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Name : Bevan Pramudito Hendratman

Student Number : 14010120190051

Subject : Indonesian Political Analysis

How to strengthen the consolidation of democracy again? What to do? And what can
you do as students?
Democratic consolidation is a very important process in maintaining the stability and
sustainability of democracy in a country. This is done through efforts aimed at strengthening
democratic institutions and practices, including public participation in political activities. As
students, we also have an important role in helping the consolidation of democracy in
Indonesia. One way to strengthen the consolidation of democracy is to strengthen democratic
institutions such as parliament, political parties and election supervisory institutions. Through
the strengthening of these institutions, political decision-making will be created, and the
public can choose representatives who are able to represent their interests well. Apart from
that, the active participation of the people in political activities is also an important factor in
strengthening the consolidation of democracy. Through this participation, the community can
influence political decisions taken by the government, so as to create a political order that is
more inclusive and responsive to the needs of the community.
As students, we can help consolidate democracy by participating in political activities, such
as general elections, protests, or social activities aimed at fighting for people's rights. Apart
from that, we can also fight for the rights and interests of the people through political action
campaigns that aim to increase public awareness. According to the article "The Role of
Students in the Consolidation of Democracy" by Ahmad Nur Fauzi and Dwi Sunu
Kurniawan, students can also strengthen the consolidation of democracy by becoming agents
of change that encourage the creation of a political order that is better and more responsive to
the interests of society. This can be done through research, protest actions, and social
activities that protect the interests of society.
In the Indonesian context, efforts to strengthen democratic consolidation are very important,
considering that Indonesia is a country that is still in the transitional stage of democracy.
Therefore, we as students must play an active role in helping the implementation of the
consolidation of democracy in Indonesia, by participating in political activities and fighting
for people's rights through various campaign activities.

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