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EHIMY: Hello Claudia and Johan how are you?

CLAUDIA: Hello Ehimy I very well thank you

JOHAN: Hello Ehimy, I'm fine

EHIMY: How's it going, time to see you, what are you doing?

CLAUDIA: Now, I’m doing some homework and listening to music. And you Ehimy?

EHIMY: Now I'm doing a computer assignment. and you johan?

JOHAN: Now I am listening to music and I am studying an English course. I am studying

International Business Administration at the UTP university and I am working at Tottus.

EHIMY: That's great, and what do you do when you're on vacation?

CLAUDIA: I usually get up at 9am. I have breakfast at 10am and brush my teeth. After, I spend
time with my family. Sometimes we go to the beach or go to the park, after that, we usually
have lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon, I listen to music or watch videos. Also, I go to the
gym and arrive home at 8pm. I have dinner and go to bed at 10pm and you Johan?

JOHAN: Interesting routine. In my case, during my vacations I normally practice dancing at an

academy, I really like dancing, I also often travel to see my family in Ica and we all go to the
beach together. I play sports in the afternoon twice a week, I go to play with my friends in the
parks or we go to the cinema to watch some movies and you Ehimy?

EHIMY: On my vacations I usually spend time with my family, have family dinners or karaoke,
sometimes board games, then trip to huanuco with my boyfriend was incredible we entered
the cave of the lechusas it was a lot of fun and if I don't travel I usually enroll in certain courses
in the summer to advance, I also go to the beach with some friends.

CLAUDIA: Wow, well see you later I have to go to class, take care of yourselves.

JOHAN: I'll go buy some things for dinner, see you later.

EHIMY: See you son.

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