nondimensional temperature
b power of volume fraction in Eq. (24) U:V:W velocity component in x,y,z directions (m s1)
c power of particle diameter in Eq. (24) u:v :w nondimensional velocity component in x,y,z-direction
Cp heat capacity (kJ/kg K) X:Y:Z x,y,z coordinate (m)
Dh hydraulic diameter (m) x:y:z nondimensional X, Y, Z
Dp particle diameter (m)
dp nondimensional particle diameter Greek symbols
f normalized pressure drop w general variable (u, v, w) in Eq. (6)
Fb buoyancy force (N) / particle volume fraction
F br brownian force (N) k wall wavelength (m)
FD drag force (N) l viscosity (Pa s)
Fg gravity force (N) q density (kg m3)
FL Saffman’s lift force (N) h temperature (K)
Fp pressure gradient force (N) s time (s)
FT thermophoretic force (N) n:g:1 curvilinear coordinate components
H height of the microchannel (m) dV volume of Eulerian cells
J jacobean of the coordinate transformation
k thermal conductivity (W m1 K1) Subscripts
Lx :Ly :Lz micro device dimensions (m) B fluid bulk value
n normal direction on the walls f fluid
Nu Nusselt number
int solid-fluid interface
Nu:A Nusselt number and area Multiplication nf nanofluid
np number of particles p particle
P:p dimensional and nondimensional pressure (Pa) r ratio of Nusselt number of nanofluid to pure water
Pe Peclet number
s solid
Pr Prandtl number sf solid to fluid ratio
q00 heat flux at the bottom of the micro-device (W m2)
q11 :q22 :q33 q12 :q13 :q23 parameters defined in Eq. (8)
Re Reynolds number Superscripts
S width of the microchannel (m) c contravariant velocities

the maximum cooling performance. Rostami et al. [7] studied con- is suited to reproduce experimental data. Several authors have
jugated heat transfer in wavy microchannels to optimize the applied the two-phase Eulerian-Lagrangian model, where the fluid
geometry for the maximum Nusselt number. They found that the is described on an Eulerian grid and the particles follow Lagrangian
intensity of secondary flows and the size of recirculation zones trajectories, in circular microchannels using the FLUENT software
depend on geometrical parameters, so that there is an optimum package [10–12]. Bianco et al. [10] investigated two-phase nano-
geometry which has the maximum Nusselt number. fluid forced convection in a two-dimensional circular tube. The
Another way to increase the heat transfer is the change in fluid nanofluid was water with Al2O3 particles of 100 nm diameter.
properties. Adding nano-sized metal powder to the base fluid The maximum difference in the obtained heat transfer coefficient
improves heat transfer properties of the working fluid, i.e. known between single-phase and two-phase models is about 11% and
that using nanofluids instead of traditional fluids in heat transfer the heat transfer coefficient for two-phase model was larger than
applications results in an increase of the Nusselt number that of the base fluid. Wen et al. [11] and He et al. [12] have done
[9,10,12,13]. similar studies in pipe flow.
Jung et al. [13] experimentally studied forced convective heat Most previous articles are limited to two dimensional problems,
transfer of nanofluid in a single microchannel. Together with the while there are only few publications on three-dimensional heat
two base fluids water and Ethylene glycol, Al2O3 nanoparticles transfer problems. For example, three-dimensional natural convec-
with a diameter of 170 nm and volume concentration between tion heat transfer by nanofluids in an enclosure has been investi-
0.6 and 1.8% were used. They found larger heat transfer coefficients gated by Purusothaman et al. [14,15].
for smaller channel cross sectionsand reported a 32% increase in Rebay et al. [16] and Bianco et al. [17] introduce the microscale
the measured heat transfer coefficient for nanofluids with 1.8% and nanoscale heat transfer characteristics due to the presence of
particle volume fraction. nanofluids numerically and experimentally.
As stated above, single-phase simulations are based on empiri- In the case of nanofluid in wavy channels, Rashidi et al. [18]
cal relations for properties such as the thermal conductivity or studied different methods including Eulerian-Eulerian, VOF and
effective viscosity. In addition, they are known to under predict mixture methods in two phase models. They showed that the
the experimentally measured enhancement of the heat transfer Eulerian-Eulerian method underestimates the heat transfer coeffi-
properties of nanofluids [8,9]. Therefore, two-phase models are a cient in comparison with other two phase models.
better choice. Kalteh et al. [8,9] performed two-dimensional simu- To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no study of two-
lations of heat transfer enhancement in a microchannel heat sink phase modeling by means of an Eulerian-Lagrangian method of
utilizing nanofluid. They modeled the nanofluid by the Eulerian- nanofluids in wavy microchannels available in the literature. We
Eulerian method, where the particles and the fluid are described close this gap by studying three-dimensional conjugate heat trans-
by continuous Eulerian fields. They found that two-phase modeling fer in nanofluid-filled wavy microchannels using the Eulerian-
J. Rostami et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 925–933 927

