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2009 Тест 1

2009 Test 1
I. Выберите слово, точно подходящее по смыслу, и обведите его кружком.

1. Не is far from being a supporter of modern trends in education. He has a strong ______ in all-
round classical education.
view conviction belief glance

2. In a multiple-choice exercise it’s sometimes easier to ___________ the wrong answers before
choosing the right one.
eliminate exclude expel omit

3. I’m sorry, but the book is out of __________. However, you can ask for it in the library.
order stock store supply

4. The goods were displayed so well that you couldn’t _____________ the temptation to buy.
deny miss resist object

5. The only feature ______________ to these two flowers is their preference for sandy soil.
similar same shared common

6. Learners of English as a foreign language often fail to____________ between unfamiliar

sounds in the language.
separate differ distinguish divide

7. I am very ______________ in the information you have given me.

concerned surprised shocked interested

8. It is usually better not to ______________ things, in case they are not returned.
lend offer borrow collect

9. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not ___________ your television sets.
change adjust repair switch

10.I lost too much money playing cards last time, so you won’t __________ me to play again.
talk assure persuade make

из 10 баллов ______________

II. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями.


1. _______ our surprise he insisted _______ seeing the documents.

2. I am not used _______ people making fun _______ me and I don’t think it is the occasion
_______ laughter.

3. I object ___________ being kept waiting. Why can’t you be _______ time?

4. The horse stopped suddenly and the rider fell _______ . He couldn’t get _______ again
_______ help and there was no one _______ sight.

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2009 Тест 1

5. He arrived _______ London _______ 6 p.m. _______ a foggy November day. We often have
fogs _______ November.

6. Remember to be _______ good time _______ the opera because if you’re late they won’t let
you _______ ________ the end _______ the act.

из 20 баллов ______________

III. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму, написав правильный ответ в отведенном


When I (open)(1) __________________________ the door I (see) (2)

__________________________ a man on his knees. He clearly (listen) (3)
__________________________ to our conversation and I (wonder) (4)
__________________________ how much he (hear) (5) __________________________ . When

I (ask) (6) __________________________ him what he (do) (7) __________________________
he (say) (8) __________________________ that he (drop) (9) __________________________ a
50 p piece outside the door and (look) (10) __________________________ for it. I (not see) (11)
__________________________ any sign of the money, but I (find) (12)
__________________________ a small notebook and pencil which he probably (drop) (13)
__________________________ when the door (open) (14) __________________________
suddenly. So he (take) (15) __________________________ notes of our conversation! The notes
(be) (16) __________________________ written in a foreign language, so I (turn)
(17)___________ to the stranger and (ask) (18) __________________________ him to translate.
But he (pull) (19) __________________________ my hat over my eyes and (run) (20)
__________________________ down the corridor. By the time I (recover) (21)
__________________________ from the shock he (disappear) (22)
__________________________ round the corner. Curiously enough, when I (move)
(23) __________________________ my foot I (find) __________________________
that I (stand) (25) __________________________ on a 50 p piece. Perhaps he (tell) (26)
__________________________ the truth after all!
By the time I (complete) (27) __________________________ my studies next month, I (live) (28)

__________________________ in London for nearly a year. I (not think) (29)

__________________________ I (stay) (30) __________________________ any longer after
из 30 баллов ______________

IV. Выберите модальный глагол из предложенного списка и внесите его в отведенное

место в нужной форме, при этом глагол в скобках также необходимо поставить в

соответствующую форму.

/саn, may, must, should, have to, be to, be able to, needn’t/

1. The computer isn’t working. It ________________________ (damage) during production, I’m

2. Bill______________ (not bear) to see anyone sitting round idly. Whenever he found me
relaxing or reading he would produce a job which, he said, to his regret
________________________ (do) at once.

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3. A: I have just watered the roses.

B: You ________________________ (water) them. Look, it’s raining now!

4. Patient: Yesterday I went out, got caught in the rain and got wet through to the bones. Now I’ve
got a sore throat.

5. Doctor: First of all you ________________________ (take) an umbrella with you! This is rule
number one at this time of the year.
5. A: Peter says he saw, you at the theatre yesterday.

B: He ________________________ (not see) me. I wasn’t there.

6. Don’t try to look at all the pictures in the gallery. Otherwise when you get home
you________________________ (not remember) any of them.

7. The buses were all full, so we________________________ (get) a taxi to be in time for the


8. Student: I’m terribly sorry, Professor, but I________________________ (not remember) what
exactly you said in your last lecture.
Professor: You ________________________ (listen) more carefully!
из 10 баллов ______________

V. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. Я давно смотрю это шоу. Уверен, что победитель последней игры уже знал вопросы и
ответы на них к началу программы.


2. Что у нас на обед? Если ты опять приготовила только овощи, я пойду в ресторан. С меня
хватит овощей!


3. - Когда вы обсуждали эту проблему последний раз?

- На днях. Нам еще раз объяснили, что на наш проект нет денег, и что мы сами должны

найти спонсоров (sponsors). Вряд ли это правда.


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2009 Тест 1

4. Ни Том, ни его младший брат ничего не знают о планах их старшего брата. Оба не
уверены, сумеет ли он приехать в Лондон в следующем месяце.

5. Едва они задали вопрос, как он ответил, не раздумывая.

6. - С Тедом трудно разговаривать!
- С его другом тоже. Оба любят спорить, но аргументы других людей никогда не

7. Мы прождали его полчаса, потом пошли домой. На следующий день мы узнали, что он
попал в аварию.

8. - Почему Анна хочет переехать в этот город? Там ведь часто идут дожди?
- Разве ты не знаешь, что она любит дождливую погоду? Каждый раз, когда идет дождь,
я вижу, как она гуляет без зонта.

