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‫ال أحلل النسخ أو التوزيع ‪0535620425‬‬

‫ال احلل نشر اوراقي او‬

‫الدراسة منها بدون اذن‬
‫فهي نتاج جهد شخص ي‬

‫حل الواجبات االلكترونية‬

‫‪Listening U 2 Book 2‬‬

‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف ‪0535620425‬‬

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ أو التوزيع‬

Part 1: " Vocabulary "

1- A : I felt so much pride when I saw my son.

B : ______________ ______________ ______________
a- I know . it was surprising to see him come home so early.
b- You should be pleased . Graduation from medical school is a major accomplishment.
c- I felt sad , too . It is difficult to see him so thin and unhealthy .
2- A: The man said to drive straight , but I don't see the park anywhere. Is he right?
B: ______________ ______________ ______________
a- Yes, turn right. Then you'll see it.
b- Yes, just keep going . You are almost there.
c- Yeah, just keep curving to the left . You'll get there.
3- Did you see Noori's house ? Wasn't it beautiful?
B: ______________ ______________ ______________
a- Yes , I thought it was very nice .
b- No , it was built in the 1980s.
4- A: For my husband's retirement , I want to get him a clock with an unusual shape.
B: ______________ ______________ ______________
a- You should get him a clock that looks like a soccer ball!
b- You should get him a clock that tells the date .
c- You should get him a colorful clock.
5- A: Do you like living a peaceful environment ?
B: ______________ ______________ ______________
a- Yes, I like living in the country where it is quiet.
b- Yes, I like living where there is a lot of activity .
c- No , I prefer the fresh air of the mountains.
6- A: Do you think these shoes match my dress?
B: ______________ ______________ ______________
a- Yes . They're a very good price !
b- Not really. The blue shoes look strange with your green dress.
c- Not really . They look too casual for an interview .
7- A: ______________ ______________ ______________
B : No, I think it was a solid color.
a- Did her scarf have a nice pattern?
b- Was her scarf made of silk ?
c- Was she wearing a blue scarf?
8- A: The sun was really brilliant today.
B : ______________ ______________ ______________
a- I wish it would clear up . I'd like to go to the beach.
b- I know. It was too hot to stay outside for long.
c- You're right . It looked like it was going to rain.
9- A: Is that a frog over there ? Wow, it really blends in with the ground .
B: ______________ ______________ ______________
a- Yes, its color helps it hide from other animals.
b- Yes , it's a very dangerous frog.
c- Yes , it sleeps for most of the day.

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ أو التوزيع‬

Match the underlined word or phrase with the correct definition.

1. painted the walls blue to match the blue carpet.
2. The sky is a brilliant blue today.
3. This house is in a forest. It is made of wood to blend in with the trees around it.
4. The garden has an unusual shape. It is round, not square.
5. This street is straight. It doesn't have any bends in it.
a. to look like the things around
b. very bright
c. in a direct line, not curved
d. the form of something, such as a circle
e. to be the same color as something else
Is the underlined word a verb or a noun?
1. Don't paint your car purple! No one will want to buy it. ______________
2. The car is making a strange sound. ______________
3. The color of this dress looks red to me, but Liz says it's orange. ______________
4. We need to think of a good name for our new product. ______________
5. Children often color trees blue or make the sun pink. ______________
6. They're going to name the baby Paul, after his father. ______________
7. "Pretty Pink"? To me, that sounds like something for a girl. ______________
8. We need about three gallons of paint for the living room. ______________

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

warning hide solid

poison Survive brilliant
shape match peaceful
pride straight
predator beautiful

Part 2: " Grammar "

1- ____________a new business class at the university this term .
a- There is
b- It is
2- Oh, not ____________already 7:30. We're going to be late .
a- there is
b- it is
3- Did you taste this bread ? ____________delicious.

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ أو التوزيع‬

a- There is
b- It is
4- ____________a police station on first avenue.
a- There is
b- It is
5- Look ! ____________Snowing !
a- There is
b- It is
6- ____________dangerous to drive without your seat belt.
a- There is
b- It is
7- ____________A lecture at the auditorium tonight .
a- There is
b- It is
8- I need a jacket. ____________very windy today .
a- There is
b- It is
9- ____________someone at the door . Can you answer it ?
a- There is
b- It is
10- I have to take this sociology class. ____________ Required for my major.
a- There is
b- It is
11- ____________ a bank on Main Street.
a- There is
b- It is
12- Have you been to the new restaurant? ____________ very expensive.
a- There is
b- It is
13- In Madagascar, ____________ a type of frog called the cryptic frog.
a- there is
b- it is
14- I don't know this city well. ____________ a park?
a- There is
b- It is
c- Is there
15- I've seen another building by this architect. ____________ an apartment building.
a- There is
b- It is

Choose ( there's or it's ) to complete the paragraph.

It's winter, and I'm here just north of the Arctic Circle. ______________snow all around me. ______________ bright
and beautiful, but of course very cold, too. ______________ an interesting kind of animal that lives here in the Arctic.
______________the Arctic fox. Oh look, ______________one now! ______________ running across the snow.
Actually, ______________ very difficult to see the fox, because it has white fur. ______________ a very good form

of camouflage in the winter. But ______________ no snow in the summer, so what does the fox do then? Well, this

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ أو التوزيع‬

is what makes the fox so interesting. In the summer, its fur changes to a brown-gray color. ______________ the
perfect color to help the fox blend in with the summer colors in the Arctic.

‫ال احلل نشر اوراقي او‬

‫الدراسة منها بدون اذن‬
‫فهي نتاج جهد شخص ي‬
‫ال أحلل القطيات‬

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

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