Lagrangian two-phase model and predict the Nusselt number in two-way coupling between the fluid and particle phases is
wavy microchannel heat sinks. employed and appears in the momentum and energy equations
of the fluid as source terms.
2. Governing equations and boundary conditions Due to the wavy boundaries, we use a body fitted mesh.
Then, the governing equations are transformed from the Carte-
Fig. 1 shows the geometry of the wavy micro-channels on a sian coordinate system (x,y,z) to the boundary-fitted coordinate
micro-device. We choose the dimensions of the micro-device to system ðn:g:1Þ by introducing the following non-dimensional
be 10  10  0:5 mm3 . The flow is laminar, in, steady state, three parameters:
dimensional, incompressible and periodic. A channel is defined Xi  k Dp ks Ui P
by its wavelength (k), amplitude (a), height (H), wall thickness (t) xi ¼ :k ¼ :dp ¼ :ksf ¼ :ui ¼ :p ¼
Dh Dh Dh kf UB qf U 2B
and width (S). In our example, the wavelength of the 100 parallel ð1Þ
microchannels is k ¼ 200 lm. The hydraulic diameter is sU B kf h qf U B Dh lCpf
t ¼ :T ¼ 00
:Re ¼ :Pr ¼ :Pe ¼ Re:Pr
Dh ¼ 90 lm and other parameters are S ¼ 72 lm, H ¼ 120 lm Dh q Dh l kf
and t ¼ 28 lm These parameters are selected based on our previ- The governing equations including continuity, momentum and
ous study [7] as a geometry with maximum Nusselt number. For energy in a general non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinate frame-
the simulations, it is sufficient to investigate the flow in a unit cell work with ðn:g:1Þ can be expressed as follows [21,22]:
as defined in Fig. 1. Continuity:
Another characteristic of the wavy channels is the critical Rey-
nolds number to transition from laminar flow to turbulence. In the @ð1  /Þuc @ð1  /Þv c @ð1  /Þwc
þ þ ¼0 ð2Þ
wavy walls channel the critical Reynolds number depends on 2a=k @n @g @1
and is less than the critical Reynolds number (Rec = 2300) for with the definitions
straight channels [19]. Tolentino et al. [20] have shown that the
critical Reynolds number is even less than 250 for 2a=k ¼ 0:18. uc ¼ Jðnx þ ny þ nz Þ
Therefore, to be sure that the flow remains laminar and to avoid v c ¼ Jðgx þ gy þ gz Þ ð3Þ
a large pressure drop, we assure Re < 250 and 2a=k ¼ 0:2. w ¼ Jð1x þ 1y þ 1z Þ:
Our base fluid has the properties of water, the nano-particle
parameters correspond to Cu and Al2O3 and the body is made of where ‘‘J” is the Jacobean of the coordinate transformation and is
silicon. equal to the volume of each Eulerian cell (dV).
We neglect the interactions between particles, because the par-
J ¼ dV ¼ xn yg z1 þ x1 yn zg þ xg y1 zn  xn y1 zg  x1 yg zn  xg yn z1 ð4Þ
ticle diameter is small and the volume fraction is less than 0.02. A

Fig. 1. Geometry of the wavy microchannel and computational domain.

928 J. Rostami et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 925–933

2 3 2 3
nx ny nz yg z1  y1 zg z g x1  z 1 xg xg y1  x1 yg For the temperature field, there are four boundary conditions:
6 7 6 7
4 gx gy gz 7 6
5 ¼ 4 y1 zn  yn z1 z1 xn  zn x1 x1 yn  xn y1 7
5 ð5Þ
1. At the inlet and outlet boundaries, periodic boundary condi-
1x 1y 1z yn zg  yg zn zn xg  zg xn xn yg  xg yn tions are used.