9. - Вы видели его до концерта?


- Нет. Он еще не пришел, когда концерт начался. Он опоздал почти на полчаса.


10. - С каких пор здесь такое сильное движение(traffic)?

- С тех пор, как здесь построили новый мост. Раньше это был тихий район.


из 20 баллов ______________

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2009 Тест 1

VI. Прочтите текст и ответьте на предложенные вопросы, обведя кружком букву,

соответствующую правильному варианту ответа.

The White House, the official home of the United States president, was not built in time for
George Washington to live in it. It was begun in 1792 and was ready for its first inhabitants,
Line President and Mrs. John Adams, who moved in on November 1, 1800. When the Adamses moved

in, the White House was not yet complete, and the Adamses suffered many inconveniences; for
(5) example, the main staircase was incomplete, which hindered movement from floor to floor, and
the future laundry yard was merely a pool of mud, so wet laundry was hung in the unfinished East
Room to dry. Thomas Jefferson, the third president, improved the comfort of the White House in

many respects and added new architectural features such as the terraces on the east and west ends.
When the British forces burned the White House on August 24, 1814, President Madison
(10) was forced to leave. All that remained after the fire was the exterior walls; the interior was
completely destroyed. It was not until December of 1817 that the following president. James
Monroe, was able to move into a rebuilt residence. Since then, the White House has continued to
be modified but has been continuously occupied by each succeeding U.S. president.

1. Which of the following would be the

most appropriate title for this passage?
4. It can be inferred from the passage that
John Adams was
(A) George Washington s Life in the (A) the first president of the United
White House States
(B) The Burning of the White House (B) the second president of the United
(C) The Early History of the White States
House (C) the third president of the United
(D) Presidential Policies of Early U.S. States
Presidents (D) the fourth president of the United
2. Why did George Washington NOT live
in the White House?

(A) It had been burned by the British. 5. The author most likely discusses the
(B) He did not like the architectural “staircase" in line 5 in order to
(C) He did not want to suffer the (A) show the elegance of the new
inconveniences that the Adamses White House
had suffered. (B) explain the architectural features
(D) Construction had not yet been added by Jefferson

completed. (C) demonstrate what had to be rebuilt

after the fire
3. The word “inhabitants" in line 2 is (D) provide an example of an
closest in meaning to inconvenience in the White House

(A) modifications
(B) moves
(C) residents
(D) celebrations

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6. The word "hindered" in line 5 is closest 9. According to the passage, when James
in meaning to Monroe came to the White House, it
had been
(A) obstructed
(B) reinforced (A) repressed
(C) returned (B) reconstructed

(D) favored (C) relocated
(D) reserved
7. The word “forces” in line 9 could best
be replaced by 10. The paragraph following the passage

most likely discusses
(A) power
(B) effort (A) modifications by presidents who
(C) military lowed
(D) energy (B) the details of the destruction of the
White House by the British
8. According to the passage, which (C) James Monroe’s policies as

of the following best describes president
Thomas Jefferson’s tenure in the (D) other presidents who were unable
White House? to occupy the White House

(A) He had to flee the White House

because of the war with the British.
(B) He was accepting of the many
(C) He removed the terraces that had
been added by Adams.
(D) He worked to improve the
appearance and convenience of
the White House.

из 10 баллов ______________

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2009 Тест 1

Ответы 2009 Тест 1

I. II.

1. belief 1. To, on
2. eliminate 2. to, of, for

3. stock 3. to, on
4. resist 4. off, on, without, in
5. common 5. in, at, on, in
6. distinguish 6. in, for, in, until, of

7. interested
8. lend
9. adjust
10. persuade


1. opened 16. were
2. saw 17. turned
3. had been listening 18. asked
4. wondered 19. pulled
5. had heard 20. ran
6. asked 21. recovered
7. was doing/had been doing 22. Had disappeared
8. said 23. moved
9. had dropped 24. found
10. was looking/had been looking 25. had been standing
11. didn’t see 26. had been telling
12. found 27. complete/have completed
13. had dropped 28. will have lived/will have been living
14. opened 29. don’t think
15. Had been taking 30. will stay


1. must have been damaged 1. C

2. couldn’t bear 2. D
3. had to be done 3. C
4. needn’t have watered 4. B
5. should have taken 5. D

6. couldn’t have seen 6. A

7. won’t be able 7. C
8. had to get 8. D
9. can’t remember 9. B
10. should have listened 10. A

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2009 Тест 1


1. I have been watching this show for a long time. I’m sure that the winner of the latest game
had already known the questions and the answers to them by the beginning of the program.

2. What have we got for lunch? If you have only cooked vegetables again, I will go to the
restaurant. I’m fed up with vegetables!

3. -When did you last discuss this matter?

-The other day. It was explained to us once again that there was no money for our project
and that we had to find sponsors. It’s unlikely to be the truth.

4. Neither Tom, nor his younger brother knows anything about their eldest brother’s plans.

Neither of them is sure if he will be able/ will manage to arrive in/come to London next


5. Hardly had they asked a question, when he answered it without giving a moment to think it

6. -Ted is difficult to talk with!

-So is his friend. They both like argueing, but they are never listening to other people’s

7. We waited for him for half an hour and then we went home. The next day we learnt that he
had met with an accident.
8. –Why does Ann want to move to this city? It always rains there, doesn’t it?

-Don’t you know that she likes rainy weather? Every time it rains, I see her walking
without an umbrella.

9. -Did you see him before the concert?

-No, I didn’t. He hadn’t come yet, when the concert began. He was almost half an hour

10. -Since when has the traffic been so heavy here?


-Since a new bridge was built here. It used to be a quiet district.


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