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Chapter 13: Activity 1

Instructions: In this activity you will make a comprehensive note-taking/outline of

the lecture/discussion found in chapter 13 of the book. Highlight the different
terminologies and its concepts. This will help you to maximize your productivity,
efficiency, and retention in preparation for a particular evaluation such as the
succeeding chapter exercises/activities.

Conflict A perceived incompatibility of actions or goals.

A condition marked by low levels of hostility and
Peace aggression and by mutually beneficial relationships.
What creates conflict?
Social trap A situation in which the conflicting parties, by each
rationally pursuing its self-interest, become caught in
mutually destructive behavior. Examples include the
Prisoner’s Dilemma and the Tragedy of the Commons.
Tragedy of the Commons The “commons” is any shared resource, including air,
water, energy sources, and food supplies. The tragedy
occurs when individuals consume more than their share,
with the cost of their doing so dispersed among all, causing
the ultimate collapse—the tragedy—of the commons.
Non-zero-sum games Games in which outcomes need not sum to zero. With
cooperation, both can win; with competition, both can lose.
(Also called mixedmotive situations. )
Mirror-image perceptions Reciprocal views of each other often held by parties in
conflict; for example, each may view itself as moral and
peace-loving and the other as evil and aggressive.
How can peace be achieved?
Equal-status contact Contact on an equal basis. Just as a relationship between
people of unequal status breeds attitudes consistent with
their relationship, so do relationships between those of
equal status. Thus, to reduce prejudice, interracial contact
should be between persons equal in status.
Superordinate goal A shared goal that necessitates cooperative effort; a goal
that overrides people’s differences from one another.
Bargaining Seeking an agreement to a conflict through direct
negotiation between parties.
Mediation An attempt by a neutral third party to resolve a conflict by
facilitating communication and offering suggestions.
Arbitration Resolution of a conflict by a neutral third party who studies
both sides and imposes a settlement.
Integrative agreements Win-win agreements that reconcile both parties’ interests
to their mutual benefit.
GRIT Acronym for “graduated and reciprocated initiatives in
tension reduction”—a strategy designed to de-escalate
international tensions.
Activity 2
Multiple choice
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. A
15. A
16. A
17. A
18. A
19. A
20. A
21. A

Activity 3

Instructions: Forgiveness is a complex process of change, and although beneficial

cannot be accomplished by simple means. It requires sustained effort and commitment.
It can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can give to yourself. We
certainly welcome it when we have made a mistake, acted inappropriately, or hurt
someone else. But forgiveness becomes difficult when we are the ones who have been
severely wounded.

Write about a time when you were hurt in a letter that you may or may not ever send
to the person who hurt you. Illustrate how you were affected by it at the time and the
hurtful or negative feelings you are still experiencing.

State what you wish the offender had done instead. End this forgiveness letter with an
explicit statement of forgiveness, understanding, and even empathy.

Dear Tang San (pseudonym),

I am writing this letter to express the anguish and pain I've been experiencing
since the incident between us. I felt absolutely betrayed and devastated by your
actions at the moment. I could not comprehend how someone I trusted and cared for
could have caused me such pain.

At that time, the pain I felt was unbearable. I felt as though a piece of me had been
torn away, and I could not shake the sense of betrayal. I had difficulty trusting others
and believing that people could be kind and sincere. I isolated myself from anyone,
and it was difficult for me to maintain any relationships.

I wish you had been forthright with me from the beginning. I wish you could have
understood the consequences of your actions and how much they affected me. I
believe we could have worked through this together and emerged stronger on the
other side if you had.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that I am still in pain from what happened, I want you to
know that I have forgiven you. I am aware that everyone makes mistakes, and I hope
you have learned from yours. I also hope that you have compassion and sympathy for
the suffering I have endured.

I hope one day we can both put this behind us and find peace.

Xiao Wu (pseudonym)


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