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FIRST, I have no tails or heads, so you probably won't make much of my story. I do not know how I
started or how I will end, but I could try to make a tail tale of it.

I have lived not lived far too long to tell my own tale. I was there before the ‘big bang”, as they call it
although how they know about that is as strange to me as my having a tail, oh well.

Here’s another, a tale that speaks of telling me. All through your puny existence, you have sought to tell
me. What? I will never know. You all watch the sun and speak of me; you watch the moons every
movement and try to tell my own; you regard the stars and predict the, well, me. It is always fun to
watch as they all act like they do know me. I wonder if any of them ever thought they were wrong or
what they'd been taught was wrong, that you couldn't tell where I am or will be, what I am or when I am
by the Sun, moon and stars. It all seems so infinitely silly.

There is another one, in this one I am a saying, "only time will tell", you should know of it. I don't like this
one cause it portrays me as a tattle tale. The least they could let me do is my own tattling. I mean ol'
time couldn't even tell his own tales and he tattles on others, oh the irony!

Oh and there's this one, "the truth will come out in time," now this one's just stupid, I mean how could
truth come out in me? They could have said, gone out with me or come to me or something other than
that. I guess your kind can't help it though, being silly like that. It's quite hilarious, a little joke that keeps
me laughing.

Oh there's another one, "passing time," this one's a little confusing. See I can't tell if they mean pass me
out or you know, pass by or something like that, and I really don't like being confused, so there I hate
this the most!

I seriously could go on and on, speaking of my tales but as I am not a Fox with 9 tails, I shall end here
hoping to continue at a later date, I do have all the time in the world. Do remember to tell of me.

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