Momentum: Tð0:y:zÞ ¼ Tð0:5k :s  y:zÞ  DT B

@ð1  /Þuc w @ð1  /Þv c w @ð1  /Þwc w X T s ð0:y:zÞ ¼ T s ð0:5k :s  y:zÞ  DT B
p 3 qp dwpj ð12Þ
þ þ ¼  dp þ
@n @g @1 6 qf ds ð0:5kÞðt þ SÞ
j¼1 DT B ¼ :Ac ¼ S:H
    Ac Pe
@ ð1  /ÞJq11 @ ð1  /ÞJ
wn þ ðq12 wg þ q13 w1 Þ þ where DT B is the rise in fluid bulk temperature from (x ¼ 0) to
@n Re @n Re
    (x ¼ 0:5k ) and ‘‘t + S” is the pitch of the microchannel which corre-
@ ð1  /ÞJq22 @ ð1  /ÞJ sponds to 100 mm. In addition, ð0:5kÞðt þ SÞ is the part of the bottom
wg þ ðq12 wn þ q23 w1 Þ þ
@g Re @g Re area of the micro-device where the heat flux is applied to.
    2. In the ‘‘y” direction for one pitch, the boundary condition is also
@ ð1  /ÞJq33 @ ð1  /ÞJ
w1 þ ðq13 wn þ q23 wg Þ þ ð1  /ÞJSwp : periodic because of the geometry.
@1 Re @1 Re
ð6Þ 3. The top wall is insulated and a constant heat flux is applied to
the bottom walls:
where w is u, v and w and
JSup ¼ Jðpn nx þ pg gx þ p1 1x Þ @hs  @hs  1
q00 ¼ ks ! ¼ ð13Þ
JSvp ¼ Jðpn ny þ pg gy þ p1 1y Þ ð7Þ @Z bottom @Z bottom ksf
p ¼ Jðpn nz þ pg gz þ p1 1z Þ
4. On the interface between solid and fluid, the conjugate bound-
ary condition is applied. This condition is based on continuous
Also: flux and temperature at the interface and defined as follows:
q11 ¼ nx nx þ ny ny þ nz nz :q22 ¼ gx gx þ gy gy þ gz gz hs ¼ hf
@h  @h  @T  @T  ð14Þ
q33 ¼ 1x 1x þ 1y 1y þ 1z 1z :q12 ¼ nx gx þ ny gy þ nz gz ð8Þ ks  ¼ knf  ! ks  ¼ knf 
@N s @N @nnf @n s nf
q13 ¼ nx 1x þ ny 1y þ nz 1z :q23 ¼ gx 1x þ gy 1y þ gz 1z
where ‘‘n” is the direction normal to the surface and Tnf is the tem-
Energy in fluid:
perature of the nanofluid in each cell based on Eq. (15). By applying
@ð1  /Þuc T @ð1  /Þv c T @ð1  /Þwc T p 3 ðqCpÞp X
np the conjugate boundary condition, a given temperature on the
dT pj
þ þ ¼  dp þ interface is achieved.
@n @g @1 6 ðqCpÞf j¼1 ds
    ð1  /ÞðqCpÞf T þ ðqCpÞp T p
@ ð1  /ÞJq11 @ ð1  /ÞJ T nf ¼
Tn þ ðq12 T g þ q13 T 1 Þ þ ð1  /ÞðqCpÞf þ /ðqCpÞp
@n Pe @n Pe
@ Jð1  /Þq22 @ ð1  /ÞJ All of the boundary conditions for temperature based on Fig. 1
Tg þ ðq12 T n þ q23 T 1 Þ þ are tabulated as follows: Table 1
@g Pe @g Pe
    Governing equations for particles:
@ ð1  /ÞJq33 @ ð1  /ÞJ The particle motion is studied in the Lagrangian view and their
T1 þ ðq13 T n þ q23 T g Þ :
@1 Pe @1 Pe governing equations are as follows:
ð9Þ Particle positions:

Energy in solid: dX p
¼ Up : ð16Þ
@ @
ðJq T n Þ þ ðJq12 T g þ Jq13 T 1 Þþ Momentum:
@n 11 @n
Forces are summed up in the momentum equation as [11].
@ @
ðJq T g Þ þ ðJq T n þ Jq23 T 1 Þþ ð10Þ dU p
@ g 22 @ g 12 mp ¼ F D þ F L þ F g þ F b þ F br þ F p þ F T : ð17Þ
@ @
ðJq T 1 Þ þ ðJq13 T n þ Jq23 T g Þ ¼ 0 The forces are the drag force, the Saffman lift, the gravity force,
@ 1 33 @1
buoyancy, forces causing Brownian motion, the fluid pressure gra-
where the second term in the momentum and the first term in the dient and thermo-phoretic forces respectively (see [24]).
energy equations are the source terms due to the presence of Energy:
nanoparticles as defined by [23]. Also, ‘‘ dV ” is the volume of the The energy equation for particles is [25]
Eulerian cells and ‘‘np” is the number of nano-particles in the Eule-
dhp 6hp
rian cell. qp Cpp ¼ ðh  hp Þ ð18Þ
The Knudsen number is less than 0.001. This allows us to ds Dp
assume no slip conditions for the velocity (u = v = w = 0) and no where ‘‘hp” is defined as [26]
jump of the temperature at wall boundaries. At the inlet and outlet,
hp dp
periodic boundary conditions are applied: Nup ¼ ¼ 2 þ 1:1Re0:6
p Pr

uð0:y:zÞ ¼ uð0:5k :s  y:zÞ
v ð0:y:zÞ ¼ v ð0:5k :s  y:zÞ ð11Þ To define the nanofluid bulk temperature, hB is evaluated at
 constant n and used in the Nusselt number calculation as:
wð0:y:zÞ ¼ wð0:5k :s  y:zÞ:
J. Rostami et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 925–933 929

Table 1
Boundary conditions for temperature.

Inlet/outlet Interface Right (z direction) Left (z direction) Up/down (y direction)

Nanofluid Periodic Conjugate Insulated Conjugate Conjugate
Body Periodic Conjugate Insulated Constant Heat Flux Periodic

knf @n int a fully developed region are validated against the analytical results
Nux ¼ : ð20Þ
kf ðhw  hB Þ for forced convection flow in straight square ducts by Tunc and
Bayazitoglu [30]. In the case of the wavy channel, the results are
where the subscript ‘‘int” denotes the solid-fluid interface, compared with data obtained by Muley et al. [31]. The present
R Xnp0 results are in good agreement with [30,31]. In the case of nanofluid,
ðqCpÞf ð1  /ÞUhdðdVÞ þ p6 D3p ðqCpÞp j¼1 U pj hpj results are compared with experimental results of Jung et al. [13].
hB ¼ R Xnp0 ð21Þ The agreement between the present method and the results of
qf Cpnf ð1  /ÞUdðdVÞ þ p6 D3p qp Cpnf j¼1 U pj
[13,30,31] has been shown in our previous work [24]. Also, the
physics of the flow and temperature field in the wavy walls
where ‘‘np0” is the number of the particles in the cells in the same
microchannels has been illustrated in our previous articles [7,24].
It was proposed by Heris et. al. [3], Pak and Cho [32], Xuan and
Li [33] and Xuan and Roetzel [34], that convective heat transfer
3. Numerical solution enhancement is mainly due to the dispersion of the suspended
nanoparticles. Then, the main source of disagreement between
The governing equations for the fluid and the solid body are the experimental data and the single-phase homogeneous model
solved using the finite volume technique on a collocated grid. In is that Brownian forces are neglected in those simulations. How-
this arrangement, all parameters such as velocity components (u, ever, in the current study we show that the main force which
v,w), pressure and temperature are located at the same nodes. affects the Nusselt number is indeed the drag force and not the
The HYBRID differencing [27] is used for the approximation of Brownian force. To assure this, we run simulations including all
the convective terms. For velocity and pressure the SIMPLE algo- forces given in Eq. (17) and compare the results to simulations
rithm [28] employed. The grid points are generated in a non- where we remove all contributing forces except the Brownian
uniform manner with a higher concentration of points close to and drag force. In this case, the Nusselt number changes by more
the walls. than 0.5%. If we also, neglect the Brownian force, the Nusselt num-
To eliminate the checkerboard pressure due to using a collo- ber differs by less than 0.1%. This subject has been claimed by Bon-
cated grid, the Rhie and Chow [29] interpolation is used in the giorno [35]. He studied heat transfer in the nanofluids by order of
pressure correction equation. To ensure that the results of the magnitude analysis without solving the governing equations in a
numerical study are independent of the computational grid, a grid certain domain. He showed that the Brownian force doesn’t affect
sensitivity analysis is carried out and the mesh with 45  36  56 the Nusselt number. Thus, the question to be asked is what is the
grid points is selected [24] Table 2. source of difference between the homogeneous model and experi-
After solving the fluid, the equations for the particles are solved mental data? There are three main assumptions in the single-
by a 4th order Runge-Kutta method. Then, velocities, temperature phase model. First, the velocity of the particle is equal to the veloc-
and positions of each particle obtained and the source terms to be ity of its surrounding fluid. Second, the temperature of a particle is
used in the fluid governing equations are calculated. After that, we equal to the temperature of its surrounding fluid. Third, the parti-
solve again for the fluid using the updated source terms and iterate cles are distributed homogenously in the domain. These assump-
this procedure until the Nusselt number converges. The minimum tions are not required for the two-phase model used in this
number of the particles is 4:1  106 for Dp ¼ 150 nm:/ ¼ 0:0025 study and we investigate the validity of k these assumptions in
and the maximum number is 3:3  107 particles for Figs. 2–4.
Dp ¼ 100 nm:/ ¼ 0:02. The solver for the governing equations is
parallelized using MPI and depending on the number of particles
16–256 CPUs of a state of the art Linux cluster are used.

4. Results and discussion
Results are carried out for a range of volume fractions from 0 to 1.72
2% and particle diameters of 100–150 nm for two types of
nanoparticles namely Cu and Al2O3, We choose these two different
up , uf

materials because of their different thermal conductivities. In order

to verify the accuracy of the present numerical study, the results in

Table 2
Grid independency.
Grid No. of nodes Nu
36  26  42 39,312 10.013
40  30  46 55,200 9.823 1.64
0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3
44  32  50 70,400 9.748
48  36  56 96,768 9.630 x
52  38  60 118,560 9.613
Fig. 2. Velocity of a randomly selected particle and its surrounding fluid.
930 J. Rostami et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 925–933

0.025026 equations. However, the main problem is the knowledge of the

particle distribution. If it is non-homogenous, it might be the main
source of difference between the results of single and two-phase
models. With the two-phase Eulerian-Lagrangian model at hand
we do have direct access to the particle distribution and are able
to investigate this effect.
In Figs. 2–4 we discuss the three main assumptions of the
homogenous single-phase model. However, using Figs. 5, 6 we jus-
tify the higher pressure drop of Cu in comparison with Al2O3. The

velocity profile at the exit section of the channel is shown in

Fig. 5 for different nanofluids at / ¼ 0:02. It can be seen, that
0.025022 water-Cu shows a slightly larger velocity gradient near the wall.
The density of Cu is higher than that of Al2O3 and obviously pure
Particle Temperature water. Thus, the impact of inertia plays a larger role for Cu, i.e. iner-
Fluid Temperature tial forces are stronger in the u-momentum equation, resulting in a
higher velocity gradient near the wall for Cu in comparison with
0.0125 0.013 0.0135 0.014 0.0145 0.015 According to Fig. 5, the pressure drop of nanofluids is illustrated
in Fig. 6. The pressure drop increases with /. It is clear that due to
Fig. 3. Temperature of a randomly selected particle and its surrounding fluid. the higher velocity gradient near the wall the water-Cu nanofluid

Fig. 2 shows the velocity of a randomly selected particle and the

velocity of its surrounding fluid. It can be seen that the velocity of -0.1
the particle fluctuates due to the Brownian motion. However, the
average velocity of the particle is equal to the velocity of the sur- -0.2
rounding fluid, which justifies the first assumption of the homoge- Water
nous single-phase model. Water-Al2O3
-0.3 Water-Cu
Fig. 3 depicts the temperature of a randomly selected particle
and the temperature of its surrounding fluid. The data clearly
demonstrates the similarity of the particle temperature and the

temperature of the fluid. Thus, we confirm that the second

assumption of the homogenous single-phase model is correct. -0.5
Fig. 4 shows the time averaged particle distribution in the fluid.
Fig. 4(a) depicts the volume fraction at the outlet section (x = 0.5) -0.6
and Fig. 4(b) in the flow direction (xy-plane). It can be seen that
the particles are not homogeneously distributed. The particle dis- -0.7
tribution strongly depends on the fluid velocity and the upstream
flow as shown and reported by Mirzaei et al. [36]. A higher concen-
tration of particles in some parts of the domain affects the flow and
heat transfer fields and has significant effects on the local Nusselt 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
number. Following his argument that the Browninan motion does u
not affect the Nusselt number, Boungiorno [30] claimed that if we
know the particle distribution we can solve the single-phase model Fig. 5. u-profile for Re = 200 at x = 0.5 k and Z = 0.5H at the / ¼ 0:02.



-0.4 0.0200

-0.5 0.0164
-0.6 0.0109
-0.7 0.0073
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Particle distribution for Re = 200 at Z = 0.5H for / ¼ 0:02 (a) at x = 0.5 k (b) at the ‘‘xy” plane.
J. Rostami et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 925–933 931

0.23 Fig. 8 shows the mean Nusselt number versus / for water-Cu. It
can be seen that the Nusselt number linearly increases with /.
Also, the obtained Nusselt numbers are larger for smaller particles.
Water - Cu The Nusselt number is 12.55 for Dp ¼ 100 nm:/ ¼ 0:02. This corre-
Water - Al2O3 sponds to an increase of about 31% in comparison with pure water.
This might be due to larger thermal conduction coefficient of Cu in
comparison to Al2O3.
0.22 The relevant parameters determining the heat transfer rate are
the Nusselt number and the interfacial area between the fluid and

the body. Then the multiplication of the Nusselt number and the
0.215 interfacial area for nanofluid in the wavy microchannel can be
compared with pure water in a straight microchannel:

0.21 Nu:Ar ¼ : ð22Þ

This results in a NuAr for water-Al2O3 of 2.83 and of 3.3 for

0.205 water-Cu.
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Fig. 9 illustrates the ratio of nanofluid and base fluid Nusselt
φ numbers for different Reynolds numbers. It is obvious that the
maximum ratio is obtained at Re = 225. In other words, adding
Fig. 6. Pressure drop versus /.
metal particles to the base fluid is more significant in laminar flow.
Adding metal particles to the fluid increases the thermal conduc-
shows a higher pressure drop in comparison to water-Al2O3. Also, tivity and this property appears in the diffusion terms of the energy
the difference between the pressure drop of both nanofluids equation. It is clear that increasing the Reynolds number (convec-
increases with /. The pressure drop for water-Cu with tive terms) is a better way to increase the Nusselt number. But,
Dp ¼ 100 nm:/ ¼ 0:02 is about 10.6% more than the pressure drop adding nanoparticles increases the ‘‘k” in diffusive terms of the
for pure water. energy equation. The diffusive terms are more effective near the
As shown in detail in our previous papers [7,24], due to sec- wall, where the thermal boundary condition affects the domain.
ondary flows and recirculation zones in the wavy microchannels, Also, an increase of ‘‘k” is more sensible at low Reynolds numbers,
the Nusselt number is increased in comparison with straight where the diffusive terms play more sensible role in compare with
micro-channels. Also, by adding nano-sized metal particle to the the convective terms in the energy equation of the fluid.
base fluid the thermal conductivity of the working fluid increases According to the obtained Nusselt number for both nanofluid in
the Nusselt number. Using nanofluid with insignificant increase Figs. 7 and 8a correlation including Reynolds number, particle
in pressure drop and large increase in Nusselt number is a suitable diameter and volume fraction can be obtained:
way to enhance heat transfer in the wavy microchannels. The
mean Nusselt number is shown in Fig. 7 versus / for water- Nu0 ¼ 1:63  104 ðRe þ 50Þ1:9 þ 3:7: Pure water ð23Þ
Al2O3. It can be seen that it increases with /. At the same volume
fraction, but with decreased particle diameter and increased parti-
cle number, the mean Nusselt number increases. The mean Nusselt Nu ¼ Nu0 1 þ C N c Nanofluid: ð24Þ
number for pure water is 9.58 but it is 10.75 for water-Al2O3 with
Dp ¼ 100 nm:/ ¼ 0:02. In other words, the Nusselt number incre-
ment is 12.2% in comparison with pure water. where a, b and CN are presented in Table 3.

10.75 D p = 100 nm
D p = 100 nm D p = 120 nm
10.5 D p = 150 nm D p = 135 nm
D p = 150 nm




9.5 9.5
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
φ φ
Fig. 7. Mean Nusselt number for water-Al2O3 versus /. Fig. 8. Mean Nusselt number for water-Cu versus /.
932 J. Rostami et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 925–933

1.1 1.225


1.08 1.175

φ = 0.0075 1.15

φ = 0.015 φ = 0.0075

1.06 1.125 φ = 0.015


150 175 200 225 250 150 175 200 225 250
Re Re
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. Nusselt number ratio versus Re in two different / and (a) Dp ¼ 150 nm for water-Al2O3 (b) Dp ¼ 120 nm for water-Cu.

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